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After Stroke - Building Again, good therapy

Dave Mikrut

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Felt real good today to be building again. The therapist agreed anything that would get my left hand involved would

be good therapy. I learned a lot today.

It took almost 20 minutes to get the bit out of my dremel tool. I just could not hold the button down with my thumb to

lock it so I could use the wrench on it. Ended up using channel locks held with my teeth to hold the button down and

the I could wrench it with my right hand...jeez

I learned that since I could not hold the part I wanted to sand with my left hand, but could hold the sanding board, I

brought the piece with my right hand to the board instead.

I started to practice on the AMT awb mustang chassis that was in my junk box, just for something to sand on, The

wheels were broken off and the crossmember loop was gone, so I started to do a little crafting, to see if I could

restore it.

I also learned that if I used my hemostats on smaller parts, I could hold it with my left hand and do brush painting.

I'm not sure what body I will use on this, something different, my mind is pondering...

Remember I said I was going to build this with a no stress attitude for the purpose of physical therapy and I was

not going to worry much on how it looks, and to just have fun.

When you are laying in a hospital bed and you can't move your entire left side, a lot of things go thru your head.

One of the many things that made me feel intense sorrow but at the same time made me want to fight back, was the

realization that I may never enjoy my hobby again. Well I'd just like to say, this day will go down as one of the many

very happy days of my life.






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That is just the attitude it takes to overcome! My wife learned that with her sewing, crocheting and craft work. She has to do some things a little differently but she still works on doing them the old way too and has gained more control over time!

So don't resign yourself to just adapting alone! Keep going back and pushing yourself to get back to the way you used to do things!

She wishes for you as complete of recovery as she has had, so far! She says never give up!B)

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It's great to hear that you have not given up! Keep after it and the skills will come back. And, who knows, you may learn a NEW trick or two. A friend of mine had a stroke about 6 years ago and he made a good recovery of the use of his left hand by shuffling cards. We would go to his house to play cards with him and his wife and we would not let him pass when it was his turn to shuffle. We just waited patiently for him to finish. The Dr. told him that it was one thing that helped to speed up his recovery.

Good to see your progress on the build. Have you decided on a body yet? You should have decals made that name the car "Physical Therapy".


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