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how do you mix bottle-paints?

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My preferred method is to use the "Badger" battery operated mixer with the little propeller on the end.  But I don't know how many of these mixers I've gone through.  Another method I've tried is the shaker-type mixer with the rubber band that lasts about 2 months.  Some people say they just shake the paint-jar; maybe with a B-B in the jar.  Anyway, another "Badger" mixer just crapped out on me again.  I would gladly pay a premium for a mixer of higher quality and longevity.  Thanks

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I made a fixture to hold my variable speed Dremel. The stirrer is a short piece of coat hanger bent 90 degrees at the end and flattened a bit. Works like a charm, no sitting there holding it, and cost pennies if you have some scrap wood.




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I do so too .. best purchase I've made!


Awesome, I just bought one!

It wasn't out of being unable to shake, as last year I posted were I shook the spray cans so hard they bulged hugely.

It was out of practicality and ease as my Vallejos tend to be so thick with pigment, they need a stellar shake.  Especially there new metallic alcohol based paints.

PS This unit seems to have a very small foot print, doesn't take up much volume.



Edited by aurfalien
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PS This unit seems to have a very small foot print, doesn't take up much volume.


But you may need to clamp it down as it loves to walk as it shakes  :lol:

I have an outlet just to my left and I just let it sit on the floor (under a bench) and just let it shake and stroll around my seat ))

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I made a fixture to hold my variable speed Dremel. The stirrer is a short piece of coat hanger bent 90 degrees at the end and flattened a bit. Works like a charm, no sitting there holding it, and cost pennies if you have some scrap wood.




Thanks, this is a great idea.  After my Badger craps out I'll use that shaft in a Dremel. (It helps to have two Dremels!)


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But you may need to clamp it down as it loves to walk as it shakes  :lol:

I have an outlet just to my left and I just let it sit on the floor (under a bench) and just let it shake and stroll around my seat ))


Thanks for the tip.  Über appreciative.



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