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Who are your Favorite Actors..


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1 Olivia de Havilland

2 Errol Flynn

3 Jimmy Cagney

4 Edgar G Robinson

5 Humphrey Bogart

6 Kathrine Hepburn

7 Clark Gable

8 The Rat Pack

9 Elvis

10 Annette Funicello

11 Sean Connery

12 Al Pacino

13 Robert De Niro

14 Angelina Jolie

15 Clive Owen

16 Sean Bean



Edited by Mike 1017
missed spelled word
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Will Ferrell - He's as good in serious roles as he is in comedy

Jim Carey - for pretty much the same reason

Johnny Depp - He's a big Tim Burton fan, as am I

Robert Deniro - Always one bad dude, no matter which side of the law he's on

Burgess Meredith - best Twilight Zone actor ever, maybe the best actor ever period..........

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1. Dustin Hoffman

2. Kenneth Branagh (see "Much Ado about Nothing" and "Conspiracy")

3. Glenn Close

4. James Stewart

5. Leonardo di Caprio

6. Jimmy Cagney

7. Cate Blanchett

8. Jack Nicholson

9. Robert de Niro

10. Gene Hackman


1. Marilyn Monroe

2. Sean Connery

3. George Clooney

4. Errol Flynn

5. Elizabeth Taylor

6. John Wayne

7. Julia Roberts

8. Steve McQueen

9. Paul Newman

10. Elizabeth Taylor

and special mentions for:

"Actor for whom I will watch any movie if he's in it": John Cusack

"Actress for whom I will watch any movie if she's in it": Sigourney Weaver



Edited by Matt Bacon
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No particular order (and some may be obscure), but I'll check out any movie/tv show that has them:

Tonantzin Carmelo

Humphrey Bogart

Michael Rennie

Ralph Meeker

Cliff Robertson

Joan Crawford

Bette Davis

Lizabeth Scott

John Cassavetes

Lee Marvin

Richard Loo

Judy Garland

Tony Randall

Dolores Hart

Jimmy Stewart

Dorothy Malone

Glynn Turman

Orson Welles

Tyrone Power

Paul LeMat

Walter Matthau

Sheree North

Jayne Mansfield

Marilyn Monroe

Tippi Hedren

Kim Novak

Martin Balsam

William Devane

Robin Padilla

Diane Baker

Tatsuya Mihashi

Mamie Van Doren

John Gilbert

Miroslava Stern

Barbara Harris

The Marx Brothers

Jack Benny

The Three Stooges

And Jerry Mathers as the Beaver. (I could name many more...)


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McQueen and Eastwood would top my list.

There are a couple character actors I really enjoy, because often they look and act so differently from role to role that I don't recognize them until I see their name in the credits. A couple such I can think of offhand include Stephen Lange and Vincent D'nonfrio (or however you spell it).

The guy who played/plays Mike on Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul is great. He's been around for years, playing both drama and comedy, but no one knew his name until recently. (As you can see, I've forgotten it too--oh wait, it's Jonathan Banks, just remembered).

I also really enjoy Eric Stonestreet. He plays Cam on Modern Family, one of the best characters on TV. He plays one of the gay guys to absolute perfection, but in real life he's stone-straight. I love that show--IMHO the best sitcom of all time.

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Denzel Washington 

John Goodman

Robert De Niro

Samuel L Jackson

Lawrence Fishburn

AL Pacino

George Clooney

Mila Kunis

Jennifer Lawrence 

Bradley Cooper

Tommy Lee Jones 

James Garner

Clint Eastwood

Jake Gyllenhaal 

Brian Cranston 

Tom Sizemore

Donald Sutherland 

Zach Galifianakis 

Jonah Hill

Seth Rogan

Paul Rudd

Amy Schumer

Robert Downey Jr

Kevin Costner

John Candy

Christian Bale

Steve Martin

Amy Adams

Vince Vaughn

Micheal Keaton

Will Ferrell

Robin Williams

Jada Pinkett Smith

Alan Rickman 


Edited by Petetrucker07
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Most of mine were mentioned in the above posts. Ones I would add are:

                              Peter O'tool

                              Peter Sellers

                              Gene Wilder

                              Tommy Lee Jones

                              Wesley Snipes

                              Sylvester Stallon

                              Mel Gibson

                              Dustin Hoffman 



Edited by my66s55
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Ok, this is a tough one.  By actors are you talking about someone who could play a wide diversity of characters?  Many great actors got type cast and could only play one type of character and this to me meant they may have starred in numerous great movies but always played the same type of character.  One of my favorites is Humphry Bogart.  Great actor for the tough guy with a heart of gold character but that was about the depth of his ability.  Same with Clint Eastwood.  Same type of character.  If we are talking about someone who has played a diverse group of characters here is my list.

1. Dustin Hoffman – From the Graduate to Little Big man to Tootsie to Rainman about as diverse an actor as you could want.

2.  Robin Williams – Dead poet’s society, Mrs. Doubtfire, Mork and Mindy. An incredible comedic genius.

3.  Sidney Greenstreet – the perfect foil to create diversity for Bogart

4.  Henry Fonda – Wow, what more could I say.  From Grapes of Wrath to On Golden Pond to Mister Roberts to the many westerns.

5. Will Smith- Great actor in the middle of his career. Comedy to drama.  Got a great one going on with the promise of more to come.

6.  James Earl Jones - I really doesn’t get much better than Field of Dreams to Darth Vader.  That distinctive voice is a wonder to behold.

7.  Kathrine Hepburn - Oh this is another great actor with a broad range and long career.  The perfect person to play opposite both Henry Fonda (On Golden Pond) and Humphrey Bogart (African Queen).  Played everything from the sexy vamp to the tough old lady.  Nice broad range of acting abilities.

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Has anyone mentioned Samuel L. Jackson yet? I've liked almost everything I've seen him in.

Tommy Lee Jones and Harrison Ford can always be counted on to turn in great performances, too. Come to think of it, so can Val Kilmer.


IMO, he wasn't very good as Batman/Bruce Wayne. He wasn't the worst, but far from the best. I know, it's one of only a few rolls he didn't really fit. 

Honestly Val Kilmer is best as a supporting actor. Like as Doc Holiday in Wyatt Earp with Kurt Russell and Val was Good in Heat with Robert Deniro if you have not seen Heat watch it a loaded cast and great movie. I can't remember Val as Batman real good but was not bad as i remember. Snake I do like Samuel L Jackson in some movies like A Time to Kill and Lake View Terrace also Pulp Fiction. I saw The Hateful Eight with my brother and he maid the move.  Tommy Lee Jones good actor. I did forget to put Harrison Ford Down he is one of my favorite actors. 

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Honestly Val Kilmer is best as a supporting actor. Like as Doc Holiday in Wyatt Earp with Kurt Russell and Val was Good in Heat with Robert Deniro if you have not seen Heat watch it a loaded cast and great movie. I can't remember Val as Batman real good but was not bad as i remember. Snake I do like Samuel L Jackson in some movies like A Time to Kill and Lake View Terrace also Pulp Fiction. I saw The Hateful Eight with my brother and he maid the move.  Tommy Lee Jones good actor. I did forget to put Harrison Ford Down he is one of my favorite actors. 

I agree, Val was excellent as Doc Holliday, and in Heat. Those were to great movies. I forgot to put down Kurt Russell as a favorite, there's a few I need to add...

Kurt Russell

Sam Elliott

Will Smith

Gene Hackman

Bill Murray

Dan Akroyd

Rodney Dangerfield 

Patrick Swayze 

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