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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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I wait in between pages (or when I can get down the stairs to the computer) just to chime in. I hope you'll save some money for new hats 'cause your head should have grown around 3-4" by now with this build. I nominate this for a permanent sticky in Model Cars Mag (and hopefully a full spread shoot and centerfold for a printed issue) as a testament to your hard work, fabrication skills and pure love of modeling.


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Chris, I joined this forum just so I can compliment you on your build. Your attention to detail and your hand skills are inspiring.

(The name "Jim Keeler" comes to mind.) If only I lived closer to Phoenix ...

Thanks very much for sharing your progress with us!

Edited by SteveRob
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Joe... Thank you. Hope you had a blast at the NNL West.

Danno & Brad... Hopefully we can get some more out of towners to come out to the Desert Scale Classic for the best show we have here in AZ

Dave... Thank you.

Mike... Thanks. You know I am trying....lol

Mitch... Thank you. I don't think I will ever need any new hats. There are way more people out there who can build much better than I can. It would be cool if it did get a feature one day but It is ok if it doesn't because I am building this one for myself and no one else :) I have set goals for myself to push my skills and do things I never though I could. Probably many wouldn't believe me but this is the first build that I have taken the detail to this extreme detailing.

Steve... Thank you very much for the kind words. It has been a pleasure sharing this build step by step with everyone. I have been enjoying do it that way so everyone can see how I am doing things. Now some of the ways may not always be right but I really enjoy this forum to be able to learn different skills from one another here.

Tim... Thank you for the kind words. I have to tell you how much I admire your work and your attention to detail with the Henry J. I couldn't imagine what you could do with a 1/16th scale build seeing what you are achieving in 1/25th if pretty amazing. Honestly I would love to see you do a 1/16th build someday. I would love to make it out to on of the NNL's out in your guy's area one of these days. Maybe I will have to try and make it this year There are some people that I would just love to meet from the mid-west/east coast.

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Well I got just a little bit of work done. Not as much considering that I have been sick since Friday. Had a long week that had me wore out and run down to which I ended up getting sick. but I did get a little time in at the bench today working more on the Clutch inspection cover. Here are a few pics...

Here is the final shape of the clutch inspection plate:


Here it is test fitted on the bell housing with all the bolts in place:


Here are the pieces primered once again. I was a little bummed my stupid can of primer took a dump and stopped working when I can tell there is still paint in it and it must of run out of the compressed air in it. seems my last two cans it has done this to me. not sure if it is because of the new nozzle plastikote has or what. so now I need to find some more of this primer. Although I do have some Tamiya and Napa brand primers I can use but I am a little leary mixing primers is all:


Here is everything in place:


I had to mock everything up again:



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Simply............................A W E S O M E !

Chris, thanks a million for showing the best possible way to execute the fabrication for that compound curve on the inspection cover....Brilliant Sir! :D

Now, go and take your meds as directed. ;)

Can you give us an expected completion date yet mate???

I just want to make sure I have an airfare booked so I can get over there and check this puppy out.....eyeball to eyeball........ :lol:

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Bob.... Thank you

Brayden... thank you, cheers!

Greg... Thanks Mate!! I had to figurr a way out to make that compound curve and it seemed to work good by hearing the plastic up over a lighter, let the material get soft and then lay it over the part. Took a few trys to get what I wanted. I think you are right about me needing to go take some meds. I am hoping to have this done by oir desert scale classic here in april but no promises will be made. I Would rrallyblove to have it done in time for the GSL thought.

Brad... thank you my friend. I realy appreciate it. Hey I need to give you a call this week. I think I want you to add a few other little decals in the mix. As I was looking at bell housings on line this weekend for details i was thinking I may need you have you make a few of the decals for trick titanium bell housing to go on the bell housing for added detail. that is if you don't mind and I was also thinking of the face for the oil pressure guage I need to make as well.

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everytime I ck updates I keep thinking it couldnt possibly get any better,,then I see stuff like this. And have to keep reminding myself this is a model. And cant wait to see it completed. So suck it up and get back to work ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,LOL

Still want to hear it fire up for the 1st time though

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Might as well fab up some clutch plates and remove the cover for shows, huh?

Awesomeness personified as per standard operating procedures Chris.

Sorry you couldn't make it to the NNL, but from the sound of how you were feeling, you might be better off. Besides, after the overload to the cerebral cortex I just received at the show, seeing your Vega may have caused me real damage.

