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Build it, and they will come. The future of our hobby.

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 When will it be out on the newsstands? :D  

The new magazine, tentatively called "Philosophical, Sociological and Psychological Rants Inspired by the Model Car Hobby" will hit the stands just about a year after I find someone with a lot more money than brains to back it.

PSPRIMCH for short.

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I gave a few examples but a lot more chassis exist...  Trumpeter did a '60 Pontiac,  and as far as modeling different wheel bases, it's not that difficult.  Yea, we don't have every last one but there's often something that can be coaxed into what we need.   For instance the Dart chassis is longer than the earlier A-bodies.  I instantly found the point where I could take the few scale inches out of the rear seat area and reassemble it without the seam showing.  We are modelers aren't we?

The Trumpeter chassis' wheelbase is accurately scaled at 125.98 mm. At least they didn't mess that up like they did with the roof.. 

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The new magazine, tentatively called "Philosophical, Sociological and Psychological Rants Inspired by the Model Car Hobby" will hit the stands just about a year after I find someone with a lot more money than brains to back it.

PSPRIMCH for short.

"PSPRIMCH"......I like that. it's got a catchy title. It rolls off the tongue as easily as teeth after you get smacked with a softball bat. 

Edited by SfanGoch
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Do manufacturers post production numbers? Probably not. I would really like to see how many of each kit is sold. Then we can accurately argue/predict the trends in the modeling industry.

I am not as old as some of the others here. I think I could build for another 20-30 years. I sure would like the industry to keep moving forward by providing new kits (of new and older cars) and not just reissues of older models, that I may or may not already have. I need the kids and younger adults to continue buying products and showing interest in the hobby to make my selfish needs become a reality.

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make more money for the model companies, so they might be able to more easily afford to tool up a '51 Studebaker or something equally ancient that would make the old-fart market happy. We're a long long way from all being dead.

and the model companies are wisely investing heavily in this market!  Realizing that the largest generation ever is now retiring at a good clip every day, and needs  activities to occupy their time.  If we want to recruit people into the hobby,  here's the demographic.  The Jersey Shore Model Car Club did displays at Englishtown Raceway Park and found that they were recruiting old guys back in to the hobby.  Many of them were amazed that car modeling still existed.  I think we can keep this ship afloat another 30 years.

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Do manufacturers post production numbers? Probably not. I would really like to see how many of each kit is sold. Then we can accurately argue/predict the trends in the modeling industry.

I am not as old as some of the others here. I think I could build for another 20-30 years. I sure would like the industry to keep moving forward by providing new kits (of new and older cars) and not just reissues of older models, that I may or may not already have. I need the kids and younger adults to continue buying products and showing interest in the hobby to make my selfish needs become a reality.

Yes, this is a very good reason to be interested in the future, because you might not pop off as soon as you think you will, and you're still going to have to deal with whatever's out there.

Getting the young interested is just good business, especially in an industry that traditionally has been geared to the young.  Companies like AMT owe their existence to the fact that full sized automakers wanted to get children interested in their products so that they would buy them once they were old enough to do so.  True, they're not so much interested i9n promos today, but they do develop prototypes so they can be used in video games, so the principle still applies.


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Truly amazes me that Harry, Russ, and others insist the thread is about FORCING anyone to try modeling, or saying modeling MUST be passed on. 

I guess you can't read, Harry, as I don't see that in there. 

As unhappy as some seem, sharing a hobby that brings "less unhappiness" must be an awful thought. Yet you post builts all the time, hence sharing the hobby. 

Disliking kids is a preference, but I guess sharing the hobby with other unaware but possibly interested adults is passing the hobby along, or at least the opportunity to derive pleasure from it as we do. So it's not just a kid thing.  



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Truly amazes me that Harry, Russ, and others insist the thread is about FORCING anyone to try modeling, or saying modeling MUST be passed on.

I'm not sure what goes on in your mind, but I have never insisted this thread is about forcing kids to get into modeling. Why you say that is beyond me.

What this thread is about is the future of the hobby... and I expressed my opinion regarding the future of the hobby by commenting on the common idea that many current modelers have that they need to pass on the hobby to the kids. Just gave my opinion, didn't try to insist that this thread is about that. You need to lighten up, stop putting words into my mouth, and just try to be part of the conversation instead of being the guy in charge of what's acceptable and what's not as far as other people's opinions go.

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Yeah, what Harry said.

I never said that this thread was about forcing anyone into model building. I did question the need of people in general (including some here) who think that "this" (could be any  hobby) must continue. There is a big difference there.

I did say I was never forced into building. Not that anyone else is forcing.

I don't think Harry and I are the ones needing reading comprehension skills here.


Edited by russosborne
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 ...chose my hobby. I think we should let others choose their hobby, whatever it may be. Just because we are interested in model cars doesn't mean that others must also be, or that it is somehow our "duty" to force our hobby onto others

This was on first page of thread.  Bold and underlined added by me.

I comprehend fine, thanks for asking. 

I'm not the one putting words in anyone's mouth, and I was conversing fine until you and Russ fired up whatever it is again. You also ranted earlier how you don't care what happens to the hobby after you're dead. I never saw that raised as an issue. Nobody here has slept more than 7-8 hours a night worry about what happens when you're gone. Opinions aren't mine to judge. As a MODERATOR, you should understand that. Oh gawd, now you'll start about the thankless job, you want it, ....

I can't put you on ignore, I see you go off on rants about little boxes, stuff that YOU don't like, so why does ANYONE like it? You started up the same saw from page one despite many others moving on. Posts were discussing how some displays brought guys in that didn't know models were still a thing, 

Some pretty funny washing machine and fridgehenge jokes in here too. I even made those meme's for the thread. 3D modeled 'em. :lol:

You and Russ enjoy. 


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I am not as old as some of the others here. I think I could build for another 20-30 years. I sure would like the industry to keep moving forward by providing new kits (of new and older cars) and not just reissues of older models, that I may or may not already have. I need the kids and younger adults to continue buying products and showing interest in the hobby to make my selfish needs become a reality.

Michael, I think this is one of, if not the, most intelligent posts in this thread! :D

I, too, feel that a better mix of new releases and older reissue kits would be better for the hobby as a whole and maybe also bring younger modelers to the hobby just as when most of us were mere lads getting into the hobby. When I was first starting my plastic addiction over 30 years ago, there was a good mix of older "classics" of the day such as 69 Chargers, early 70s Mustangs and GM F bodies, but also new and currently available sports cars and popular rides like the Monte Carlo and Buick GN, and the exotics that probably most all of us had posters of in our bedrooms (I know I had posters of Countachs and Ferraris on my bedroom wall) that could make any young boy's heart skip a beat! There was also a nice selection of trucks to build just like the ones that you'd see going down the road that you'd pump your arm to the driver to get him to blow the air horn. 

Today's youngsters done have those choices though.

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Chris, you need to understand that we all have different opinions and we are all free to state those opinions. This is a forum... it's all about people having their say, regardless of whether or not you agree. There's no need to get personal just because someone has an opinion that doesn't agree with yours.

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Somebody in this post mentioned wheelbase of a Dart being longer than A Bodies...The Dart of 67 and up had a longer wheelbase than the sister Valiant..The 60-61 Dart was a bigger car like the Plymouth and the 62 to 65 was a B body like the Satellite..The 65 B body Dodge was called a Coronet and 63-64 Were called Polaras..or just plain Dodge..

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