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AMT Piranha Spy Car

Yeah Nah

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I most likely wouldn't have bought this kit, but it was at a bargain price so I snapped it up. Am I glad I did! Despite the usual hassles of getting full shell bodies together, I ended up with a model that takes pride of place on the shelf.

Comes with cool 'spy' extras like cannon sticking out the front; weapons tray behind the passenger cabin; front and rear roof mounted laser weapons; the centre instrument cluster can be built 'flipped' around along with the glovebox lid displayed open to show spy stuff plus rocket launchers in the gullwing door fronts that would no doubt be a lot more effective if you remembered to open the doors out first.

BTW, the real thing was a Gene Winfield design built by AMT and NBC for the popular 60s TV series Man From Uncle starring Robert Vaughn and David McCallum. Here's a link for more info:   https://www.c-we.com/piranha/page4.htm

By a sad co-incidence, a couple of days after I started construction on this, the passing of David McCallum was announced.

Thanks for looking!















Edited by Yeah Nah
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8 hours ago, Brudda said:

Great job! Since it’s amt it had to be a difficult build. 

Yes. Yes it was. 😬😬 One of those kits that seems to have hardly anything in the box but takes forever to build.

I've got the Piranha dragster/tow car double set that I was keen to start soon but I think I'll let the trials with this one fade from memory first.......

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