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Everything posted by unclescott58

  1. That price, sounds more 70’s than 60’s to me. I thought they went for about 15 cents a bottle in the mid-to-late 60’s? It’s been a long time, so I may be wrong about that.
  2. Oh! By the way, the be spending my hard earned “baby-boomer” bucks on the new 1/25 scale Green Hornet Black Beauty when Round 2 releases it. Too bad for those future model builders who have no interest it.
  3. Again I agree with a lot of what your saying. But, I get the impression from what your saying, that we need to change something to get others to come into our hobby. What do we change? Most of us here, have no power over the direction things are going within the hobby. The only thing I can do to change things within the hobby is spend my money on things they put out. And I like what the model companies are putting out. I now have the money to buy those old kits they reissue, that I wanted in past when I did not the money. I am not going to buy models I am not interested in, just to encourage future model building. So, what is the answer? I think it’s really out of my hands. And to be honest, I don’t really care if goes on past me or not. It a leisure, recreational item. Not something that’s going to effect the well being of the world in long run. If this one dies, other things will replace it. By the way. What do you think about the River Rat boat? I can not remember if said anything about that or not.
  4. Because of it being mentioned another in thread here, I pulled out my old Lindberg Cougar II kit, to look at finishing it. I ran across a curious problem. For some reason I’m missing door hinge retainers, part #52, for both sides. Plus, I’m also missing the same basic parts for the trunk. Listed as “trunk hinge”, part #58. And again both of them. This is a weird one. Everything else seems to be there. Why have these parts have been misplaced, I do not know? I’m hoping someone out there can help me. I know the Lindberg Cougar II kits are still fairly easy find. But, I’d hate to have to buy one for just those four missing parts.
  5. In general agree with what you have to say. But, who are buying the kits? According to companies offering them, it must us old fogies, because that’s who their aiming their kits mainly at. One of my complaints, and something I don’t understand, is they tell us it cost so much to tool up a new kit. And there isn’t enough interest to justify the costs. Especially making kits of the newer stuff, that may interest the kids. Yet they put money into to tooling up models of both new and old cars in die cast form all the time. Mainly in 1/64th and 1/18th scales. I many times have wondered about that? Especially the 1/18th scale stuff. Are they not expensive to tool up too? There are so many die cast models out there that I would love to see also offered as plastic “build” kits. Back to the kids. I don’t see a lot of kids interested in cars, new or old, in way we were. I blame part of this on the over regulated, over reliable, look alike vehicles we drive today. These are great in getting one from point A-to-B. The best cars and trucks ever in some ways. But, for most part they are bland and boring. I know, some are not. And they much faster and more reliable than what we had 50 years ago. But, do they really bring out the passions like cars did in the past? I’m just not seeing it with most of the kids I work with. They in general could care less about cars. New or old. Plus, the interests with the youth in general are changing. I not only do I see few, to no kids joining car and model clubs I belong to. But, clubs and other like organizations in general. I fear for organizations like the Buick club I belong to. Or the Son’s of Norway that my parents were active in. The local Lions club is not getting younger people to join like they use to. Nor do I see the number of Boy Scouts that were around back in the day. Do I know why or what the answer to this is? No. I only hope if the old groups and/or clubs die off, the upcoming youth find and start organizations that meet their needs in the future. At this point, I’m not seeing it. And is that okay? Maybe so. I’m 64, and the future is no longer for me. It belongs to them. I can show them one way of getting there. But, I can’t force or drag them to the way I think they should go. I can only lead by example. And I’m sure what ever path they choose it will be okay. It’s been that way for thousands of years, if not longer. How about we get back to old Revell River Rat boat tooling? I know if Revell or Atlantis brings back, especially the boat part of the kit, I’ll be buying.
  6. Fun to see the video. I forgot about that intro, until seeing it again. Also check out the YouTube video from “Little Cars”, on the car itself. Good history on the car, and shows the end of the show with the car leaving the theater and the cartoon Pink Panther chasing after it. See this stuff, really makes me wish I still had the Pink Panther model kit.
  7. I work with high school kids. No matter what is offered by model companies, the youth of today have little to no interest in building models. There are a few, but very few. If it’s not dealing with doing it on an iPhone, or snapped together with Legos, kids are basically have no interested in it. I even have a display case in our school (Spring Lake Park High School, Spring Lark Park, MN) with models on display, and a poster inviting students to join the MCCM (Model Car Club of Minnesota). So, I continue working on encouraging kids to take interest in our hobby. But, with very few results. As far as I can see the hobby has very little of future. But that’s okay, the companies will keep getting my money as long as I’m alive. Plus, I have more money than most high school kids anyhow.
  8. Interesting. I built the Lindberg ‘40 Ford. It was not bad. But not great either. The box art on Lindberg (re)issue of the Mustang and Challenger were enough to scare my away from them. And now hearing your expiation of their origins, I understand why. The only reason I ended up with their ‘40 Ford, is it came with Lindberg’s reissue of IMC’s Dodge L-700 and flatbed trailer. In the end, with a little work, the ‘40 Ford turned out pretty darn good.
  9. “Palmer’s PSM brand”? I know Palmer. But, I know nothing about “Palmer’s PSM brand”. Tell us more.
  10. Hey! I thought we all agree. No real cars. Only models. A heck of a deal tipping that old ‘32 upside down and not damaging it! All kidding aside, a very nice ‘32. I like the other two models too.
  11. I’m wondering what happened to Eldon’s custom model car kits from the late 60’s, or early 70’s. I know that a Japanese model company reissued some of them somewhere a long the line. I only know of the six seen below. Of which I had three. The Pink Panther, the Milk Truck, and the Bathtub. Where there more? I’d love to see the three I had reissued. I remember them as being fairly fun kits to build. I’d like to know more about the history of these kits. They must not have sold all that well since Eldon never issued more kits than that, that I know of? In fact I don’t remember seeing any Eldon’s slot cars, or anything else from them shortly after these kit came out.
  12. How about taking their old ‘50 convertible, clone the die, update that to a ‘51 with a Victoria roof? That way you could still offer the old ‘50 convertible in the future, and a new ‘51 Vicky. That make a cool set of shoebox Fords. The ‘49 club coupe. The ‘50 convertible. And a ‘51 Victoria.
  13. Nice Willys. And Steak ‘N Shake, one of my favorite restaurants as a sponsor.
  14. Yea I do remember it. This all reminds me, that I need to finish my Lindberg version one of these days.
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