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Made me cry

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That really hits home. So sorry to see this happen. Similar thing happened to one of my 1/12 Moto GP builds,  twice. After the second time I decided to make a crash diorama out of it. Good luck with the repair. 

Edited by Rider
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1 hour ago, thatz4u said:

Man, that hurts, are you going to repair it?



50 minutes ago, Modelbuilder Mark said:

Ouch, so sorry to see this.

I suspected that fresh air was bad for you.


Not enough paint & thinner fumes mixed with the fresh air maybe 


1 hour ago, 1930fordpickup said:

Yes , hurts just looking at your hard work gone. 

Made me cry 


49 minutes ago, Rider said:

That really hits home. So sorry to see this happen. Similar thing happened to one of my 1/12 Moto GP builds,  twice. After the second time I decided to make a crash dip out of it. Good luck with the repair. 

I hope there won't be a 2nd time & thanks

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Man, that sucks big time - plus now you need a new TV.

Looks like with a lot of very careful drilling and pinning the broken areas, and some equally careful touchups and fresh BMF to cover the joints on the pillars, it would be savable. Don't give up! We're pulling for you.

Edited by ChrisBcritter
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Sorry to hear of your bad fortune with the great looking Dodge!


I had a similar mishap due to an act of nature....if you can call a former wife slamming a Jo-Han '68 Caddy convertible straight down to the floor an act of nature!


I still have the (rebuilt) Caddy, tho!

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I feel your pain. My wife was throwing her coat on last year and caught my big, beautiful 1/24 Airfix Spitfire with the arm... smashies!. still not done fixing it but hey, sometimes you wreck right?

Edited by Dentz
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Man that sucks!

So sorry to see that happen, just one of those off-guard moments I guess.

I've always liked that kit since my older brother and I built one together in the early '70s - I always got to build the motor (not seen so much).

Wanted to track down a rebuilder for quite a while now. I think I saw a resin body available a few years ago, but can't find it anymore.

Looks like with your skills you'll be able to pull it through. It was definitely beautiful work.

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And we've all had our model room disasters!


Exhibit A -- My model room  BEFORE




Exhibit B -- My Model Room AFTER the shelves came tumbling down .


And a survivor!  1950 Ford pickup was shielded by the bottom shelf sitting on top of eXacto knife boxes! Just got the front bumper torn off!

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16 hours ago, Tom Geiger said:


That's catastrophic, I feel for you, got to be thankful for small mercies one survived, I am, its still rebuildable & rebuilt it will be. 

Bucky, an x wife is a force of nature not to be messed with, I've had 2. My 1st destroyed models, my 2nd stole them. 

Chitown, Time Machine Resin had the body & tinwork, don't know if they still do.

Thank you all for your commiserations, the Revellion will be rebuilt, after all, it is a model of the very 1st model I ever built but somewhat improved over the 1st edition, there are already upgrades planned for the 3rd edition. 

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