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$146,000 model dragster,YIKES!

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I did a search and didn't find this posted,sorry if it is a dupe.

Can you believe what the headline says? $146,000 for a ‘toy’ car that could only sit around and do nothing? Well, that’s true!

This might not be the most expensive model car ever auctioned, but the whopping amount it fetched certainly makes it the talk of the town and also one of the most exotic model cars.

The dragster depicted is made from rubies, onyx and vermeil, including gold and sterling silver.

The model was recently sold for the aforementioned price at the Bonham’s spring auction.

Oops! We forgot to tell you, this drag strip runner is the replica of the famous Greer-Black-Prudhomme Dragster.


Link to article with more pics:


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You know what? I can see it... Precious metal and gems. The scoop is clearly meant to come off and is in a few pictures. The photographer put it on backwards for shots of it in place. It can go on correctly from what I can glean. Let's face it folks. There are people out there with money to burn and places to show off such opulence.I actually think it is beautiful in it's color scheme regardless of whether G,B&P ever had such a scheme [clearly it's the yellow car.]

For me it's just another example of someone with an enterprising mind figuring out a way to loosen some coin from those who have more than they need.


EDIT: Looks like the belt is missing. OOPS.....

Edited by Dragline
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If I had a stack of money I didn't need this isn't something I would bid on, except, if it was for a charity I really believed in and wanted to support.

I really like the purple parts, wish I could duplicate that with an airbrush and paint.

I doubt this is a medium I will ever model build in.emot15.gif

It does make you wonder why they couldn't have hammered a blower belt out of gold?

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I think what most of you guys aren't taking into consideration is that these aren't "models" they're works of art, whether they're covered in jewels & gold, only means they're worth, at the very least, face value. The face value of these "works" are or are very close to the asking price. When you take into consideration they're 1-off's & then the actual artist ( builder/maker ) may be quite popular, then that also drives the price, now & in the future.

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't buy any of them, not for the prices being asked. Maybe something a little more subtle but within my price range, IF I was loaded! :-( Sadly I'm not.

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