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The Creative Explorer

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Everything posted by The Creative Explorer

  1. Everybody thanks for their comments, very much appreciated! Yes, these Fujimi's are 'da bomb'! I have basically every kit from that serie, including the 1/16 Enthusiasts. So you can say I am in complete awe of the Enthusiast-series. There are simply no other kits this detailed! Obsessive; Thanks! I keep that in mind as I am planning to use the Borrani's, the only choice if you ask me Unfortunatelly I have some more time to work on the car now ;-( my boss didn't think he needed my services anymore and as of last friday I am unemployeed. Well; Picture time!
  2. Hey Folks, I still have the Pontiac GTO on the shelf together with the 1/12th Ferrari from the contest, for the Ferrari I just have no motivation, so I let it go for now. Packed it up and it disappeared for now in my storage. The GTO will be finished soon, but I am rather stuck at the decal-design. So I was planning on another US-car, but I needed my dose of Fujimi Enthusiast. I decided to go for the 365 GTB/4 in a early version ( not the plexi-glas one ). The car will be build mostly OOB, with a few PE and detail additions. The choice I wanted to make was basically between the Dino and the 365, and since my Girl liked the sexy design of the 365, I decided to go for the 365. ( it is also one of my most-favourite Ferrari's ). Unfortunatelly, a lot of time is something I don't have anymore and so I can not spend a whole lot of time to my projects and surfing on the net is one of the least things I can do. So I need to apologize up front for the small and slow updates. The first pictures; I have been working so far on the engine and the body. The body needs some cleaning up before being able to give it's paintjob. I probably don't have to mention that the car will be painted red. I was able to paint the engine in aluminium today and I am dealing with the colourchoice of the top. Black is the correct colour, but red is very appealing. What to do :roll:
  3. Finally Finished, this build was quite enjoyable. The original AMT fit and detail were surprisingly well. There are some marks to point out for improvement, but frankly; this is my first custom-car and for my first modified it is not that bad :wink: Enjoy and please drop some lines.
  4. Haha Thanks AJulia Finally Finished, this build was quite enjoyable. The original AMT fit and detail were surprisingly well. There are some marks to point out for improvement, but frankly; this is my first custom-car and for my first modified it is not that bad :wink: Enjoy and please drop some lines.
  5. Both the frame as the rails has been sprayed in gloss-black, on purpose and according to plan. It is a shinign custom and a dull bottom would not be for what I had in mind. And yes; it may be an old car, but completely overhauled
  6. Long time since, Everbody thanks for the reply's and positive comments! I very much appreciate that. Andy; I am sorry that it didn't show in the pictures, but the car did had a nice shine over it. I hope you are able to see in the following pictures. I'm about to finish. The only two things I need to do, is to finish my paintjob on the hood and to put a exhaust system to the car, throughout the build I completely forgot about the exhaust...ooops.... Under the hood it looked like there was something missing. I found something I could do with that, and hope it looks ok. I am not going to show what it is, until the final pictures, which should not take that long. I am tired to write a long story, so instead; please ask questions and I will answer them.
  7. Little update: not much done lately, but I do hope to finish it soon. Work is done on the interior and the body had some finishing products on it. Soon I hope to finish the interior, so I can start working on the roof of the car.
  8. Long time, no work. Finally got some time to work on it a little bit, and in the past couple of days the lowering got my attention. In scale it got lowered a nice 5 inch down. Not a easy job, but certainly not undoable. I am going to fit air-ride in the back, need some wiring there too.
  9. a little update with a little better pictures. Nick: those are the plymouth wheels as mentioned somewhere above Slant: Bought in The Netherlands and this kit is from Revell Germany. Not very rare, altough prices are usually around 30-40 dollars used.
  10. And a little update, body has been covered in white paint
  11. Thanks guys Nick; let me see....does it has something to do with the F40 in your nick ;-) haha
  12. Just finished this one today. Basically OOB, but safety harness has been added, same as rollcage, interiour detail and under the hood detail.
  13. As mention above, the Transporter will get steelie's. At the moment the choice is for Duster wheels, they seem to be nice for under the Transporter. The front wheels are Zeit's, by Fujimi.
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