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Everything posted by exesivefire

  1. Love this build! I remember seeing that inspiration rod, and thinking to myself I should try that, thanks for doing something like it in plastic!
  2. Always love (luv?) your builds, this one is no different. Had my eye on a luv on ebay back in the day, you made me regret not nabbing it now.
  3. I wish I had a better word to use.. Perfect!!
  4. I love this build, reminds me of younger days when I would just search my parts bins for something tommake what I needed. I wish I still had all those parts! Great work!
  5. Looks like someone went shopping at the NNL Nice start.
  6. I'm planning on being there if all goes as planned
  7. Amazing work on the hinges! Thanks for sharing your process, I love all the little tricks I learn on this site
  8. Believe it or not this is my first fully scratch built frame too, however I've done a lot of other things theta probably helped me plan this one a bit. The brass rod is a panhard rod, helps locate the axel from side to side movement. I used brass in this case due to its strength over a piece of styrene in the same size.
  9. Looking good, I like your bag set up, it's pretty neat. Looks like your seeing what I found with that chassis. I started doing the same thing by cutting it up and before I knew it I made a whole new one.
  10. Thanks for the kind words everyone!
  11. Thanks, I just kinda played around with it till I got something I was happy with. The bags are just craft beads, I cleaned them up, drilled them out and stuffed a 1/8th styrene rod through them to make them solid.
  12. looking good! those wheels are a work of art...
  13. couldn't resist mocking it up again.
  14. really happy with how this is turning out, I'm pushing myself a bit on this one. I think I am at my stopping point for the night. Got most of the rear suspension done, still have some various little bits to handle, but the major stuff is there.
  15. making progress, however slow it might be... Like my frame jig? bags mounted, lotta work for something that probably wont be seen.. panhard next...
  16. Thanks guys, finished the rear arms, got the rear axle narrowed and mounted. Once that dries, Ill make the rest of the link mount on the frame, and make the bags/mounts for the rear so its got something solid to mount to.
  17. Making progress slowly, a little more work on the chassis, and started the rear suspension. Letting everything set up real good before I get everything permanently cut and mounted.
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