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Everything posted by streetmachine11

  1. Thanks Koellefornia Kid One of my favorites also along with the corvette corvair
  2. Superbird, That looks great! Its a favorite of mine also. What color are you planning?
  3. Thanks ismaelg Yeah its a challenge. Always wantet to build one though. Probably going to add instead of section. Just so the floor or interior dont have tl be modified.
  4. 54 is the concept im trying to replicate using the 53 corvette and 56 nomad
  5. Mitchy, thats what make a challenge. Other than the corvette corvair concept, it one of the coolest looking ones
  6. Thanks geetee its going together well so far.
  7. Back on the bench with a 1954 corvette nomad. Building for a club build-off deadline is two months this is where im at so far everything is fitting well next is to lengthen the chassis to get the right wheelbase now that the body can be used to measure.
  8. Nice to see a Pontiac built your detail and research make a great replica. Having a 1:1 57 Pontiac in my garage, I'm really happy to see another Jason
  9. I'm workin on a few at the moment wouldn't mind joining in if this old thread kicks up Jaaon
  10. Getting this project back on the bench. Haven't had much building time lately but now that things have slowed down I finished up alot of bodywork and got everything primered. Still need to change the grill opening but at least got the rear fenders done. Happy with the progress so far sill have a ways to go though thanks for looking.... Jason
  11. So its been a long time since my last update. Been working on this alot recently although there isnt much to show for it but here we go. Been working with brass and aluminum! A first for both and soldering brass also. For my firt time working with brass im really happy with the rear end so far. The spool gear assembly needs to be redone ill use this one to measure and make one correctly. The ring and pinion set is the second attempt. Once the spool assembly is right ill cut the gears. Also went with wheels from micro nitro well worth the money Any questions comments or opinions welcome Jason
  12. I have a few ive been meaning to build so Im defenetly in
  13. Yes that is where I sorced the engine is from a jeep. The jeep and willys the shared the same engine even in the 33 willys. Ive got lots to do on the rear fenders but thats all part of a new challenge Thanks Jason
  14. Frank, I did see that thread those were some of the pictures ive saved thank you Jason
  15. Robert, thank you for that link thats exactly what ive been looking for those will help a ton I apreceate it Jason
  16. Wayne, I thought they were a 6 also mabie an option? So few are stock ive found two for referance and there both a flat 4. And a stock version would look nice next to the gasser and pro street versions Thanks, Jason
  17. Building this one as a factory stock willys coupe. Ill be using the l134 flathead 4 cylinder. The block will need some detail work and ive almost got the frame and axles done. it should be an interesting conversion from race car to factory stock but ive been wanting to build a stock coupe for a long time. Thanks for looking Questions and comments welcome Jason
  18. Super stallion mustang built box stock. Thanks for looking Questions and comments welcome Jason
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