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Moebius `65 Plymouth Satellite

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Nope, this would most likely be a production sample. The manufacturer will air freight a case or two over in advance of the main shipment which rides a container ship from China. That way they can check them make sure everything's Ok before the boat leaves and send a few out for magazine reviews or test builds to buddies and folks who helped with the kit design.

whats with all the missing parts?


Yes, it's a production sample, I got mine today. The rest are either on the boat or being loaded up as I write this.

As for the missing spots on the trees, those are definitely for future versions. You may even see the next one before the end of the year.

If I was a betting man and a resin caster I would be working on a convertible ..... or a four door. Moebius has this one well planned out !


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Yes, it's a production sample, I got mine today. The rest are either on the boat or being loaded up as I write this.

As for the missing spots on the trees, those are definitely for future versions. You may even see the next one before the end of the year.

If I was a betting man and a resin caster I would be working on a convertible ..... or a four door. Moebius has this one well planned out !


Got mine from the mailman today, just as I was going out the door to work. Can't wait to crack open the shrink wrap!


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Well I guess we are stuck with the windshield I talked to Dave and Moebuis when the first test shot came out and it still looks like the windshield in the Revell 54 Chevy. I e-mailed Moebius a picture of the real car sitting at the same angle as the test shot and the real car does not have a crown in the top over the windshield. I guessing it will be like the Lindberg 64 Dodge people will go out and buy 1 or 2 kits and maybe build them but will loose interest in them. I really hate to say that about a great company and what could have been a great kit.

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Although I like the '65 Satellites very much and there was a "drop-dead-gorgeous" one parked next to me last night at a cruise night. The Moebius kit whenever it gets here won't change my life one bit, as it's just another kit, and hopefully I'll get around to building it, just like all the rest of my model kits.

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If I was a betting man and a resin caster I would be working on a convertible ..... or a four door. Moebius has this one well planned out !


The first caster to do a wagon transkit for this will all but certainly be getting some of my money.

I have to say I wasn't keen on the idea of this subject at first, but after seeing the kit in person, I might actually end up buying a couple of them. But for now I just need to settle on what to do with the one I have now... mild period street machine, or straight-axle drag car... :rolleyes:

Edited by Chuck Most
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