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VW Bug 1303S and the Gooseneck trailer


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I like your trailer idea. I also remember seeing this type of trailer advertised years ago. They were designed for a small compact car to tow and look like they would be very maneuverable. I would think that a VW would suffer early clutch failure in this type of usage.    

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One of those would be an awesome accessory for our '74 Super Beetle!

I'm thinking the VW clutch would hold up ok, and it's probably alright on the highway (till the crosswinds come up!) but stopping with stock Beetle brakes might be a handful...

I just might put this on my scratch-building list, it's so cool. :)

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Thanks everybody! I reeeally like to build something, that doesn't come out straight from the box. 

Yesterday my Gooseneck got some paint from a golden spray can. That paint is so tricky to get painted without the golden tone not to create somekind of waves. I noticed that when I painted me '69 Olds Cutlass, same pattern tried to ruin the process. 

The Bug got some major nose job done also. Now the front end is more bulky like the Big Beetle should have, instead of having  a flat face. When it' s painted, the difference is more obvious. 




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Thanks for your comments. Now I have painted the interior, all the closets, seats and the kitchen cabins. I also made the table. Next thing to do are the windows. 

The trailer got some detail painting and I found luckily two suitable rear lights too. 






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Glad to hear that, Oldmopars. 

Some progress here, I got the bench cushions done with help of my wife's fabric box. I cut the upholstery from old curtains and glued it to a thin foam. Very comfortable to sit beside the new table I made, I quess :D

The sunroof found it's place, made of styreine and a piece of clear plastic from a table tennis racket box, that I sandpapered with no. 400. Over half (5/8) of the windows are cut and ready to be installed. I'm just wondering, if the body of this trailer should be clear coated or will I just leave it semi gloss? The VW Super Beetle will have the same golden paint, and it should be shiny, right? 

So maybe I will first finish the Bug and after that decide what to do with the Gooseneck trailer. 



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The interior in this trailer looks very realistic. I like your cushions. You mentioned clear coating the exterior of the trailer. I would suggest yes do that to match the Bug. Also you might consider some mild White or even two tone stripe design for the sides. This was fairly common and it does break up the single color slab sides of the trailer. This is a matter of what looks good to you.  

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Thanks for your commets, I will consider some stripe. The original Gooseneck trailer didn't have any decoration in the film, but it might have been some kind of pre production trailer, who knows. 

Today I sprayed my Bug. I will put more photos when it's finished. 

The table is too big, I have to cut it slightly. I thought I measured it good, but maybe made a mistake when reading the ruler. 5mm too long. 


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This rig really looks great. Your Trailer creation is very impressive. I had mentioned my thoughts on a striping of some sort to break up the slab sides. Relooking at the original pictures of the 1:1 trailer and car I have to consider that I'm looking at it and comparing how such a vehicle would be done in the US market. We have been known to put stripes on almost anything. Seeing the way these things are done in other parts of the world I sometimes realize that a cleaner look also has a great appeal also and in many cases look better. Seeing your almost completed rig I think it would look good either way, and the solid color looks far more appealing now that I see it. 

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The Gooseneck trailer got some clear coat, and ofcourse there was some damage to the paint on the roof. I have to do some repair sanding and painting when everything has dried. 

The Beetle got some clear coat too and that didn't go perfectly either, but nothing too serious happened. 

I built extra towing mirrors and front blinckers? well those direction flashers. 

The engine is reinstalled as the bumpers too. I hope to finish this during this week. 

No photos now, there seems to be some trouble when loading them. 

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Awesome build on a fascinating subject!  I remember this from the pages of Mechanix Illustrated back in the day.  Always wondered how a Bug could manage to be anything but a rolling roadblock with that weight behind it, so your engine choice makes good sense.

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Thanks everybody for your comments, that really boosts me to get this rig done. 

Today the trailer got some sidemarkers, vents, draining tubes, and ofcourse the big and difficult stuff - the windows. I decided there will be no stripes at all on the outside walls. 

On the table lies a finnish car magazine called Mobilisti. More photos will come when the whole combo is ready. 

Edit. a few hours later:

This combo is now ready and new photos can be seen Under the Glass. 






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