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This is disgusting

Quick GMC

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To me, the big problem is his exaggerated opinion of himself and the grandiose descriptions of his models. His models are far from great, nowhere near perfect, not nearly as nicely done as a majority of the builds posted in the forum but I have seen builds of poorer quality entered in contests, by people who anticipate winning. We don't know who does buy his models but those who do might not have the opportunity to build at all.

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I've done a couple of contract builds and certainly do not do this for a living. eBay is definitely not my market, but what bugs me about this is that any time someone puts shoddy workmanship in the market and portents to be a "Pro Builder" with 45 years of experience, they degrade the integrity of all who try to put honest product out there. I can think of a number of builders on this board who sell their work that would be embarrassed to put this level of work out for purchase. It taints the market for all.

This rant isn't about people who would put their models on the board for critique. It is about a vendor not delivering quality product. There is a significant difference.

Edited by Pete J.
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But for 48$ you could probably get a nice die cast, or two.

The last time I bought Hot Wheels from Walmart they were .98 cent each, so you could get about 48 Hot Wheels (plus tax)


For $48.00 you could buy 69 White Castle sliders

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Really Guys, what is with the tearing down of this guy? So your toys are better than his. His estimation of his skill is high than perhaps it should be. Has this guy personally done anything to you? Has this auction harmed you in some way? This is bullying plain and simple.

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Really Guys, what is with the tearing down of this guy? So your toys are better than his. His estimation of his skill is high than perhaps it should be. Has this guy personally done anything to you? Has this auction harmed you in some way? This is bullying plain and simple.

You win the Internet for the day

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Really Guys, what is with the tearing down of this guy? So your toys are better than his. His estimation of his skill is high than perhaps it should be. Has this guy personally done anything to you? Has this auction harmed you in some way? This is bullying plain and simple.

I said it earlier in one of my posts but I will say it again. This isn't about bagging on some poor modeler about the model he brought to a contest or this forum. It is about a vendor putting out shoddy merchandise and claiming it to be something it isn't. It makes every modeler who sells built models a little more suspect in their dealings with the public. Undoubtedly someone will chime in "Buyer Beware" but any one who is burned by a merchant, drives a little piece of the market away. My point is asking for money for a product changes the discussion here by a long shot. It is no different than a company selling model kits that don't measure up. If that is bullying, then so be it. It clears the market of those who would cheat the public with substandard product. There is a difference.

Edited by Pete J.
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Well i did not mean hot wheels, that is just toys for kids. If you wanna check out some good 1/64 models look-up greenlight and m2 machines and auto-world, they make some very decent stuff.

Also this company MotorMax makes very model like cars and for only about 11-14$ a car. They have a decent selection of four door Chrysler cars from around early 80's which i can never find as models.

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I said it earlier in one of my posts but I will say it again. This isn't about bagging on some poor modeler about the model he brought to a contest or this forum. It is about a vendor putting out shoddy merchandise and claiming it to be something it isn't. It makes every modeler who sells built models a little more suspect in their dealings with the public. Undoubtedly someone will chime in "Buyer Beware" but any one who is burned by a merchant, drives a little piece of the market away. My point is asking for money for a product changes the discussion here by a long shot. It is no different than a company selling model kits that don't measure up. If that is bullying, then so be it. It clears the market of those who would cheat the public with substandard product. There is a difference.

He posted clear pictures, clear enough for the 'experts" here to pick it apart, the buyer knew what they were getting and bid appropriately. $48 bucks is not a lot for a built model of any real quality. I highly doubt anyone here was tempted to bid on it so the whole "buyer beware" point is moot. If I decided to sell one of my built kits would that be giving you guys licence to rip me a new one? why be so negative against a guy who is trying to make a few (very few) bucks.

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It isn't because of the builder's quality, it is because the builder represented them self as a "Pro" Modeler. As I stated in my earlier post I blame the high sale price on the buyer, the quality of the product is clearly represented in the seller's pictures. Yet someone thought it was so great they couldn't live without it!

I think it's also more of a case of " I can't believe someone actually bought that". To each their own, go figure.

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"Bullying." Really?

With all due respect, please leave the neo-psycho-babble out of it. This isn't grade school and there's no "bullying" going on, so there's no need to drag the PC Drivel of the Day into the discussion.

The guy is a snake oil salesman. What's so wrong with people calling him out on it? Even in absentia. If he's not a snake-oil salesman or styrene carpetbagger, let him come forth and explain what it is that makes him a "Pro" even though he can't complete a model competently.

It seems to me this is no different than people raising a warning flag or commenting on poorly-executed model kits or sloppy resin products or any number of other consumer issues.

But "bullying?" No. I call 'foul' on that.

{Actually, if you insist on using the over-used term, it's more like 'bullying' to tell people they can't or shouldn't express their thoughts or concerns, when you get right down to it.}

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Darin, are you serious? What Danno said.

He posted clear pictures, clear enough for the 'experts" here to pick it apart, the buyer knew what they were getting and bid appropriately. $48 bucks is not a lot for a built model of any real quality. I highly doubt anyone here was tempted to bid on it so the whole "buyer beware" point is moot. If I decided to sell one of my built kits would that be giving you guys licence to rip me a new one? why be so negative against a guy who is trying to make a few (very few) bucks.


