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Posts posted by PatW

  1. I did my first 'Tuner' recently I've not built one before in my 40+ years of modelling.....



    I basically built a new chassis and added all of the kit bits onto it and adding tuner rims and tyres. I tinted the rear side glass as it's illegal to tint front side windows in the UK, but also you can't see anything inside if you tint them all,so why put anything in! I also put only one wiper on the front as some touring car racers do here.

  2. I've just had delivered the above 1/24 - 1/25 scale resin Camper. It's cast as a junkyard diorama piece. Perhaps I'll do it that way as it has a lot of flash around the bottom of it OR is grass and other rubbish? OR should I renovate it and build a complete interior knowing the bits that you can get nowadays from resin casters?


    As you can see it comes with a spare wheel with tyre and a couple of cooker gas canisters. I've had to wait a few weeks getting it from teddyb2336 on ebay from the states to here in the UK but it's worth it!

  3. Thanks guys. Well TooOld thats a jolly good question, as I said it had been in a box with the Ford for I don't know how many years. I just took it out this morning tarted it up and hey presto!

    As you can see from the first picture it's got a chevy grill and in the fourth picture showing it's engine you can see numbers and the chevy logo on the side of the wing behind the front wheel. Was there an S10 or was that a Japanese pickup?

    I'll have a look tomorrow to see if I can make out what it says on the wing, as it is in the cabin and I'm in the house and it's 10.17 pm.

  4. When I was searching my shelves for the next project I found these in a box.

    The Ford had just a nerf bar knocked off but the Chevy had a side pipe, the radiator, rear bumper and front bumper and grill in the bottom of the box. I can't remember when I built them but had put them in the box as fixer up-ers when I had time.

    The Ford I polished the plastic and sprayed on a gloss clear, but the Chevy is so old I had brush painted it!





    As part of the small referb I painted the rear lights clear red over the chrome.


  5. Thanks guys for your comments. Well sjordan2, most real car builders cheat, when they build a lowrider, because as soon as they turn the key all the gas/airbags raise the suspension and off they go. Therefore no chewed tyres!

  6. Hi at last I'd finished mine but forgot to put it on this thread.............


    With bomber seats and foam seat pads. Turbo motor partly scratchbuilt, metalflake paint, big and little wheels and tyres, and I moved the headlights to the top of the wings. Oh and the wooden slats in the rear passenger/load area.

  7. Thanks guys. Yes the decals are time consuming, my wife tells me I have no patience but these certainly slow me down.

    If your building either this or the MINI WRC just before you put the cage in just shave a millimetre or two off of the bottom. I noticed especially with this one the body doesn't sit on the chassis as the cage is to high! This was evident when I tried to fit my body but I had already fitted seats, cage and belts when I found this out

    Also watch out for the small bits, aerials, wipers seat belts etc as there is little or no leeway when cutting them from the sprue, with spue cutters of even a sharp craft blade. Most of mine broke then I had to stick them back together or use other thin stock to remake things.

  8. To go with my previous thread showing the Airfix Mini WRC here we have the finished Fiesta..............


    The thin white line decals are a smidge difficult to run around the rear panels!


    The side view.............


    And the front..................


    You tell by the low front that this is a tarmac version. The gravel version would ride a lot higher.

  9. Well done Jim. Nice colour, finish and engine and rims. I can see what you were trying on the sides. I tried thin plasticard to try and make the side pods. That didn't work either.

    These are the side pods I was trying to copy.........


    And I'm still trying!

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