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Hope your model shows have good security

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This happened to a model railway exhibition in the UK overnight: https://www.stamfordmercury.co.uk/news/four-arrested-at-welland-academy-after-vandalism-of-model-railway-exhibition-9070661/

One of the layouts totally destroyed, along with the stock, was a large, bi-level, O Gauge (7mm scale UK) that had taken 20 years to build.

Words are insufficient.


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It's obvious those 'youths' weren't raised right. No way in the world would I have survived the absolute beat down from my Mom or Dad or Grandparents if they found out I did something like that! Of course, the thought would have never crossed my mind as I knew better than to touch anything that wasn't mine.

Yeah, lets hope that these idiots are SEVERELY punished, but that won't replace what more than likely is irreplaceable in a lot of those displays. :( 

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6 hours ago, MrObsessive said:

It's obvious those 'youths' weren't raised right. No way in the world would I have survived the absolute beat down from my Mom or Dad or Grandparents if they found out I did something like that! Of course, the thought would have never crossed my mind as I knew better than to touch anything that wasn't mine.

Yeah, lets hope that these idiots are SEVERELY punished, but that won't replace what more than likely is irreplaceable in a lot of those displays. :( 

X2. I would have been knocked 20 years into the future for even thinking of it. Sad. Indescribable.

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I'm glad they were able to catch these  _________ people. I hope they are dealt with in a very harsh manor, and during there extended time in custody they have a thorough mental examination to see if they are even fit to reinter society.     

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1) This is a symptom of the breakdown of society. Where parents are not instilling values to their children.

2) with social media being a big part of our youth's lives it makes peer pressure have even more impact. Image is everything.

3) today lying and cheating has no onus. The crime is getting caught. That is the greatest sin.

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I didn’t want to look at the damage. What I read gave me a mental eye into what happened. Our society is going down the tubes. Our country is becoming just like the countries we all hate. Our country is becoming selfish. Intolerant. Destructive. Hateful. Here we are in the Middle East protecting the citizens there while our citizens here are becoming just like the enemy we’re fighting there. I blame a lot of it on parenting. Parents what to be their kids best friend. Look at the cars passing school buses. People talking or texting while driving. Throwing trash out of car windows. People don’t even say thank you when you hold a door open for them. I could go on but its happening here. I often say I’m glad I’m 64 years old because I don’t want to see what we, as a country, are going to be like in 20 years.

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Parents today are struggling to keep up with expenses. The result is the kids are being given too much free rein. Our meals now are unhealthy. Is it any wonder why obesity and diabetes are so rampent.  When mom stayed home she cooked for the family and could keep tabs on the kids. Now these days we give our kids violent video games to keep them. They exist is their own bubble with the phones and social media. There is no pride in being constructive.  I see vandalism in all sorts of places where the need to make their mark overcoming the respect for others property. Recently there was a piece on the news where a bunch of bee hives were vandalized. How can someone get pleasure being so destructive?. We live in a very sick world.

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