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I'm  having difficulty posting.  Sorry about the double post of picture.  At any rate, this is the weird, couch like seat use in the P70.


Hello Bill,

Great to see you posting !!!   This looks to be a great project from your bench.  

Loved your Aston Martin and of course my favorite was your latest Birdcage!!



  • Like 1

Absolutely fantastic results Bill!  I knew 3D technology could produce amazing things, but this is next level, your mastery behind the computer is what impresses me the most. It's a renewed hope for this hobby and one that could give it a second life, the potential is infinite and you demonstrate it to us brilliantly! ?

  • Like 1

Incredible build Bill! Designer of this vehicle Peter Brock has this model in 1:12 scale in his BRE showroom, and I too have wanted for a long time to build it in 1:24 scale. I have the aforementioned Tamiya slot car body (inaccurately labeled as a King Cobra by the manufacturer), along with a Tamiya slot car body of the Detomaso Sport 5000. I am still looking for the Nethercutt Mirage. BTW, if you haven't already checked it out, there is a wonderful book on these cars:


  • Like 1
9 hours ago, Randy D said:

Hi Bill,  

  With all the 3D printed bodies you have done, have you experienced any warpage?



Randy, I've done this enough times to have developed strategies to avoid warpage while still having a 1mm thick body.  The P70 has been largely free of warps.

  • 2 weeks later...

P4304275.JPG.d46d30cf9d440d6ddc4c9fed2e5639e2.JPGP4304259.JPG.af8d0d3b889bce075c3560afe2e1b5f4.JPGP4304227.JPG.d39006bc823573f40ce32603ce99b399.JPGI've  been experimenting with a new 3D printer the as very high resolution.  The printer, an Anycubic M5s Pro, has a pixel density of 1412 pixels per square inch.  My old printer, a mono X has a ppi of only 508.  There are lots of controversy of the value of more pixels, with folks saying that the individual pixels are only about .02mm in size, smaller than a human hair, just too small to be seen. 


Well my testing shows that more pixels do matter.  Take a look at these 1/24 scale Weber carbs.  These were done with the high res printer and they are phenomenal.  Dame near perfect.  Read the Weber type!  These make my past weP4304195.JPG.0d4fe414b49d4765e6dfc6fd6c431315.JPGP4304211.JPG.9249669f7ef56058b6d11bb347fa20dc.JPGbers, used on some of my best models look crude.

  • Like 5

Fantastic work you've done!
Your conversion from sketch to product is incredible.
I agree with your comment on the pixels. I just upgraded to a Elegoo Mars 9K and the detail is excellent, as well as the reduced depth of print lines. Well worth it.

  • Like 1

This is truly exceptional and inspiring work. Look forward to continuing to follow along, and to learning more about the frontiers of 3d printing tech in the hobby. 

  • Like 1

Awesome modeling skills. I've tried CAD like apps (purchased MOI3D as Rhino and Fusion360 were a tad expensive) but find them daunting so I still using sub-D modeling in Blender 3D and Silo3D.

This is beautiful!

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

I've  created some headlight buckets that fit down into the openings.  This will allow me to finish all the detailing of the headlights and drop them in from above.



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  • 3 weeks later...

I continue to make improvements to the body.  I recently  intalled a firmware update on the printer and it seems to have improved the overall  smoothness of the print.  This is directly off the printer with no sanding.   Using lots of resin, but making progress.20240606_101727.thumb.jpg.e5138720a8a506dc99c711bd2e73cf70.jpg

  • Like 4

Yeah, that body surface is looking quite good, though I did think the body you were working with was well sorted. Either way, very impressive.

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Lets talk about printing angles.  It seems that everywhere you look it is recommended that best printing results come witn angled prints.  I printed this body at 0°, 20°, and 44°.  In my opinion  the zero print is superior.  Firstly, it printed in 5 hours as opposed to 10 or 15 hours.  Also, there are fewer lines and flaws requiring  sanding.  The angled prints have obvious diagonal lines that require alot of work to fix as opposed to the horizontal  line on the zero print.  Certainly there are some situations where an angle makes a better print, but zero angle is my default setting.20240606_125238.thumb.jpg.b320b234d784dee4f1e207ed067d122d.jpg20240606_125545.thumb.jpg.d68041d7a04f5595aca951b0a8bacc68.jpgI continue to make improvements to the body.  I recently  intalled a firmware update on the printer and it seems to have improved the overall  smoothness of the print.  This is directly off the printer with no sanding.   Using lots of resin, but making progress.20240606_101727.thumb.jpg.e5138720a8a506dc99c711bd2e73cf70.jpg

  • 1 month later...

The painting and assembly is underway.  This is the 4th and final body.  Sitting on a dedicated  chassis the has a large block glued to the bottom to make handling easy.  The chassis is also getting work.  



  • Like 3

Wonderful progress Bill !!!

More questions if you don't mind?

How did you make the glass?

Is the chassis one print or assembled from multiple pieces?

You are getting great looking results from that new printer.


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