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Moebius '65 Mercury Comet Cyclone news

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I don't see the brace or the wiper motor as a huge deal. Some folks (myself included) who are very familiar with these cars were mentioning a few items that they saw as being less than perfect, but no one said these things would stop them from buying the kit - or that anybody else should refrain from buying the kit, which based on what I've seen looks darn good. The more one knows about a specific car, the the greater the likelihood exists that you'll be a "rivet counter" when it comes to that vehicle.

In the instance of the brace, it couldn't have been molded in place anyway - it has to be a separate piece, so doing it as an Export Brace makes some sense. If someone wants to do a 100% correct factory stock build, they'll figure out a way to fix it. That's part of what model building is about. To the best of my knowledge the perfectly accurate kit has not been made yet.

As I said earlier, I'm not going to try to do an in depth critique of this (or any) kit based on a few photos of what may or may not be the finished tool. But I think if somebody sees something they have the right to point it out. I think most of the members here appreciate what Moebius has given us over the last few years and have the sense to not "throw the baby out with the bath water".

I think it's only natural in this day and age to expect products to be intensely scrutinized. Certainly standards for detail and accuracy are way higher than they were when I was first building models, and information is way more available. I think the dialog is healthy - it's a big part of the reason we come here.

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I remember people calling those hubcaps fake chrome reverse wheels. Seems it would have been cheaper for Ford to just make real chrome reverse wheels instead of machining the hubcaps. I  remember buying Cal Custom chrome reverse wheels for my 1964 Falcon Futura for under 20 bucks a wheel.

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The question cuts straight back to you: Is it talking about this problem that big a deal? Come on, man. Discussing a kit's deviations from the subject is a major part of what these forums are all about. It's legitimate to discuss. That's a hard fact, and it's not going away no matter who rails against it.

Seems to be a small problem, I've duly noted it, and I appreciate it being mentioned.  Will probably do my own follow-up research.  Won't stop me from snatching up a few of these, either.

Chuck....valid points, all.  What I am concerned with is that it seems often in these forums, "facts" on kit errors are presented that eventually turn out to be, well, not factual.  (For reference, the recent brou-ha-ha on the seven vs. eight nubs on the Revell '30 A Coupe kit distributor).  

Now I am not even remotely an expert on 1965 Cyclones, but I am sure Moebius scaled a 1.1 in detail during the kit's development, and I am reasonably sure that they did not make up the design of the wiper motor or the engine compartment brace on their own. Plus, in the 1/1 muscle era restoration business we are finding more and more often that once-accepted "facts" about what was production-correct were in fact not correct, given the variability of plants and assembly processes back then.  And internet images/information does not always turn out to be correct, either.  

My comment here on "facts" and "kit errors" here does not apply specifically to the Cyclone kit, but instead to all internet forum discussions on kit accuracy. Comments on kit accuracy backed up by specific, in-print resources (which even here can be wrong at times) should be given more credibility in these discussions....and I guess what I am saying overall is...factor in what you read here and elsewhere, but don't accept it as hard fact just yet...form your own opinions and judgments, particularly after you've researched the subject yourself, then bought, examined, and yes, built the kits being discussed here.   

Now...I need to get busy at the modeling desk....TIM  




Edited by tim boyd
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I for one, can not wait to get my hands on another great Moebius kit. Thank you Moebius for being these kits to market. Without YOU we may have never seen some of these cars in kit form. Even if they have some details that some people have issues with, it will not stop me from buying. If it looks like what it's suppose to be then, great. We could all just go back to the Plamer kits if you don't like what is being kitting now a days.

Edited by jjsipes
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I agree with you Tim,we all need to wait till its in your hands,we can see it.its hurts others to make judgments with just seeing pictures...pictures are not real.just wait...please.I would rather talk about what we all will be making with it as a platform or basis to start our dreams,projects or just fun building.for me if something isn't what I want...I change it . somethings.I want more accurate or detailing of it.they give us a starting place...the rest of it is up to us...the model builders.

I can't wait till its out.good bad or in between. I'm going to build a street car from the mid 70's to 80's era.it will be a blast.thank you Moebuis and Mister Dave and Tim who shows us a few pictures to get creative juices running.his thoughts on what he sees. ..Thank you........Chris

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I for one, can not wait to get my hands on another great Moebius kit. Thank you Moebius for being these kits to market. Without YOU we may have never seen some of these cars in kit form. Even if they have some details that some people have issues with, it will not stop me from buying. If it looks like what it's suppose to be then, great. We could all just go back to the Plamer kits if you don't like what is being kitting no a days.


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Point taken, Tim, but the non-factual "facts" tend to work themselves out pretty neatly, don't they?

And I gotta say, the notion of a 7-point distributor for the '30A prob'ly wouldn'ta gained much traction if another 7-point distributor hadn't actually made it to production beforehand.  Meantime, the Kit That Must Not Be Named didn't get any less hacked-up from photo preview to HS shelf, now, did it?  I'll stop bringing that one up when others stop pretending history isn't littered with examples like these to justify the controversy.

So here we come right back to regurgitating arguments I've had pretty comprehensively flattened at the link below. For over three years now.

