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Everything posted by Bowtienutz

  1. Well a few years later, When I was in the Air Force stationed in MS. Pocher closed down and I bought ever Pocher Kit I could find @ Kmart for prices of $11-$18. I did alright on that deal.
  2. I can remember going to Auto World in Scanton, PA. So bummer out tha I couldn't afford the $16.00 asking price.
  3. get that web site of your fixed buddy. Kinda hard to budget. I guess you may get what's left in my pocket. So sad. Sorry
  4. This is me @ NLL East 2009, trying to focus
  5. The 68-69 kit has the correct Chevy II emblem for the trunk on the 68 model also smaller side marker lamps. Order MCG-2218
  6. Take a picture of your license tag and inspection sticker of you car. Scale them down on your computer print them on some glossy photo paper and you'd come out something satifactory. Attach it to the windscreen with some canopy glue or other white glue that dries clear. For some more realism maybe roll edge before attaching it to the windshield. alot of them come partially unglued from the glass long before they expire. On a I'm gonna come clean on lawbreaking note, in the early 70's my POS 60 impala would never pass a PA inspection. What to do? An observation I noticed that the label from a "Bavarian" beer bottle look amazingly like a PA inspection sticker. A black magic marker with a big # representing the month of issue and a little glue and I was Vinnie approved for a whole year.
  7. Nice job Doug. Typical 60's style short hauler wrecker. The "FRIEGHT"-liner is probably the worst fitting truck kit ever done by AMT you did good. Vince
  8. Nice build Bryan, As a slump buster these snap together trucks are easy and fast to build, make a great shelf model and for the price of under $20 you can't go wrong.I think everyone should pick up at least one each of these KW & Pete kits from Revell. They I've seen people that never built a truck model get hooked on trucks. Only problem with them is there is alot of "canvas" there making you want to get crazy with your decal or airbrush. Build one box stock get to first base and swing for the fences with the second one. Now my question for you what's next now that your on first base. Vince
  9. Some of these cars were coverted to street use. I know drag racer Eddie Hill had one. Not sure it is the exact model Lola. Anyybody have any info on what it would take to make them street legal.
  10. Your sucking up again ! You asked me to elbow you when you do this. Consider yourself elbowed
  11. Hat's off to Norm for filling standing orders FIRST rather than going to a show like NNL East and depleting stock. I once ordered items from another caster and when my order still wasn't filled 8 months later, low and behold he had all the items on his table. I gathered everything up and thanked him. Never placed another order with him again nor would I.
  12. Very impressive Dave, Nice save of an Evilbay buildup . Hope all goes well at Navistar and we have can build some too! Very Soon!
  13. Don't feel bad last year we had a deal at our model club "drive your cool car to the meeting" . I rode with a friend in his car, a crown vic we got there and parked next to a 50 olds. Really cool car black, with flames. I had no idea who's it was. I went back to the vic an hour later to put some kits I bought in the back seat. Opening the door I expected it to be much heavier door than it actually was, sure enough the door got away from me and bang up against the olds. Nice BIG ding in the quarter panel of Olds, no damage to the vic. If I could have crawled under a rock I would have, I found the owner and with tears in my eyes i was appogizing and felt like an idiot. I of course paid for the damage but it still didn't take away the crappy feeling I had for doing such a bonehead thing.
  14. You got nothing to be embarassed about! Looks like a nice build. You learned alot doing it, and have someting nice to display. Pack it up and take that to the Arkansas Model show in Little Rock. Ken Leslie (on this Board) and Dave Branson put on that show. great guys. Ken does awesome airbrush work and does local seminars. If you hate rattle cans Ken can be your next new best friend. You got a great imagination and follow thru. Keep up the good work.
  15. I got one and it's onmy build list. I did find a great book for reference and detailing it. to see what's in the box and get an idea about the book check http://public.fotki.com/VincePutt/scale-modeling-1/future-projects/revell-routemaster/
  16. I kicked Facebook to the curb, Too much drama and BS.
  17. those are pretty cool good luck with your project. I use to see alot of those running around north Texas.
  18. ? for the insiders of the hobby. How long does it take to produce a model. I'm curious of the manufacture process. Is a mold 1 body and all the parts? Are the clear parts a seperate mold? Explain what a mold looks like. What is demold time? We've all rumours of Johan molds being carted off for scrap by employees I thought that molds were heavy large things. Vince
  19. Rodders Journal, only print magazine I get. I haven't seen a Model Cars magazine in months. My local distributor quitcarrying it. I'm not gonna subscribe only to get half the issues trashed by the postmaster.Check your calender Gregg it's the 21st century. now Digital; zinio that's another story. last count 12 subscriptions I don't have to carry a stack of magazines to the bathroom anymore.
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