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I just can't detail anything!

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Whenever I try to drill out distributors, the drill bit slips off every time. I never have any luck trying to do fuel lines and all that good stuff. When I try to scratchbuild anything, it always gets scrapped. I have yet to scratchbuild one good part...

I really want to try a 100% factory correct '69 Charger, but at this point I don't think it's possible :(

Can anyone please give me pointers on a clearly uneducated person on detailing?

Edited by SuperStockAndy
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Trial and Error and practice, that's the only way to get good at anything, I tried my first PE Mechanical Fan the other day, it was sort of hard and I had problems but it looks pretty darn good,

Andy, Just Try, the worst you can do is make a mistake, the best you can do is surprise yourself.


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You don't have to drill a single hole to each spark plug wire. Drill one bigger hole on the center. Much easier and finished result is pretty much the same. And I can say that it's just practising. :)

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Whenever drilling holes always use a starter "hole" to prevent the drill from wandering. I use the tip of a pair of dividers but a common pin or any sharp point will do. Just push the pin into the plastic to give the drill something to grab when starting. Even with small drills I also will start with a smaller bit and progress to the final one to insure I don't wander. This is especially needed on distributors since the "shaft" you're drilling is so small. Just that poke with a pin should keep the drill true to where you want it to go.

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Jims tutorial really does make for a very stock and proper looking distributor. Give that a try. I have tried drilling out kit distributors and I find it to be an effort in futility. Usually I just drill the center of the dizzy out, glue in the nine wires, paint and call it good.




Or here are some just made from some aluminum tube.



As you can see once you get a tangle of wires there you really can't tell how well drilled (or even if it even is drilled) it is. When it comes to distributor, keeping it simple is the best way to go in my opinion.

Edited by Jantrix
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Same thing happens to all of us.... weather its a distributor, carbs, rearends turbos etc etc etc.....i have mad 10 things before i have gotten it right.... as said before practice makes perfect... but not always the first time....still to this day takes sometimes 2,3,4 times to get it right... dont give up just look at things as the next challenge and the next hurtle to overcome.... its a hobby... have fun with it and things will work out the way you want... perseverance pays of....


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