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The most incredible build I've ever seen!

What he said B) !

Fantastic work on that Clutch Inspection Plate. I would never had the idea of making it like that - and after looking at these pics, it must be the best, and probably the only possible, way to do it from sheet styrene. Very nice and clean work with that whole clutch / transmission assembly. When it's painted I bet it will be hard to tell if it's real or model.

Edited by W-409
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Hey if your gonna do clutch plates might as well throw some gears into the tranny too! After all you can draw them up an have them printed in 3d! might as well include some clutch dust while your at it!

Just keep up the amazing work Chris....cant wait to see it this year at the DSC!

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Bill... Thank you very much. I really appreciate the kind words. I keep trying to outdo my own self...lol. I will let you know before firing it up lol

Mike... Thank you. I can not wait to see you get some progress on your Pisano build. It is gonna be a beauty.

Mark... Thank you. I picked up a couple colors at the hobby store today for the bell housing and inspection plate. So hoping to possibly paint it soon.

Dave... Thank you my friend.

Joe... Thank you. I did think about the clutch plate but I may hold off on those for this build. But Seriously considering it for another one of my builds... lol. I hope that you enjoyed the NNL. I love that show and it is so much fun seeing old friends there. Looking forward to meeting you at the Desert Scale Classic.

Gary... Thank you for the kind words. I have been trying to get more build time on this one so I can finally finish it sometime this year...lol

Paul... Thanks buddy I appreciate it.

Clayton... Thank you. I am pretty happy with how the plate turned out for how I did it. Now I can't wait to see it painted.

Jason... Thank you. Your kind comment means a lot considering other builds that are on this forum which I think are better than this one.

Niko... Thank you. the funny part about how I did the inspection plate was that I didn't know how exactly to do it at first and for some reason while I was thinking of what to do a though crossed my mind that I have read and seen many people on here say they heat their plastic tube over a lighter to bend it. So I thought what the heck and figured I would try to bend some plastic that way to see how it turns out and it worked better than I thought. I can't wait to see this tranny in paint now.

Dave... thank you. Kind of like that Go Big or go home huh... lol that would be cool to do on a build but I don't think this one...lol I sure hope I can finish this one for the DSC.

Well Fellas I thought I would let you know that I repainted those chassis tins with the Chassis Black from Hot Rod Flats. It layed down pretty good but I may not of mixed it up enough because it was a little shiner than I hoped. the first coat looked great and maybe I didn't wait long enough for the second. I am actually going to do some test shots here in a little bit to see what results I get when mixing the Hot Rod Flat with the Chassis black since the Hot Rot Flat is 70% flat/30% gloss and the chassis black is 50% flat/50% gloss I am hoping to find a sheen that is in between the two that I am looking for. I took some initial pics of the parts but the pictures didn't turn out good. I will try to take a few better shots later and will also take pics of the spoons I will test. Stay tuned and will have some info up in a bit.

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Hello All... well I resprayed the chassis tins. They turned out somewhat ok but got some dust in them and I need to alter the sheen just a little bit more so yes I am going to do the inevitable and sand them down once again to redo them but here is how it turned out today....

Here are all of the parts painted:


Right Side:


Left Side, and you can see a mark on it. I was dumb and when I was moving things on the box holding the parts I hit it against another part to create that mark. Yeah I was mad at myself...lol:


Another shot of it thrown on the chassis:


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Here is another view of the other side:


Here is the fuel tank and as you can see I got a couple nice pieces of dust, why couldn't it of been on the bottom side...lol:


So in this pic its really hard to tell but the chassis tins I sprayed with the Hot Rod Flatz Chassis Black which is 50% Gloss & 50% Flat.... After I sprayed the tins I decided to do a Spoon test and mix some of the Chassis Black with the Hot rod Black. The hot rod black is a mixture of 30% Gloss & 70% Flat. so I mixed a half an ounce of each (basically 50/50) to see how it would turn out it definetly wasn't as glossy as the chassis black which was what I was wanting. Its a little hard to tell in the picture but when I do repaint these I will mix it with a little more of the Hot Rod Black so its not as shinny. probably like 40% chassis black and 60% Hot Rod Black so it has less sheen in it:


I am pretty sure you are all thinking that I am nuts for wanting to repaint these parts once again but I am looking for a certain sheen of these parts so it gives some contrast between them and the chassis. That is the reason behind it.

Edited by Mooneyzs
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