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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone, Here are the fabbed brakes (all titanium pieces fabbed by hand) and the threaded hubs with nuts and the soldered 4 link axle brackets. I'll explain those when I should be able to share the rear end, brakes and hubs all as one unit which should be done by the weekend. I am quite pleased with the rear end itself especially with the help that I got from a friend. I'll explain on my next post. Then it's time to do begin the actual chassis construction. Thanks for following along.



Posted (edited)

Oops, brakes aren't of use without pads. Here they are.


Edited by Codi

Sorry Joe, if you look very closely at the part of the caliper that the pucks fit into, there are RB Motion .21 A/N fittings for the brakelines and teensy little brake bleed valves too. Not sure why I bothered as you can't see them without a magnifying glass. But they ARE there. ;)



And the "pistons" are turned down BMX bike titanium spoke that I found on-line for $3.00. Wanted to stay true to the rest of the calipers finish so....


extra-ordinary work, tim!! i've had the displeasure of working with titanium before and it's can be a real bugger to work with. achieving what you've done here in 1/25 scale is simply incredible. what an awesome way to re-purpose those titanium wheel spokes.

Posted (edited)

Got the rear end assembly bits and pieces done. There is a bit of touch-up and minor detailing I have yet to do but I can get started on the chassis itself now. I want to acknowledge an important contribution to the build and to me personally. Dave (comp1839) has been mentoring me as I'm trying my hand at machining. He assisted GREATLY with teaching me fundamentals AND he made the fabbed rear and carrier for the Henry. I couldn't be happier to put them on the car as they'll remind me of the man that got me started in milling and became a friend in the process. Cheers!

Here are the two pieces Dave machined for me. There were 4 "facets" at the very end of the milling process on the rear itself that Dave did "freehand".....that was something to see.


The brakes i made fought me all the way during assembly. I like how they turned out but admit they were tough to make.



And of course, the "penny" shot.


Edited by Codi

Tim... this is such an awesome update. The rear end is gorgeous. I cant say enough good words about Dave. Through out my current build of my 1/16th Army Funny car, Dave has helped me with alot of information on many parts and he even machined my pulleys for me. Dave have become a dear friend of mine in the process. What I would give to have him as a mentor for machining. I can not wait to get my Sherline mill and lathe one day. I need to save up for it first. He is an extremely talented and very knowledgable guy.

I cant wait to see what you have in store for us next. This build is a work of art. Keep up the great work.


Holy shizzle!

Anybody want to see my new collection of post Reagan quarters?

I figured it was definitely time to start a new hobby.

That is one very $$$ and impressive build. If this gets stateside it'll clean up at all model shows.

I don't even know what you'd use to tighten some of those fasteners.


Hi everyone, I want to thank you for your posts and interest in the Henry build. It's taking a bit longer than I had hoped or anticipated but I'm taking my time to learn new things on this build. Now it's time to finally layout the chassis design itself. I'm leaning towards making it out of brass but on a build in 1/25th, soldering becomes a bit tricky because of the close proximity of the soldered joints. Nothing more frustrating than having a joint come apart while attempting a new one. If that doesn't work out too well, then it wil be plastic.

Oh, and it's not going to be a ProMod....it'll be built as a Top Sportsman.

Thanks again,



turned out beautiful tim!!!!!!! that assembly is simply breath taking. can't wait for you're next instalment of "modeling jewelery".

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