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Anyone here dealing with "eye floaters"????.....

Deuces ll

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Be VERY careful! As has been said, that is a sign of a detached or soon to be detached retina! Went through that a few years ago and that bubble implant treatment is NO JOKE.

While it did fix the retina to a degree, my eyesight has never come back 100% and it's put a crimp on building. I'd say ASAP get that checked out!

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Reading further in this thread, you did get it checked. Keep an eye (no pun intended) on it though. When they did the bubble implant thing, that had to be the most miserable thing I ever went through. They do it while you're AWAKE and it's the ickiest feeling in the world when they put that thing in.

Not to mention you have sleep with your head FACE DOWN and walk around with your head bent over for X amount of time. I hope to NOT have to deal with that ever again!

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On 8/22/2020 at 6:09 AM, MrObsessive said:

Be VERY careful! As has been said, that is a sign of a detached or soon to be detached retina! Went through that a few years ago and that bubble implant treatment is NO JOKE.

While it did fix the retina to a degree, my eyesight has never come back 100% and it's put a crimp on building. I'd say ASAP get that checked out!

I never got back to you when I asked you about my wife’s uncle. He lost most of his sight in that eye and what’s left is just a blur...

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7 hours ago, slusher said:

I never got back to you when I asked you about my wife’s uncle. He lost most of his sight in that eye and what’s left is just a blur...

Sorry to hear that Carl. :(

Sort of what's happening to me now. I was told it's a coming cataract in that eye but they can do nothing till it fully "blooms". Meanwhile, I have to deal with lopsided vision because if I go and get new glasses, once the cataract fully hits my vision will change yet again in that eye once the cataract is out.

What's really annoying is they're not able to tell me how long it'll take for it to form. It was four years ago I had the retinal tear. I was told then a cataract had the potential to take YEARS to grow.

Well it's been four, so hopefully soon this thing can come so it can GO!

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Have also had floaters for years and my eye doctor just said "Get used to it."  Also getting light flashes at the corners of the eyes especially noticeable when turning eyes to the left or right in darkness, such as pulling out of the driveway in the early morning hours on the way to work.  Doc had the same remedy for those.

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52 minutes ago, MrObsessive said:

Sorry to hear that Carl. :(

Sort of what's happening to me now. I was told it's a coming cataract in that eye but they can do nothing till it fully "blooms". Meanwhile, I have to deal with lopsided vision because if I go and get new glasses, once the cataract fully hits my vision will change yet again in that eye once the cataract is out.

What's really annoying is they're not able to tell me how long it'll take for it to form. It was four years ago I had the retinal tear. I was told then a cataract had the potential to take YEARS to grow.

Well it's been four, so hopefully soon this thing can come so it can GO!

Cataracts are caused from the sun, so if you not in the sun or drive a lot in the daytime depends how fast they grow...

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6 hours ago, TarheelRick said:

Have also had floaters for years and my eye doctor just said "Get used to it."  Also getting light flashes at the corners of the eyes especially noticeable when turning eyes to the left or right in darkness, such as pulling out of the driveway in the early morning hours on the way to work.  Doc had the same remedy for those.

It's funny 'cause I don't have those flashers..... Yet!.... ?

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On 8/10/2020 at 8:30 PM, Ace-Garageguy said:

Look into pineapple...

I have floaters, I've been looking at this pineapple for half an hour now, how long does it take? ?

Seriously though, recently I noticed I have a couple large-ish floaters that actually affect my vision a little. Apparently, at 36, I'm on the road to being "aged". Whee.

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On 9/2/2020 at 3:48 PM, Ace-Garageguy said:

You're doing it wrong. You're supposed to look INTO it, not AT it. :D

I bet that pineapple juice stings!? I have some recurring small floaters that I attribute to giving myself welding flashes over the years. I also had one large one a couple years ago that went away on its own.

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‘Tis a funny thing. I had an eye floater a while back. I had an eye doctor tell me he saw it during an eye exam.  I don’t know when it went away, only thought about it when this thread appeared.

Eye floaters remind me of when the flying saucer would suddenly dart across the screen during Space Invaders!

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I had an aggravating experience yesterday. I was in the carport, having a battle with three or four wasp nests. I zapped the nests with spray that would shoot 20 feet. Wasps would come at me, and I shot them, too. I used up four cans before I realized that some of the wasps that zipped across my view were the floaters in my eyes!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Boat ten years ago I first started seein' floaters and it scare the BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH out of me. A few months later I had cataract surgery and it helped greatly. Also had the flashing lights but those went away as I had an infection from one of the cataract surgeries. I still get and occasional "floater" however I just ignore them and it is okay by me.

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Floaters?  I've had them since college, and over the years (about 45 since then) they've slowly gotten worse.  I'm very near sided and that is apparently one of the conditions that is common with more extreme cases of floaters.  Again, been told no real solutions like the rest of you.   About 20  years ago some doctors were pushing a process whereby they removed all the gel ("vitreous") inside the eye and then replaced it with Saline solution.  Then you had to lay on your tummy for about 20 days while the body made new vitreous.  Plus, cataract surgery was typically required soon thereafter.  How about....NO!   Oh...and then there were the docs trying to sell the idea that they could cause the floaters to disappear by zapping them with a laser.  That has pretty much disappeared to.  Bottom line, you learn to live with them.

HOWEVER, last December when I was pushing to finish the book for a pulled-ahead deadline, I experienced the "flashing lights" in my right eye.  I had been told if that ever happened, to get to a hospital with a retinal specialist immediately as it could indicate a retinal separation, which can rapidly lead total blindness.   In my case, and after calling the docs, the ophthalmologist saw me a day later.  He immediately referred me to a retinal specialist who determined I had a tear in my retina of my right eye.  He immediately did laser surgery to "suture" (my words) the tear.  Same thing occurred in my left eye 3 1/2 months later, again requiring the laser surgery.   I still have the flashing lights occasionally when looking far right or far left, but the repairs are looking OK based on the follow-up exams.  Kh,...and no change in the tons of floaters in either eye. 

Bottom line, if you ever see bright flashes in your eyes, either white or bright colors, call your doc IMMEDIATELY or get to a hospital right away.  Your continued vision depends on it. 


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