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Well, I'm in the middle of dismantling my model room along with the rest of my basement again. , , ,


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Flood again. 
I've got a day or so before I have to turn the power off and bug out.   

When I bought the house I knew about the possibility of flooding. Historically, according to the records , it was maybe every 20 years or so that it would be bad enough to affect me here. 

Well, this will be the third time since I bought the house 12 years ago. The flooding IS getting more frequent and more often. I like where I live and I don't want to move but if this is going to be a common occurrence I won't have a choice.

Anyway, if you don't hear from me for a while, you'll know why. 

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Steve, I can certainly relate! My place got flooded in 2011 and not long ago we had another close call in this area. Very seriously considering moving in the next few months. It's one of the reasons my building has slowed waaaay down. I don't want to get too involved with a WIP only to have to pack it away and move things in the next few months.

There's also the reality of the neighborhood changing for the worst. I've had not one but two shootings (one was literally the house next to me, the other next to them), and not long ago there was another 'incident' in my area. This is not how it was when I moved here in 2006.

So, it's time to move on. Get another place that's not flood prone and hopefully something that's a tad more isolated with neighbors that aren't drama prone.

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Thanks guys. 

Looks like we'll get about a foot to a foot and a half of water in the basement ,, IF we only get what's forecast. 

Everything's up at least 3 feet off the floor now. Just have to clean up and put everything else in the garbage and we'll be ready for it. :( 

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We live in an older mobile home community. The new owers are moving new trailers in but rather than selling the are leasing or renting and almost all the new people are coming down from the Chicago area.

I started using the frontage road to go to the far side to the mail boxes instead of the short way through the place. If you drive through with your windows down you will almost get a secondary high on the way!

We tried having our windows open more and using the ac less last summer but the two homes to the west of us send out that familiar skunky smell evey couple hours that finds its way into our place.

County police say nothing they can do and going to the managment  is worthless!

Not to mention mor break ins and the sound of gunfire on most weekends!

Edited by OldTrucker
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Sad state of affairs when so many seem to seek instant self stratification at the expense of others regardless of the effect. The flooding issue is so severe in several parts of the country and I hope you are able to find higher ground or some other viable solution that is practical.

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The world is getting wierd, no two ways about it. I have a friend who is a homesteader in south Florida. Lately his livestock predation issues have gone far beyond coyotes and raccons. He's dealing with boas, pythons, monitors and tegus. Another in Kansas has had his place flattened twice now in four years by tornado. Polar vortexes, bomb cyclones, and killer hurricanes oh my.

There is an ancient curse, of disputed origin, that someone would lay on their enemy. "May you live in interesting times." Brothers and sisters, we are there.

Steve, real sorry to hear about your troubles. Bill, good luck on the move.

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sorry to hear about the flooding. as for neighborhood i understand completely. live in an area where shootings are an every day occurrence. plus your not even safe on expressways or toll roads by me. we've had 40 shootings so far this year on them.  amazing what you get used to.

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On 4/20/2019 at 12:00 PM, Can-Con said:

Thanks guys. 

Looks like we'll get about a foot to a foot and a half of water in the basement ,, IF we only get what's forecast. 

Everything's up at least 3 feet off the floor now. Just have to clean up and put everything else in the garbage and we'll be ready for it. :( 

Steve....  I am very sorry to hear that.  I went through that myself shortly after we moved into the house were in now....lost quite a few sentimental things due to it....

models...old toys...promos..dealership items...photos...etc. had to toss out most everything that was down there...horrible thing to have to go through.    Keep your chin up best you can.

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Well guys, water's down a lot and we came back to the house last night.

So far no damage and just some puddles on the basement floor that can't be vacuumed up yet as it's still slowly seeping back in.  It seems to have reached a level it likes for now. No more coming in but if I clean it up, it's replaced at the same amount.

Like I said, no damage, just gotta clean up the floor, disinfect it and put things back. Oh, and a few sheets of drywall to replace in my model room. The water was 24 inches deep at one point.


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