"Bullying." Really?

With all due respect, please leave the neo-psycho-babble out of it. This isn't grade school and there's no "bullying" going on, so there's no need to drag the PC Drivel of the Day into the discussion.

The guy is a snake oil salesman. What's so wrong with people calling him out on it? Even in absentia. If he's not a snake-oil salesman or styrene carpetbagger, let him come forth and explain what it is that makes him a "Pro" even though he can't complete a model competently.

It seems to me this is no different than people raising a warning flag or commenting on poorly-executed model kits or sloppy resin products or any number of other consumer issues.

But "bullying?" No. I call 'foul' on that.

{Actually, if you insist on using the over-used term, it's more like 'bullying' to tell people they can't or shouldn't express their thoughts or concerns, when you get right down to it.}

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He posted clear pictures, clear enough for the 'experts" here to pick it apart, the buyer knew what they were getting and bid appropriately. $48 bucks is not a lot for a built model of any real quality. I highly doubt anyone here was tempted to bid on it so the whole "buyer beware" point is moot. If I decided to sell one of my built kits would that be giving you guys licence to rip me a new one? why be so negative against a guy who is trying to make a few (very few) bucks.

You are clearly missing the entire point. It's not about the quality. it's not about bullying (which is an absurd claim), it's about how he presented himself and his model to unsuspecting buyers. Most people won't pick out the details we can see as builders, until they get it in their hand. If anything is moot, it's your ridiculous perspective on what is going on here, focusing on every insignificant point. If you think this is bullying, you have not entered what we down here like to call "life"

calling someone out on their deliberate, misleading BS is far from bullying.

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I said it earlier in one of my posts but I will say it again. This isn't about bagging on some poor modeler about the model he brought to a contest or this forum. It is about a vendor putting out shoddy merchandise and claiming it to be something it isn't. It makes every modeler who sells built models a little more suspect in their dealings with the public. Undoubtedly someone will chime in "Buyer Beware" but any one who is burned by a merchant, drives a little piece of the market away. My point is asking for money for a product changes the discussion here by a long shot. It is no different than a company selling model kits that don't measure up. If that is bullying, then so be it. It clears the market of those who would cheat the public with substandard product. There is a difference.

I'm agreeing with Pete. I build a lot of rusty beaters and put a lot of time and correct detail into mine. I'm not the best modeler on the board, but my stuff isn't bad! ;) It always irks me when I see people selling beaters and junkers on eBay that are nothing more than an old model some kid built, that they've quickly smeared some rust paint and mud onto. Cars with rust through in places no car ever rusted, missing parts like fenders with just plastic that AMT made showing, and dented plastic grilles and such. Same kind of hype about their expertise and how perfect the model is... only it's just a scam. All wrong, and I feel it really degrades what I build, as people who see these may not look close enough at my work to understand the difference.

A while back I had thought about building a series of old detailed pickups to sell, but I'd be needing to get serious money for it to be worth it to me. I don't see how that's possible with this kind of junk floating out there.

I also know a modeler or two who build like grade school kids, who will sell their built models. Mostly these guys are happy to get back their investment so they can buy another kit to build. I do know one guy who was bragging that he built a tractor trailer as a commissioned job for $100. He was so impressed that someone asked him to build a model, he didn't even realize he lost money on it!

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Interesting comments. I see both sides I guess. Though I agree that if you claim to be a pro builder, with 45+ years of experience, which gives him the right to guarantee your satisfaction (or however put it)... well then he ought to build a better model than that. I mean,has he ever looked at the internet ? When I started building again seriously back in 2001, I only had to visit the internet once to realize my stuff was c r a p. I've learned a lot since then, but I'd never describe one of my builds as professional builds.

Having said that, I also agree with Darin's second post. The pictures were clear as day. Whoever bought that model knew exactly what they were getting. Despite the builders inflated opinion of his builds, at least he put clear pics. The buyer made the decision and the dude made about 50 bucks. Right about enough money to buy 2 new kits. If the buyer likes it, who cares if its c r a p. :)

Just my opinion and you know what opinions are like..

Edited by Jeff Johnston
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This reminds me why I don't participate in this and other model forums any more. They've all become so negative. The kit reveiws almost always degrade into "why can't kit's be perfect with today's technology" posts when the people involved have zero Idea what the limitations are to the designers in question.

In this case, It's a bunch of so-called adults who feel superior to someone else ganging up on someone else. So you guys don't like his model kit, obviously some else did or they wouldn't have bid on it. You guys claim it's all about how "misleading" the auction is, yet it has crisp clear photos of exactly what you are getting. It's not like the bidder is going to be surprised when he opens the box.

That said most of the comments are you guys simply trashing his build. Does the guy overstate his abilities? Yes I guess he does, but what harm does that cause? I've seen a lot of sub-standard models on here and even featured in some magazines. A certain other model car publication has a fascination with one modeler who builds some of the most toy-like builds I've seen, but do we call him out and trash him? No we don't.

Have some class guys, remember these are just little plastic cars. cut the guy some slack,

Edited by Darin Bastedo
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A certain other model car publication has a fascination with one modeler who builds some of the most toy-like builds I've seen, but do we call him out and trash him? No we don't.

Uhhh....I didn't know there was another model car publication? ;)

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