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Now I can repaint the engine cover and turn my attn back to the wheels ...  couldn’t resist the urge to use these Shabo markings  -  they are dry transfers - the last Dunlops in my stash ...  dry transfers are generally not available these days   -   There is something about the process used to make these - the chemicals used in their production -  that have forced the makers to stop production -  which is too bad.  Anyway  -  here they are ... sharp and bright ...

if you look closely at the right rear tire, you’ll see a sanded flat spot   That’s the trick that I’m using to get the left rear tire just about down on the ground...  don’t tell anyone...





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It’s a small car -  so my box of decals fails to produce roundels of the correct size - so I’m tracing circles on the back of a decal sheet with a template - 7/16 - and cutting out 3 roundels.  The numbers are from a sheet of dry transfers that I’ve kept from an older project ...  the first one was a failure - but masking tape removed the offending marking and the next one was better ...






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I had made some Cooper markings on my computer- on blank decal sheet - but the badges on the Cooper kits from Fernando Pinto are better.  So I sort of borrowed a sheet from one of these kits for the badge on the bonnet and the marking on the steering wheel... the badge artwork has a red circle - which is accurate for the Cooper badge - but it proved to be overscale - so I punched a smaller badge without the circle for these markings ...






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These cars used those neat spring loaded hooks as bonnet stays.  Sakatsu makes these things in metal - ive had them a long time - don’t know if they are still available ...  soldered on some brass pegs and epoxied them hanging down since the bonnet will be mostly hinged open - gotta see all that stuff, right ?? 





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Gracias strateliner...

it occurred to me a short while ago that I needed to finish this thread before I got to page 13....  because we all know that this build goes to hell on page 13 - right ?  So here’s the last part - the second exhaust pipe spring clip - which is made from .0075 steel wire and looks way better than my first clip ...


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thanks to all of you who slogged along   -   I don’t post encouragement or compliments as often as I should. -   My bad

last pic is a pose with a Merit friend -  shows you how small the Cooper Mark 9 was / is ...  driving it must be like strapping an engine onto a bicycle ....  for the very brave and / or the very foolish ...






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Fantastic job Andrew, It has been a delight and learning experience following this build.  Did you do one for the Lotus 11 shown in the last shot?

It was always an privilege to get to see Sterling Moss driving his old C types and GP cars at the Laguna Seca Historics over the past 20 yr. that I've attended.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So DustyMojave posted the following on this thread way back in Aug 2017 :  

"Another model builder I know, Dale King, grew up near Harry's store and as a young man built a very detailed larger scale model of Harry's Cooper, going to Harry's house to take measurements and pictures. Awesome model."

Well I can now complete the circle - as I have Dale king's permission to post pix of his amazing 12th scale Cooper - and yes it is a true - old school - scratch-build ...

- he sort of instigated my fool's errand in 24th scale ...


bare frt w.jpg

bare side w.jpg

Coop frt w.jpg

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Just shows by Andrew what can be done with those old Merit car kits. A beautiful super detailing job. As far as my memory serves me apart from the Cooper, the only other Merit car kits that had engine details were the Alfa Romeo and the Talbot Lago. The rest of them were kerbside  models I believe. Just out of curiosity, Merit also made a kit of Donald Campbell's ill fated Bluebird Water Speed Record Boat. As Michael Caine would say 'Not a lot of people know that!'

Dale King. Now there is a blast from the past! His Cooper scratch built is also a sight to behold. I can remember an old car modelling book by Robert Schleicher that featured a scratch built Fiat sports car and a highly detailed Tamiya Porsche by Dale. Is he still building models?

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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Mr King occasionally posts on the GPMA.io forum - short for Grand Prix modelers assoc - I think he has posted pix of that Porsche in that forum - I do not know if he still builds - he hasn’t posted any recent builds ...  he is the first large scale scratch builder that I know of in this country ...

thanks for the compliments.         The bluebird kit was a smaller scale - and unobtanium in the US -  you are correct about the others -  I’ve been working on the Alfa engine - with the aid of a 3D printed upgrade from Mr Indycals - selling on  Shapeways - it’s buried in the “some old racing engines” thread in the model cars section on this forum - it’s sort of taking a nap - but it could be active again once I’ve gotten my workbench clean again - but that is always a big challenge.. a big, big challenge ....

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