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New Revell 1/25 2013 Camaro ZL-1 (pre-painted)

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was lucky enough to get both the Camaro & challenger at my LHS this last weekend.. can these be stripped & repainted ? they look like there molded in those colors. oh. by the way thanks R.M. both nice kits..

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was lucky enough to get both the Camaro & challenger at my LHS this last weekend.. can these be stripped & repainted ? they look like there molded in those colors. oh. by the way thanks R.M. both nice kits..

I'm going to try. It is molded in color, the paint is very thin. I like the color I think I'll keep it but I'll fix the mold lines and my self-inflicted hood f@#$%-up.

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I picked one up yesterday. My LHS said I was a day early when I stopped by to check. I will compare to the Round2 kit and look at fit of the 2010 detail for chassis. I certainly have the material in the basement stash to do a compare.

One thing I noticed, in my quick scan, is that the radio area display appears to be taken from the 2010 kit. Real ZL-1's had the large screen display as standard. The Round2 kit also has the same issue.

The engine is simplified and I will look at it versus the 2010 LS engine.

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OK. I did a quick match up with the Revell 2010 chassis and interior base. And it fits. But, with the ZL-1 side trim, there is a gap that needs to be filled with sheet plastic. The ZL-1 engine appears it can be mated as the castings of both are similar (more pieces with the 2010 LS engine). The 2010 Camaro decals are of possible use if you're committing a kit to bash anyway. If you have the AMT ZL-1 kit, the decals would be more useful, particularly the emblems.

Unless you have the kits already and are willing to kit bash them to get a single, well detailed ZL-1, let us hope that Revell does get the approval for unpainted versions and include decals :D

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Saw these today. Some Chinese kid needs to work on his painting skills. lol. The paint is awful. The tampo stripes are worse. The emblems are off register. At least the emblems molded to the body are bold enough to be hand painted. The mold lines are very apparent on the Challenger. And as Brett said, yes, the chrome on the wheels is THICK! Like triple dipped! The engine bays are lacking the body color paint:( The sideview mirrors on this, have NO mounting holes. Not something a new builder would get, as the Camaro does have slots.

With a LOT of cleanup, these will be decent, kits with basic detail. I don't think young builders will like the terrible paint applications. But maybe this will teach them how to strip bodies?


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Guys...a bit of advice if you are willing to listen....comments like these do not help our case. People from the model companies - Revell included - do read these boards from time to time.

This new Revell pre-finished kit series represents an attempt to broaden the base of hobbyists out there. That is in EVERYONE's best interest. Prefinished kits not only offer accessibility to a much younger audience, but also serve the casual adult builder who doesn't want to get involved in painting, or doesn't have the skills to deliver consistent results. I bought the Camaro myself earlier this week. Yes, there is some minor orange peel on the body but overall it was well done. Can we as serious modelers make it better? You bet...I wonder what it would look like with simply a couple of quick coats of The Treatment Model Wax....

I might feel a little more disenfranchised if we weren't getting our own new glue kits at the same time these kits are introduced. And while I (obviously) am not authorized to divulge the details, I am aware of at least one (non-prefinished) kit project underway at Revell right now, right alongside development of these pre-finished kits, that I suspect will make your eyes pop when it is finally announced, as well as several other cool new variations of (non-prefinished) kit tools that are already on the market.

Do I agree with every decision made at Revell? Absolutely not. Should I expect you to agree with all their decisions? No way. But I think it helps to remember that the people that work at Revell (and Round 2, and Moebius, et al) are all dedicated business people (and in many cases, practicing hobbyists as well) who are trying to grow their enterprise. Pre-finished kits are an excellent attempt to do just that.


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Great comments Tim! I agree completely. When we all first started building these things I very much doubt we started out removing mold lines, putting on a perfect paint job, etc.. If I remember correctly, I built a lot of them right out of the box in plain white plastic, mold lines and all! For new kids stating out, getting one already painted in a cool color and that is easy to put together is a great way to introduce new "members" into the modeling community!

Heck, I'm getting one myself as it fills a blank spot in my collection of new Camaros, (I have the Rev 2010 & Round2 2011 convertible). I'll build it with the pre-painted body but will detail paint the engine compartment, I can live with mold lines as long as they are not too bad and I think the case here is that they are not.

I'm getting the 2014 Corvette as well and will build it OOB as well. I kind of like pre-paints because they are easy to assemble and I don't have to allocate time to paint the body (married guy here, with lots of honey-dos :-))

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Guys...a bit of advice if you are willing to listen....comments like these do not help our case. People from the model companies - Revell included - do read these boards from time to time.

If they are listening, how do we still have eff ups? Maybe they are listening, but not acting.

I am aware of at least one (non-prefinished) kit project underway at Revell right now, right alongside development of these pre-finished kits, that I suspect will make your eyes pop when it is finally announced, as well as several other cool new variations of (non-prefinished) kit tools that are already on the market.

Pop right out of my head with disgust? Why are you making it your person goal to boast for Revell?

I'm not against the pre painted kits. I'm saying there should have been unpainted kits along side them.

Tim, honestly, try to imagine you are a child/brand new builder with zero skills. Meaning, you are ONLY building it out of the box. Would you buy that kit that is terribly pre-painted and be proud of it when you are finished? Why in the hell would you want to continue this hobby when the offering looks this bad. I would be ashamed to say I had anything to do with it.

