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Instant Rust


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Just found a great product while shopping at the second-hand shop. It's paint on rust! It's applied in two parts, first part has actual iron dust in it and part two causes it to oxidize.

I tried a couple of quick samples just to see how it is going to work. When I get the hang of it with a little practice I think this is going to be a pretty cool technique.

I don't know it this stuff is currently available but it might be worth checking into.


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As good as that kit looks, I’d be tempted to use some pastels (either instead of or in addition to the kit) like Tom shows above to add some tonal variation to the finish.  Add in some different browns and oranges to add some interest.

Maybe some texture underneath it would be good too? Add some roughness and bubbles and bobbles to make it a little more 3D

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you can make your own too, just put some wire wool in  a salt water solution until the solution evaporates, then use a morrtar and pestle to grind the wire wool down to a powder. You can then use it anywhere you want rust by adding it to wet paint or sprinkle it on the areas you want rust, seal with clear then paint over the top and sand it back in the rusty areas

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On 8/7/2020 at 10:00 PM, DougS said:

I tried a couple of quick samples just to see how it is going to work. When I get the hang of it with a little practice I think this is going to be a pretty cool technique.


I use this all the time. I found that if you use the solution sparingly, put it in a zip lock bag & let it sit a few hours or overnight you get the beat results. Good luck with it, it's lots of fun to use. Here's my latest using this stuff.


SUNP0030 (1).JPG

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On 8/11/2020 at 6:23 PM, mchook said:

I use this all the time. I found that if you use the solution sparingly, put it in a zip lock bag & let it sit a few hours or overnight you get the beat results. Good luck with it, it's lots of fun to use. Here's my latest using this stuff.

That looks GREAT!  Nice job!

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On 8/7/2020 at 9:00 PM, DougS said:

Just found a great product while shopping at the second-hand shop. It's paint on rust! It's applied in two parts, first part has actual iron dust in it and part two causes it to oxidize.

I tried a couple of quick samples just to see how it is going to work. When I get the hang of it with a little practice I think this is going to be a pretty cool technique.

I don't know it this stuff is currently available but it might be worth checking into.


Saw this stuff on YouTube..

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like to use real rust over an appropriate base color. I harvest the real rust where I find it like the bottom side of our steel fire pit bowl that sits outside all year long. I use a wire brush and scrape the particles onto a sheet of paper then dump that into a zip lock bag. More real rust is available in lots of places. Look closely at construction eqt like back hoe buckets or snow plows. Our little village has an area where things like old man hole covers and used pipe is stored. That is a great source of natural rust.

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On 8/11/2020 at 5:23 PM, mchook said:

I use this all the time. I found that if you use the solution sparingly, put it in a zip lock bag & let it sit a few hours or overnight you get the beat results. Good luck with it, it's lots of fun to use. Here's my latest using this stuff.


SUNP0030 (1).JPG

I love the realistic yellow/orange halo around the edges of the rust. I assume this is an effect of the product itself. Was this applied over the paint?


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3 hours ago, Shardik said:

I love the realistic yellow/orange halo around the edges of the rust. I assume this is an effect of the product itself. Was this applied over the paint?


Thanks, some of the orange is from the product & some is tamiya weathering powders. Yes, it goes on right over the paint.

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