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Everything posted by ferrarijoe

  1. Started another build last night. Just a quick box build. Have all the rattle can work done. Think the red turned out pretty good no sanding or clear on it. The windsheild was broke in half when I opened the box. Called Tamyia and sent in pics so should be getting a new one next week.
  2. Thanks guys. Yah I'll build anything if it's a quality kit. As far as bikes Still have a yzr-m1 09, rc211v 06, and nsr500 sitting on the shelf to do. Just need some detail parts for them.
  3. i sent the maker a email on another forum tonight. When he gets back to me I will let you know.
  4. I don't if you guys have seen this. Its for porche 356.
  5. Here its is missed my 2 day build by a few hours. As with all Tamiya kit goes together great. Except for fit of interior to body. Painted it Model Master Guard Red Acrylic.
  6. missed some mold lines so sanded it down and resprayed. Car is done so its in under glass now.
  7. Awesome Senna tribute. Have in engine pics.
  8. Love the bus and wagon. Outstanding work.
  9. Perfect color choice. Great build.
  10. Nice work. Sidewalls on tires look a little to thick. But still great looking build.
  11. Model Master for the red. It's acrylic air brushed on. Get it a hobby lobby.
  12. little more done. Painted it Model Master Guards Red. The poly caps fit loose in brakes so wheels wiggle a bit.
  13. should work out might be a little darker. This is Model Master guards red over gray.
  14. In my experience the more coats you do the deeper the color. I did my Ferrari today with a gray base and it took 3 mist and 2 wet coats to get red to the way I wanted. After your wet coats you should be good.
  15. So going to a quick build after my LaFerrari disaster. Just a box build. Trying to do a 2 day build.
  16. the Mercedes SLS has exploding bolts in hinges. So if it senses a roll over the hinges blow apart.
  17. That is a great build. Wish i had those skills.
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