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Least favorite?

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Turn key to ON position, flip glow plug toggle, flip fuel pump toggle, turn key to crank engine, and when started flip glow plug toggle to OFF. Woe be to the person who would forget that sequence. Of course no one could steal the car, and believe me they tried.

As improbable as that start up system sounds, I find it impossible to believe anybody tried to steal it. :P

I think the Nissan Juke has top honours now. 

2015 Nissan Juke Brings More Standard Features, More LEDs, More Colors, and the Same Weirdness

I know they are weird, but I kind of like these things. It reminds me of a happy tree frog.


Hmmm... I could go with the cars that made the last 20 years of cars so gawdawful, like the Ford Taurus or Chevy Cavalier. Or I could go with one of the most loathsome cars of the modern era, the Hummer? Nah. My vote goes to:




I'd love to get my hands on one of these for my summer drive to work, if I could get it cheap. I could do without the faux wood paneling though.

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Ford Tempo, biggest sorriest piece of junk ever built ( ok, not really, but you feel that way after being lucky enough own one)

Dad worked at a Ford dealer from '80 to early '90. After seeing so many Tempos get sold and come back days later for everything conceivable, they became known by the techs as the "Tempon."

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I know they are weird, but I kind of like these things. It reminds me of a happy tree frog.

Normal Juke, yeah , not so much, but this one, oh yeah


The Juke R,   Nissan took the guts from their R35 GTR and shoved into the Juke

Edited by martinfan5
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I would say any car i`m indiffrent to. The Aztec,Fiat Multipla and Nissan Juke do awake a lot of feelings in people,it just say they

will be future classics some day lol. The Multipla is on the Museum of modern art in New York if not mistaken,and i think the car

is very misunderstood if you judge it by it`s appearance alone. As a family car it`s genious,and kids love it. 

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Definitely Second the Volare/Aspen.  I owned one, and hated the fershlugginer thing.  I'd also nominate the first generation Cadillac Northstar V-8.  They have a fault where if the engine loses coolant, the heads crack because the material is too thin around the head bolts.  Sadly, the material was so thin as a safety feature to allow the engine to cool IN CASE OF coolant loss.  It was meant to act as air cooling.  Had a Deville Concours.  Phenomenal car, otherwise, but once the water pump blew it was junk.  It still ran great, but it wouldn't hold coolant anymore.

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There are a ton of ugly and crappy cars out there that have been made throughout history, but I'd have to say my least favorite that I've had any sort of experience with is the PT Cruiser. My girlfriend's parents bought her one brand new when she graduated high school, and that thing was the biggest piece of junk ever. Now, she may not have taken immaculate care of the thing, but she made sure regular maintenance got done and treated it as well as most people treat their daily drivers. Within 2 years, every piece of trim on the interior rattled and it'd been to the dealer 3 different times for recalls. Within another 2 years, the thing was spending more time at the mechanic than it was on the road. It never even made it past the 60k mile warranty period before the dealer basically told her they were tired of losing money on it and just pro-rated it out towards a new car. Every time I see one of those things I cringe and pity the owner.

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Hmmm... I could go with the cars that made the last 20 years of cars so gawdawful, like the Ford Taurus or Chevy Cavalier. Or I could go with one of the most loathsome cars of the modern era, the Hummer? Nah. My vote goes to:


That is actually an attractive car considering the lack of money AMC had to deal with.


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When I was working for Chrysler I was at a dealer that also sold the entire GM line. I was in the service drive talking to the general manager when the GM rep drove up in a yellow Aztek. As he got out of the car one of the techs said "you know, that's the second ugliest car I've ever seen". The rep with a big grin on his face said, " really, whats the first one". Tech said, "the green one". We got a good laugh out of that.  Ken

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A little background first. I run the leasing division for one of Canada's larger fleet companies.My department has around 3500 vehicles in it, and we have about 12,000 in our total fleet. Our fleet is everything from small cars to 5 ton Hinos, and everything in between. Before this, I spent a total of 13 years with Porsche (and to an extent VW) and three years with BMW. I've driven a lot of vehicles, and have been lucky enough to spend time with just about everything.

Here's my least favourites:

1. Ford F150 - the most uncomfortable truck on the road today. For me anyway. I'm good for about 15 minutes, then I start getting a sore back. No other vehicles does this to me. As a result, I hate driving these things. Plus, the 2015 F150 Platinum I drove for three weeks last winter had three warranty claims in that three week period. 

2. Ferrari - mainly because I'm 6'6" and these were designed for tiny little Italian men. Why is it I can fit in any Porsche, the Lambo Gallardo, Murcielago, and Aventador, and McLarens, but not one Ferrari? Awful.

3. Toyota Camry - might as well paint them all beige and include a free bed set from Sleep Country. What a boring, boring car. Does everything well, exceeds at nothing. Automotive NyQuil.

4. Honda Accord - same as the Camry

5. Most domestic cars from the late 80s, early 90s. Junk. Plastic interiors, rusty exteriors, overstyled, unreliable. Chrysler, Ford, and GM all deserved to go out of business because of the cars they built back then.Of course, there are going to be a ton of people defending them, but answer me this...how many cars from 1990 give or take do you still see on the road? Around here? Almost none. Now how many Japanese or European cars from the same era do you see? Around here, there's a lot of them. 



As for the perennial least favs, how many here have actually driven an Aztec? Yes, it's funny looking, but it was very typical 90s and drove like most 90s GMs. It wasn't bad at all. Had some need ideas, and I'm glad that GM had the nuts to try something different. Kind of like Chrysler and the Plymouth Prowler. What a piece of junk. Looks like a hotrod, interior is a plastic bonanza, drives like a crappy Chrysler Intrepid and shares the Intrepid's engine. But I love that that Chrysler built it. The Nissan Juke is goofy looking and cramped, but it actually drives okay, and is great for what it is. 

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For styling? Almost everything built since the mid '70's.

For reliability? Almost anything British or Italian.

For rust issues? Anything from the '70's and '80's.

I remember as a kid my grandparents bought a new '60 Corvair, it was such a great car they owned nothing but Fords from then on.

Bad / unpopular / ughy cars have been around forever.

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When the AMC Eagles came on the market I didn't care for them.  Then I rented a 4WD wagon and was impressed.  Sure, typical Rambler rough plastic build quality (it was a Hornet, after all), but it felt stiffer, lighter, and less rattle-prone than the big-3 offerings of the day.  And, with that 4.0-liter six it went pretty good.  I remember that these cars (the 4WDs in the U.S. northeast) had an enthusiastic following; their competition was the first-gen Subaru 4WD wagons, and the AMCs had them beat by a mile when it came to ground clearance, performance and utility.  By the early '80s it was common to see Eagle 4WD wagons with lift-kits, off road wheels / tires, lighting, etc.

I think I'd buy one today if it were possible.  Oh, wait a minute, I do own one - in the guise of my 1998 Jeep Cherokee.  Funny to think that I actually drive a "Rambler."


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I work as a parts manager for a Ford dealer and our biggest nightmare to look parts up for or to work on and if the name alone wasn't bad enough was the Ford Probe.......

I work in the parts department at an independent repair shop, and I always knew when a Probe or a Cougar(1999 & up) came into the shop and it needed anything that had to come from the dealer the part was discontinued. 

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