We talk of people "getting hurt" by these discussions as if that's a granted fact, when really, the only ones who seem to be "getting hurt" are those who take it upon themselves to get all uptight about these discussions in the first place!  I'm sure manufacturers previewing their wares find it a little frustrating, particularly when they've noted the problems themselves and had to let them pass because development cycles and budgets have gotten out of hand - but the new product KEEPS COMING, doesn't it?  So WHO EXACTLY is "getting hurt" again?

In the end, it all comes right back to one car modeler trying to dictate insanely arbitrary standards to the other about what is and is not appropriate to discuss among observations that are ultimately topical - whether he likes it or not.

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How many times can we rehash the same thing?

The whole point of having a place here called "Car Kit News & Reviews" is that we have a place to talk about new kits. Our opinions, our criticisms, our compliments, our observations. That's the whole point of this thing in the first place!

So why do so many people keep on getting all bent out of shape if another person points out what they see as a flaw or mistake in a kit?

If you don't want to take part in the conversation, that's fine! You are absolutely 100% free to not take part.

But stop knocking those who do want to take part.

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How many times can we rehash the same thing?

The whole point of having a place here called "Car Kit News & Reviews" is that we have a place to talk about new kits. Our opinions, our criticisms, our compliments, our observations. That's the whole point of this thing in the first place!

So why do so many people keep on getting all bent out of shape if another person points out what they see as a flaw or mistake in a kit?

If you don't want to take part in the conversation, that's fine! You are absolutely 100% free to not take part.

But stop knocking those who do want to take part.

Harry....fully agree, as long as the "mistakes" cited by participants turn out to be factual, not fabricated.    Problem becomes when non-factual first impressions are taken as fact by most/all who read this board, and then acted (or not acted) upon in error....   TIM 

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Harry....fully agree, as long as the "mistakes" cited by participants turn out to be factual, not fabricated.    Problem becomes when non-factual first impressions are taken as fact by most/all who read this board, and then acted (or not acted) upon in error....   TIM 

Point taken Tim, but I have to think the truth will come out in the end, and a good open discussion is a way of getting at that truth. Most people who consider themselves knowledgeable on a subject are careful to not go out on limb - if a factual error is made there are plenty of opportunities for someone to call them on it. In the case of the '65 Comet, it's not really that a rare car and reliable info is pretty readily available.

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Most of the time differences (read errors for some) in a specific kit and the actual car a person is literally standing in front of or sitting in for that mater are indeed FACTS about what is different in the kit and the car you are going to model.

The reason some of us are more passionate about said differences is because the subject is way more personal to us. I am using this kit to build a model of my race car that I literally drug out of a field and cut up, re-welded, body worked painted and had some of the best times of my life racing. So its important to me that ever detail remind me of the actual car as possible.

I pre ordered 3 of these kits in December of 2014 so I am doing more than my part to support Moebius. I am in no way disparaging Moebius and am a HUGE fan of them. I think they make some of the very best kits. So I don't think I am HURTING Moebius by pointing out things on my real car that are not represented well in the kit.

I thank Harry for sticking up for us. I am excited about this kit and want to talk about it. Moebius keeps pushing the release date out further and further and don't really give many updates on what is going so the only thing to talk about is what I plan on having to change and what I am going add and what not once I finally get the box of plastic in my hands. I am appreciative of this forum as a place to talk about this kit. For me it adds to the anticipation.

None of the differences (errors) will prevent me from buying even more of these kits and my comments on the differences shouldn't stop anyone else for buy one either. I own the actual car that was modeled by Moebius so I consider myself to be a self proclaimed expert on this subject matter.

Wiper motors don't move around in location on cars going down an assembly line. The operators don't get to decide to put the wiper motor on the fire wall on this car and under the dash on the next one... The wiper motor on this car was under the dash and not seen so Moebius could of used the time making that part of the mold to do something else,,, at least that's what goes through a layman's mind. I don't know "sick 'em from come here" when it comes to model kit making. So I am just talking... the wiper motor difference isn't a big deal to me and the brace difference isn't a big deal to me but I am going to change it when I build the kit so I want to talk about it.

Just to show my anticipation I had 4 sets of custom decals for my build printed by someone I found on this forum. So all of this is talk is good for the hobby.

There is a saying, "There's no such thing as bad publicity"...









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Harry....fully agree, as long as the "mistakes" cited by participants turn out to be factual, not fabricated.    Problem becomes when non-factual first impressions are taken as fact by most/all who read this board, and then acted (or not acted) upon in error....   TIM 

Tim, yes, sometimes the "facts" are not quite factual, but as someone else posted, in the end things will shake out. My point was simply that people who complain about other people who participate in these discussions are off-base.

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My initial thoughts on the green model that Dave built is of the ride height it looks "jacked up" hopefully thats an easy fix.

I noticed that too, but I thought it might be the tires being a bit large? I wasn't going to say anything because they could have been off-the-shelf ones used to get the build done.

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I noticed that too, but I thought it might be the tires being a bit large? I wasn't going to say anything because they could have been off-the-shelf ones used to get the build done.

Thats a good point Chris I hope it is just that.

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Yup.  Been around the virtual block a few times, ain't found no 1:1 '65 matches the Moebius firewall so far.

Did find one kit part that looks a li'l more like the 1:1 piece, though (and oh, y'all 're gonna LOVE this)-


Yes, Virginia, there's actually a use for your Trumpeter Falcon kit.  Welded braces, too!

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