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Good luck to our northern neighbors

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I think it's more of the middle of the country and the Northeast which are going to feel the brunt of this storm. Here in SE WI we are on the edge of the snow, and though we will get colder, teens and single digits at night is no big deal here.

Make sure you have alternate heat plans in case the electricity goes out. Last winter we lost power for a few hours one January day and were lucky we hav ea wood burning stove to provide some heat. It can be scary with no power, no furnace, and kids/pets to worry about.

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Here in my area, they have been changing the forecast all day! :) The current forecast is snow, sleet, freezing rain, and rain. The big thing here is the possiblity of up to a quarter of an inch of ice tonight, GRRR. Supposedly, everything will change to rain by midday tomorrow.

EDIT:I've got my tire chains on standby for my truck if needed! :)

Edited by highway
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Flying into Milwaukee on Thursday, hope the runway is cleared off! Then I will be hopping in the rental car and headed to Kenosha to visit my elderly parents and probably will have to shovel snow for the first time in 6 years!

The forecast for their area is up to 24 inches of snow, really depends on how much the wind blows off of Lake Michigan and the lake effect that run the snow totals up pretty high. This is the areas first big storm since the New Years' Day blizzard of 1999. That storm was a real pain the posterior as I was up for 40 hours helping a friend with his snow removal business and we couldn't keep up with the storm. After about 6 hours of sleep we went back at it and finally got everything done.

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Per my daughter, St Louis has ice, lots of ice, as of 30 minutes ago. She's at home with her puppy dog. #1 son is at home with the grandbaby waiting to be called in, #2 son is ready to hunker down on his ward, and dine in the cafeteria for a week or so.

Good luck y'all, there's a reason dad moved to the desert.


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Was talking w/ my Mom and brother in eastern Ohio yesterday..sounds like it's been bad there in the last week and going to get worse.

Supposed to be cool and rainy here this week, with high in the low 50s a couple days, a big change from the highs in the 70s of the last couple weeks...

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Flying into Milwaukee on Thursday, hope the runway is cleared off! Then I will be hopping in the rental car and headed to Kenosha to visit my elderly parents and probably will have to shovel snow for the first time in 6 years!

The forecast for their area is up to 24 inches of snow, really depends on how much the wind blows off of Lake Michigan and the lake effect that run the snow totals up pretty high. This is the areas first big storm since the New Years' Day blizzard of 1999. That storm was a real pain the posterior as I was up for 40 hours helping a friend with his snow removal business and we couldn't keep up with the storm. After about 6 hours of sleep we went back at it and finally got everything done.

The runway at Billy Mitchell International will be fine....Now you will be lucky if the jetway doesn't get stuck half way out to the plane....it will take 45 min to an hour to get off...I did a redeye and 4 cups of coffee later we couldn't use the planes restroom on the ground........:lol::angry::blink: Seems funny now.......;)

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One of my co-workers also works for the county and has already called off for this entire week and may be lucky to go home in that length of time, they've already set up cots at his garage for the guys to come back to and sleep in between shifts, and the place was a media madhouse by 3pm this afternoon too! I also just talked to a customer who told me one of the 4 lane roads (Kirk Rd for the locals on here) near the store is already drifted over.

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Here in the Western Mass Berkshires they're saying 8" tomorrow, a pause, then 14" Wednesday .. and no ice! Just another winter day here.

Our local forecasters are saying anywhere from 4" to 12" between tomorrow morning and Wednesday - what us northerners call a 'dusting.' :D

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They forecast between 12 and 20 inches here. If it happens it would be the single biggest snowfall in the Chicago area since 1999. The all-time record single-storm total was 23 inches in 1967. That snowfall literally shut the city down for a week. People just abandoned their cars in the street (you couldn't do much else... no way you can drive in a foot of snow!) Here are a couple of shots from the 1967 blizzard:



I was at the grocery store today and the place was mobbed! The way people are stocking up, you'd think the world was going to end tomorrow... :D

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The mere mention of snow down here in Charlotte results in mass bedlam at the grocery stores and school cancellations because it MIGHT snow!

I remember my days at Jewel Foods back in the 80's when we would get hit because of a snow storm, hard work but fun to watch the customers reactions!

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The funny thing is, around here it snows in winter. Always has, always will. It's a given, a fact of life. But the TV news robots make such a big deal out of it... "SNOW ALERT!!!" "STORMWATCH 2011!!!" "BLIZZARD OF THE CENTURY!!!"

I swear, the way they are reporting this thing (which hasn't even happened yet!) you'd think we're all going to die tomorrow...


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you couldn't do much else... no way you can drive in a foot of snow

If you have a real vehicle you can!!! :lol::lol::lol:

This beast laughs at a foot of snow!! :lol::lol::lol:


Last winter, we had a storm dump about 18 inches here, and this old girl clawed right through it. Hey, I'm fat and lazy and not shovling the whole driveway, that's why 4x4 was invented! Of course this winter I'd be stuck, since the 4x4 isn't working because of a bad u joint. :rolleyes: I have chains cut down from a set from a tractor trailer if I need them though! ;)

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Well, here's down town West Chicago as of 11:30 tonight, should do the same tomorrow night for a comparison too.



Since I posted this, Dad told me he's heard that there might be as much as 30" by the time this is all done........he wished me luck on my way home form work tomorrow already :D

Edited by Joe Handley
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