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Life is on hold


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The journey that God takes us on sometimes tests our strength but with faith and prayer, we get through it. So happy that your son has made the wonderful progress to date and will continue to with all of the support he has. 

May you all have a joyous Christmas and the best gift you will get is your son's healing.

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I just came across your posts and want to say I am so happy your son is getting better. And not to worry about having a moment. Reading your post brought tears to my eyes also. So have your moments. It's ok. And I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas Jeremy. 

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Prayers for his quick recovery . I have empathy . My youngest daughter had a bout of Cancer in 2017 , I can handle my illnesses . I deserve them . I am also old and worn out . She is not . I feel your hurt for Him .. God Bless you and yours .. Thanx .. 

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Thank you all for the support and well wishes. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We'll be enjoying Christmas next week... And as much as I've always enjoyed it, this year will be even more special than before.

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37 minutes ago, KWT said:

Thank you all for the support and well wishes. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it. We'll be enjoying Christmas next week... And as much as I've always enjoyed it, this year will be even more special than before.

Still prayin' for you and your son and I hope things continue to improve. Hang in there, and count your blessings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you folks. We do appreciate it.

We go back to the first Dr. appointment of the year on monday. They are going to scan him to see if his tissue damage has improved any. Hoping that it's healing up and he doesn't have to go in for surgery, but we'll have to wait and see the results.

Since I actually got off work early, we ended 2018 with some ice cream at the soda fountain where my sister works. He's back to all smiles, just like before the accident. That my friends is always good to see.


And I also want to tell you guys, Jacob says "Thank you!" for the support and well wishes. He was blown away by all of you.

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  • 2 months later...

Surgery is looking like it'll be sometime in a couple months or so... So we're just rockin' on.

Yesterday we went driving. First time behind the wheel since the accident. First couple trips up and down the road were a little rough lol... but he got the hang of it again pretty quickly. After about an hour, we actually got out on the main road for a quick spin. You could just tell, he was enjoying the heck out of it.


Last night, we celebrated his 19th birthday (not til this coming friday). Mine was the 1st and this was the best birthday present I could have gotten.


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I just found this thread today and completely understand your situation. Dad's are supposed to be able to fix everything and when you are powerless to do that it's a real shot to your confidence. You can only place your situation in God's hand and be there for your entire family when they need you,and they will need you to be there for them.Situations like these certainly help us all to realize where our priorities in life should be. Hug your kids when you can,listen when they speak and pray for them every chance you get.

God bless you and yours.So great of you to share this with all the members here.

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Oh the trials and tribulations of parenthood, I will pray that God heals your son's body and that he will give your family the peace and strength to get through this and the reality of it is we never stop worrying about our children no matter their age, mine are 40 and 37 and the youngest being a police officer talking about worry but my wife and I just pray all that much harder, anyway hoping and praying the very best for your son and your family!

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