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  • 4 months later...

I was wondering about that myself the other day; I haven't received any communication in a long time. its a carpshoot anyhow, and I don't know how I can realistically expect to actually get an uncertain T out of this. to me it is just a gamble on long odds.


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  • 2 months later...

Is there some more concrete news you wish to relate to us "investors" or are you just speculating?

Because I would see no reason to "disappear" at this point.

Actually I am wondering: how much you are willing to put down in your "bet"?


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Actually the cards USPlayingCard3.jpgwere thrown down individually on enemy killed, letting charlie know who was there, not much different than native American Warriors of the past counting coup ( you can look that one up on your own. ;) )

An enemy was NOT killed in the act of counting coup, that was the whole point.

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This guy's website is a joke. he places the blame on everyone else, he blames a guy for ending up with his pictures, then gets mad when he has to pay $20 to get them back. He trashes his freind throughout the whole thing.

Then he wants people to help him move, right before he says he bought a 3D printer? His priorites are severely screwed. How does he expect to build a car if he can't scrape together a few grand in moving costs?

This is the kind of stuff you hear from high school kids that haven't yet realized how things work and how much they cost in the real world. Also, being severely narcissistic isn't going to help.

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Only 223 pledges out of 500. He's already said he doesn't have any money where has the money for the printer and software come from.

Also two important questions what the the brand of the printer and what software is he using. From the being the lack of details creates doubt.

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It's tough living in Hawaii...all that sun and surf and stuff :) It obviously has had an effect on him :)

Now it makes me wonder if he ever built the original car? One thing I will say...I am glad I still have my original award winning model that I built in 1966 :)

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"Greg" S? or do you mean Gregg, editor of a certain magazine?

So is Steve Scott an approved target of slander around here or something? Sure seems like it. Lesser comments about others in a similar vein have been eradicated by the moderators long before they reach 5 pages.


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I've seen the way he treats others and how quick he is to do a complete 180 on guys just to get another inch up the ladder. He's by no means an individual I would trust with my money to have a model produced,that and he also doesn't seem to realize how "out there" his numbers are. Also isn't the kit only desirable because it's rare as hens teeth? So if he somehow did get the funding who's to say it would be competitive in today's market,It just looks like some disproportionate childrens toy.

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Y'know, part of me thinks it would be rather intriguing to help Steve out but I really don't have the money to throw at someone else's unattainable pipe-dream. There's that and the fact that he really doesn't like hunters. Here's his delusional rant about hunters:

ANYONE who is in ANY way into or involved in ANY form of mistreatment, abuse, cruelty, inflicting pain, etc., to people or animals, such as, and not limited to: TRAPPING, DOG FIGHTING, COCK FIGHTING, the terrible practices of "BAITING" including BEARS and WOLVES; CLUBBING BABY SEALS in Canada, KILLING WOLVES... OR ANYTHING ELSE for “sport”, “recreation” and “enjoyment”... YES... THAT MEANS HUNTERS OF ANY KIND!, etc., etc., etc. This also includes fishing, but only if your website significantly focuses on fishing as a “sport”.

Please DO NOT tell me the same old lie that you only hunt or fish for food! You can believe that if you want to, but it’s lame at best. It costs far, FAR less to go “hunting for food” in a grocery store! I feel that there’s something “missing” with people who enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on, and killing unsuspecting creatures... and then proudly even call it a “sport”... even fishing!


So, even if I won the lottery and offered Steve a full ride, I'm certain he couldn't, in good faith, accept my money. ;)

So I suppose it's OK to hire the meat company to do his killing for him LOL

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How many of you bought into this ? POSTER_emaial.jpg

I did. I met Faith and found her very interesting. She had a lot of help from friends to make that movie. Now she's doing a documentary on it's making. I saw the film at the movie house and I enjoyed it immensely. Wifey enjoyed it too.

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