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1972 Chevy Blazer

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Ok I'm calling this one done. I have a few things under the hood to finish, but I'm burned out on this one and I want to finish some other projects.

This is my dad's old Chevy Blazer. I can't remember if it's a 71 or 72 and Google searches of photos have left me crosseyed. To many different side marker light differences and mislabeled photos to tell. I used the Model King version of the AMT Chevy Blazer, some old projector slides, and my fuzzy memory(I was only 7 years old when he traded it in for our IH Scout) to recreate our families Blazer. I built it pretty much stock except for the scratchbuilt snowplow hoist, the driving lights, and other subtle differences to make it look more like my dad's Blazer. The 1:1 Blazer photos look distorted because they are slides that I projected up on a wall and took pictures of with my phone. I couldn't take them right in line to get them even, or I would cast a shadow on the projection.

OK, some pics





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Sorry for the delay, lost my internet (darn rain). Some more pics, including the 1:1 Blazer. Thats my brother standing in front. I glued the "gumball machine" and CB antenna on the roof with clear silicone so I could remove them when I wanted to backdate it. I even found the original license plate for it and scanned and reduced it to put on the model.Thanks for looking.







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24 minutes ago, Lordmodelbuilder said:

Nice build replicating your dads Blazer. Looks like your dad's was a 72 since it has a windshield mounted mirror.


Thank you for the info. I was born in 71 and my dad traded the Blazer in on the Scout in 78, so I don't remember alot about it. What I do remember is that it was a rust bucket when he got rid of it. Can't believe it was only 6 years old and  rusty, but it was the 70's and he did plow alot with it, which I'm sure didn't help. I wish I could ask my dad, but he suffers with Alzheimers and can't remember any of it. I guess building models of his vehicles helps keep the memories alive. I'll half to dig out the Tamiya kit and do his 96 Chevy Astro van next.


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  • 3 months later...

great job, i too been doing family cars but not much for pics of them, like my sisters college car that she let me drive when she came home on weekends, my brothers bronco back in the day orange truck was the farm truck blueone my little brothers truck, i have 6 siblings 




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