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About mikemodeler

  • Birthday 12/28/1963

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  • Scale I Build

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    In the fitness protection program

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. The recent issue Dodge Warlock might be the correct wheelbase, would have to open it to check. Not sure if the kit has the 2wd suspension in it but if it does, could be a shoe-in.
  2. Burbank Hobbies has them as well as Modelroundup.
  3. Considering they already have a 67 Impala kit, this would be a natural for them. Make whatever changes are needed to update it and BAM!
  4. Hobbytown USA has always had their own list price. Stevens International shows that Bronco as having a MSRP of $39.95. Most online sellers have it in the $31-$33 price range. I didn't pay $50 for my half cab Bronco and Dune Buggy kit, no way I would pay that just for the Bronco.
  5. I think the Hellcat was a forgone conclusion once the police car was announced, I know I wasn't surprised by it's announcement. The Chevelle will be interesting to see how they produce it. There are some issues with the body proportions so hopefully they get addressed before production. Will be looking forward to it, I had bought some conversion pieces from Canuck 3D to make one, maybe now I don't have to!
  6. Unless someone who was there who saw the box art can verify, I'd bet that the Wide Sides is a straight reissue. I would hope that they improved it since it first came out 40 years ago but hard to say. Was hoping the Blazer kit would have been here sooner but would rather wait for it to be right than rushed.
  7. That looks awesome and I can see those flying off the shelf when they get issued. I think/hope that at some point Moebius will use that wrecker bed in other kits either already in their line or in future releases. Awesome job on that build.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/groups/153105323081487
  9. The list reads more like a wish list and not a prediction, let's see what they show off this weekend before thinking about next year.
  10. I have the front bumper, the grille guard and double tube roll bar from the Monster Truck, PM me to discuss.
  11. If you are on Facebook, there are pictures up of a mock up build, so likely a month or two away from having it on the shelf. https://www.facebook.com/svensworldofwheels/posts/pfbid02RdNp5WjSbGUwhq9SrwUCGvJm44FVj7UzdVdZequkUDZMmv2yNL94r8go27guchLxl?comment_id=301160176412682&notif_id=1714078260906255&notif_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
  12. If you do Facebook, check with FastTrax Hobbies. He has some resin toolboxes for pickups.
  13. This kit is really a poor representation of the 70's GM pickups with it's crude engine and chassis. Sure hope someone decides to do a new rendition of the squarebody trucks and gives the modeling community something long overdue.
  14. Not sure where in NC the OP lives, but there is a show in August in Clemmons at an older hotel. The room is packed but the host club does a great job of fitting everyone in. There are several shows in SC- Spartanburg and Simpsonville- and they both have become good sized shows because the members have found great locations. The Spartanburg show is in mid January at a Marriott Hotel and they have a ton of space. Don't know what it costs but because it is an off time of the year for events, they may get a deal on the room as a result. The Simpsonville show in May is held at a city rec center and again, it may be the timing of the event but it's a great location that accommodates a large crowd. Don't give up trying to find an event space, I am sure you will find one. Check with your park districts to see what they have for space and when they typically have off season deals. Compare that to when other shows are being held within an 100 mile radius and plan accordingly. You might find a hotel with a large ballroom or small convention center that would host your event and offer discounts on hotel rooms for those that travel to the show. It will take a ton of promoting and the right time of the year for the show to be successful but it can be done. Keep us posted on any developments!
  15. The interior as you mention is a sad representation of what it should be. It would be nice to see a long bed version of the kit.
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