This is just showing future builders how poorly Revell's quality is. I would feel cheated , buying this. Of the case of these that the LHS had in all week, Brett was the only one who bought one.

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Why are you making it your person goal to boast for Revell?

Tim, honestly, try to imagine you are a child/brand new builder with zero skills. Meaning, you are ONLY building it out of the box. Would you buy that kit that is terribly pre-painted and be proud of it when you are finished? Why in the hell would you want to continue this hobby when the offering looks this bad. I would be ashamed to say I had anything to do with it.


I have no objective to boast for Revell, specifically, or Round 2 or Moebous, for that matter,. What I DO have an objective for us to have a fair and informed debate. And to try to make it so that the model companies, when they do read these comments, say..."wow....good point there...maybe I should consider that". Or...."great...we are being recognized and complimented on doing a good job on xxxx product - all that extra effort was worth it.....". And to convey that the people at the model companies are hard-working experts doing their best to deliver products in a very small and demanding market these days.

One wishes that the model companies themselves could defend and/or explain themselves directly in these discussions, but that doesn't generally seem to be the case with industry as a whole, nor the model kit industry either (Moebius being the exception on some occasions) Where possible, with my experience both as a builder and as someone who has knowledge of and deals with the kitmakers from time to time, I will share that information here to help enable an informed debate representing both sides of an issue.

As for the finish on the Revell ZL-1 and Challenger kits, if I was a young builder and got a paint job result like these, I would be have been overjoyed with the result. (Maybe you were a great painter when you started the hobby, but most of us were anything but accomplished in that regard.) I am looking at the ZL-1 kit body right now, and the quality of that paint job could have won some local model contests I have judged over the years - by a wide margin, at that. Is it perfect? No, there are two tiny dust bits I see, along with one other slightly larger dust bit on the trunk. But even to this day, if I had a shelf model build with this paint result (and with the addition of some wax), I would be proud to put it in my case.

I didn't buy the Challenger kit at my local hobby store, but the sample I looked at appeared to have even better paint than the Camaro kit that I did buy. Makes me wonder...maybe there is some variation in the quality of the paint applications - so that the one you looked at was way on the other end of the quality scale? But the kit I bought is fine.

Best regards...TIM

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Teenage me (heck, adult me for that matter) would have been ecstatic with the finish on my ZL1. Except for the mold lines it's flawless. I've seen far worse on contest tables. That runny Challenger needs to be returned to Revell (and it's in the shop I work for part time, I'll see that it is returned when the boss gets back from vacation) but the other 7 prepaints on that same shelf looked good (same shelf my ZL1 came off of) I give props to Revell for trying something new - a prepainted kit that doesn't come with a premium price. I hope they're successful. I'm sure there will be a bit of a learning curve with QC at first, these have only been on the market a week.

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Or...."great...we are being recognized and complimented on doing a good job on xxxx product - all that extra effort was worth it.....". And to convey that the people at the model companies are hard-working experts doing their best to deliver products in a very small and demanding market these days.

One wishes that the model companies themselves could defend and/or explain themselves directly in these discussions

But they're not doing a good job. All of your showboating for Revell, is still very apparent Tim. Denying it doesn't make it less obvious.

Nothing is stopping a Revell or any company rep from posting on here or anywhere. So why aren't they?

(Maybe you were a great painter when you started the hobby, but most of us were anything but accomplished in that regard.)

Makes me wonder...maybe there is some variation in the quality of the paint applications - so that the one you looked at was way on the other end of the quality scale? But the kit I bought is fine.

I wasn't. And that is my point. If I'm paying money for something prefinished, I don't want it looking like BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH.

I'm sure the quality varies across the board. Again, this is Revell's apparent lack of quality control and just lack of caring what makes it to the shelves.

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Started fiddling with one today, just some detail painting, adding decals from the AMT kit, pics soon, pretty sure reality will kick in and keep me from the bench til the weekend. Anyway pretty pleased and it will look fine on the shelves with the rest of my builds.

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Alright, I unlocked it as some folks felt I didn't give Mr. Boyd a chance to defend himself. Have at it fellas, I'm pretty much done with this topic ( and this board in general to be perfectly honest)

Don't let a couple of knuckleheads chase you away, Brett.

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Alright, I unlocked it as some folks felt I didn't give Mr. Boyd a chance to defend himself. Have at it fellas,

I've read through this whole thing, and aside from one specific post that got a bit personal (and which I deleted), I haven't seen anything here that breaks any forum rules. Yes, things may have gotten a little testy, but that's what happens sometimes when people disagree. And we all have the right to disagree.

Tim made his opinion known, his comments were perfectly clear, logical, and well-reasoned, IMO. However, that doesn't mean that others can't disagree with his comments. It's true that Tim is one of the iconic people in this hobby, and we're lucky to have him as an active forum member... but remember that everyone here is on an equal footing as far as posting your thoughts and opinions. I'm sure Tim would agree that a good discussion, pro and con, is an integral part of how a forum works.

As long as no rules are broken (that means no personal attacks), I agree with Brett. Have at it, fellas.

Just keep your comments within the rules of the forum.

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Rules don't cover impugning someone's integrity, Harry.

That's what moderators are for, to augment basic rules with judgment.

Just because it doesn't break rules doesn't mean it wasn't rude, inappropriate, and B5.

You rant about names, but it's OK for Frank to say Tim is a corporate stooge for Revell?

That's screwed up.

Shouldn't have to point this out to mod, but here ya go:



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