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Too many projects going on.

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I decided that jumping around between 3 different projects at the same time was counter productive. I wasn't really accomplishing a lot and none of the projects were getting much closer to completion.

I put the '54 Dodge and the "Flash Gordon" car back in their respective boxes and decided to concentrate fully on the '67 Cadillac that I've been working on as a surprise gift for my younger brother who used to own one. So far I've completed the interior and repainted and clearcoated the body. I'll be posting updates on the WIP thread I already started on the Caddy.

I normally only work on one project at a time but I got sidetracked and sucked into "fiddling" with several cars at the same time. It wasn't working for me. I understand that a lot of modelers DO jump around between different projects but I wonder how they do it and successfully get things finished.

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what I am actively building right now:

1. BOSS 429 Pro Stock

2. Lotus 79 with a ton of extra details parts

4. F-40 COmpetizione

5. Tony Foti Camaro

6. Nissan R390 GT1 super detail

7. 1/12 57 Chevy super detail

8. 32 Ford

9. Ferrari 312 T3

10. 911 GT2

what I will likely start within the next month:

1. 427 Cobra high detail

2. Corvette Grand Sport super detail

3. GT40 with HRM resin engine kit.

4. 64 Gto with PE set.

What I have abandoned because I don't feel like it anymore:

1. 57 Ford

2. 66 Nova Pro Street

3. 64 GTO

4. 911 GT2

5. 360 Modena

6. 328 GTB

I used to fight it. I would force myself on one project to make progress. No more. I do what I feel like. If I never complete another project again, I accept that. I like building, but I don't enjoy it unless I'm building what I feel like at the moment.

I started buying plastic containers, like the little clear portable trays. They fit everything including the body for around $4. I pick what I want, open the container and get to work. I can have it all neatly organized and put away in 5 minutes.

On the detailed builds, i will usually do what I can, then I stop and put it away when I need to research photos and stuff. Get what I need, then continue a week or two later.

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haha Rich, that's funny, I, at the first of the year, decided it would be more productive for me to work on more than 1 project at a time. I have 5 on the bench right now. I found myself looking thru reference stuff and pulling a new kit off the shelf and fiddling with it instead of working on the one I was on the bench already. if I ran into a rut, I just put that one aside on the bench and turn to another one. this prevents me from starting any more new builds and keeps me focused on building instead of sitting on the couch, watching the boob tube because I ran into a problem on the one I was building. variety is the spice of life.

I wasn't successfully finishing anything because of the lack of focus on one kit. I don't really know how it works, but it's working for me. I should be real close to finishing the 5 I have on the bench here at the end of the month.

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I used to have a half dozen going at once and never got anything finished, now I've pared it down to 3 at any one time. I try to keep them in different stages so while paint or glue is drying on one I can do something else on another. It doesn't always work out that way but it seems to be working for me.

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Hi Rich. Let me start by saying "I enjoy reading your post." You did one not long ago about cleaning your work space and all the "Kool Treasure's" You re-discovered. You seem to have a "Un-Canny Knack" for putting into words the stuff that all of us "Builders" deal with....Bless you heart for that. I find that 2 projects on my work bench at one time seems to be the best number for me. I have a tendency to get distracted...or even "Trans'fixed" on the "Good Junk" in the "Bone Yard Box"...Or trying to find that one "Item" you "Know" you just recently "Saw"....and never did find....It can be "Madness." I enjoyed looking at the diorama you made after your shop clean up...Thank you for your insight, thoughts, and questions. The Guy at the "Hobby Shop" suggested working on several projects at once...While waiting for glue/paint to dry ect...I think he said that to sell me more stuff....It worked. Your Observation of the benefits in "Focusing Attention" on one project at a time has merit....Looking forward to hearing what some of "Builders" have to say.

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I am a one at a time builder. I remember always being told to finish what I start and for me anyways that means concentrating on one model at a time. Plenty of guys can build several at a time, but I'm not wired that way. I can definitely see where down time waiting for stuff to dry is eliminated but I generally will look for reference pics and so forth for projects I have planned.

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Teddy, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm glad that you enjoy some of my posts. You're absolutely correct about the "madness" about not being able to find something that you know you have, or recently saw, but can't remember where. I try to keep "like parts" in their own separate drawer in a rolling parts bin that I have right next to my workbench. It has 5 good sized drawers, 1 - for wheels & tires, 2 - for engine & chassis parts, 3 - for interior parts, 4 - for clear & clear red parts & sprue pieces, and 5 - for body parts, fenders, etc. My aftermarket stuff is also separated by category, brakes, distributors, engine parts, exhaust parts, hoses, interior parts, lights, sets, misc. trim pieces, special wheels/hubcaps, and wire. Yeah, I'm a bit anal about organizing stuff, but it sure makes it a whole lot easier to find something, and it all works for me.

Jim, I also get much better, and usually much quicker results concentrating on one project at a time. For my current "mission" of building as many cars from the 1950's as I can, I have folders in my computer with reference pictures for each car (Buick, Cadillac, Chevy, etc.) for each year of the 50's showing models, colors, color charts, interiors, engines, etc.) that I refer to often while building, to try to get as many details as I can to make the models look as good as I can.

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I'm with you Rich. As I'm impressed with you builders who can work on 3….6….almost a dozen builds at once, I had 2 going, hit a problem with one, and now BOTH are delayed. And I thought I was going good up to that point. I'll be up there tonight and tomorrow will be my final day at work so I'll be home Thursday & Friday. Let's see if any progress happens on ONE, never mind multiples….

Cameron, 10 builds at once? I could never do that…. I envy your focus and determination!

Edited by FASTBACK340
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I like to build 4 or 5 at a time simply becuse I get bored of that build .Not only that but once they are finished what do you do with it? Put it on a shelf to gather more dust . i almost dont want to finish becuse then the fun has ended . The only bad thing is if parts get mixed up then its a nightmare . Or is that customizing ?


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A few years ago I had 2 builds going on at the same time. One was a rail dragster and the other a WW II submarine. You ever try to mount slicks on a submarine ? Now I build one at a time, it's all my small mind can handle. On the plus side I built the largest belly tanker ever !! : )

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Richard, I hate to hear that multiple builds going on at once doesn't work for you. But the good thing is, you've tried it. Now you know which method works for you. We all do things differently and have things that work for us as individuals. However, if we never try something new, we never know if it will be better in the long run.

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For many years now I've had multiple builds going on at once.When I was a kid I wasn't like that-I did one at a time.Then I read a column by Ben Millspaugh in Car Model magazine and he suggested building more than one at a time,his theory being that the down time of one model was filled with the active time of another model.I took that advice to heart and almost 50 years later here I am with way too many started projects.So I blame Ben Millspaugh.And I'm considering going back to only one project at a time-as soon as I finish my current backlog!

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Must be the A.D.D. in me 'cause I can't work on one at a time. I jump between two and sometimes up to five or six at a time just to keep things moving along on them. Must be why I have around 50 started kits right now!!!!! :D:o

Edited by DrKerry
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50 started ! Wow ! I could never.

Yeah, that would definitely drive me nuts. I have a hard enough time trying to decide what to build next after I finish something. Having that many started would really make it tough to decide what to try to finish. Apparently though, not everyone finds it necessary to actually finish a model.

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Must be the A.D.D. in me 'cause I can't work on one at a time. I jump between two and sometimes up to five or six at a time just to keep things moving along on them. Must be why I have around 50 started kits right now!!!!! :D:o

If I had more then 2 I would have to leave notes to myself where I left off. I could see you with all kinds of builds going Kerry, you seem to have lots of build ideas going..

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