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What Irked You Today?


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The last time I was in Walmart there was a guy riding the electric cart and his pants was all the way down and no underwear. I can't walk very good but an even better reason not to give up. So many strange people in Walmart..

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I told her it's probably because they figure that girl is way too young to be with that guy! :lol:

Many years ago I went to lunch with my daughter near her college. We were in Applebees and we both had a drink, and were having a good time until we saw two old biddies staring at us. As they left, they walked close to our table and one of them glared at me and said, "You should be ashamed of yourself!" I was so shocked that I jumped up and yelled at her, "I'm having lunch with my daughter, what the heck is wrong with you??" The two of them got out of there fast. And we laughed like idiots the rest of the meal.

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My technique for avoiding the terminally clueless at the supermarket is to shop early in the day. I get there usually before 9, sometimes before 8... long before the hordes descend... :P

Back in the days when my eldest daughter was a baby, I ran a second shift CAD operation (yea, mainframes and little green screens), so my favorite time to shop was on my way home. I got out at midnight, and I was about an hour ride home. So I'd be shopping at 1am. Great time. A few employees stocking shelves and the customers were maybe a few nurses and others who had just gotten off work too.

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What would have irked me if I'd let it is that the super-babe short-haired brunette with the killer legs in the Hobby Lobby yesterday was probably smiling at me because I reminded her of her grandfather. B)

Being old bites, sometimes.

At least my Hobby Lobby gal is a bit older.........

That is a perfect description of our newly hired agent. She is the same age as my middle son. :blink:

I shortly thereafter realized I'm the oldest person in the division.

Working screwed up shifts for years has had it's advantages. I shop when no one else does and I go to movies/shows when others are at work. I have the freedom to run a lot of piddly errands for MrsG while at work.


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My technique for avoiding the terminally clueless at the supermarket is to shop early in the day. I get there usually before 9, sometimes before 8... long before the hordes descend... :P

For the life of me, I can't understand who goes out shopping on a Saturday afternoon, when the whole world is out shopping.

When I go to the stores, I like to go when they first open. Kind of like you Harry, avoid just about everyone.

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I went grocery shopping this morning. Got a parking spot right outside the door. Got to the deli counter... I was the only person there. Got to the checkout... I was the only one there, no line.

Now that's my kind of grocery shopping. ^_^

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I went grocery shopping this morning. Got a parking spot right outside the door. Got to the deli counter... I was the only person there. Got to the checkout... I was the only one there, no line.

Now that's my kind of grocery shopping. ^_^

I've also had that kind of experience at 3:30 a.m. on a regular basis.


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When I'm stuck behind someone blocking the aisle, I tap them on the shoulder and say: "if you move a little bit that way, you could block two aisles"...

I've gotten (more than once) people who leave their cart in the checkout line and go off to do more shopping. It's not just walking a few feet over to grab a loaf of bread either; these characters go to the other end of the store. The last time that happened, the line was two or three people long and it took about ten minutes to move up to the front. At that point, I shoved the cart out of the way and placed my three or four items onto the belt. Guy comes back right at that moment and says: "I'm in line"...my reply was: "no, you left a cart in line and went off to do your shopping". He was carrying more stuff in his arms than he had in the cart before wandering off. I actually don't mind grocery shopping, except for the phone talkers who are oblivious to everything around them. What did these people do before those phones were available?

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I've gotten (more than once) people who leave their cart in the checkout line and go off to do more shopping.

Yes! And after they've already started unloading their cart onto the belt! I've had that happen to me too! How truly clueless and self-absorbed do you have to be to do that? :rolleyes:

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Salaried people who are too lazy, too stupid, or too distracted texting, f-booking and twitting to do their jobs.

I filed a manual change-of-address form at the local PO, thinking mistakenly that there would be less chance for error rather than doing it online. The new address is 1860, and I've not been getting much mail...so I looked at the envelopes and it is a wonder ANYTHING was coming through.

The PO forwarded everything to 1060 !!!

So, I KNOW this isn't my fault, as I triple checked the address when I filled out the form, and I was trained early on as a draftsman...point being that when I write an eight, it looks like 8 and not 0. Whoever transcribed the number didn't think it was sufficiently important to get the number in my little ol' address actually CORRECT.


While we're on the subject of distracted workers...one of my co-workers, an all around nice guy for the most part, must spend twice as much time on his "mobile device" each day as he spends actually working. I, on the other hand, bust my hump and tell everyone I know to leave me alone at work unless it's literally life-and-death.

I guess I'm just a past-it grumpy old fossil, expecting people to do their jobs correctly and completely. But I understand what's been happening at GM entirely.

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Bill, I'm with you!!! the IRS,DMV,P.0. I'm have a smart phone and was using way to much and was turning me less smart! The idea of a hard days work sadly I fear is long gone!!!I get a sense of worth and satisfaction after a hard days work. I am a salaried type and bust my hump all day!!! Come home put on my blue collar duds (which I prefer) and do another 6 to 8 hours in my shop at home!

Many times my work day gets interrupted my younger engineers in my department (I'm Senior in the group) who have far more education than I do. They come to me with problems, many of which I have seen due to being the fossel in the group, typically I try to explain the mechanics and theory in an effort to teach! I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times I have had the same question asked weeks latter by those who didn't pay attention. The thing that irks me the most is our year end bonus is based on the teams performance, if I don't help them do their work I pay a price $$$$ at the end of the year. As I watch them flee at 5:00 on the button, I sit at my desk trying to meet a clients request. I'm irked now!!!

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Many times my work day gets interrupted my younger engineers in my department (I'm Senior in the group) who have far more education than I do. They come to me with problems, many of which I have seen due to being the fossel in the group, typically I try to explain the mechanics and theory in an effort to teach! I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how many times I have had the same question asked weeks latter by those who didn't pay attention. The thing that irks me the most is our year end bonus is based on the teams performance, if I don't help them do their work I pay a price $$$$ at the end of the year. As I watch them flee at 5:00 on the button, I sit at my desk trying to meet a clients request. I'm irked now!!!

I hear you, James!

I was in the same boat in the corporate world. The go-to guy; the guy who's been around every block, been everywhere, bought every tee shirt, wore out all those tee shirts, and made it back to buy more tee shirts! The guy who was tapped to train the new kids and the 'rising star' political middle-management dudes/duds with no tradecraft skills or real-world experience. The guy all the clients went to because the guy up the food chain couldn't answer their questions or meet their needs. Then, when the bean-counters came along looking for pennies to pinch and corners to cut, I ~ with my merit increases and seniority ~ was the highest salary and bonus package in the unit and got RIF'd. (Until he maneuvered me to the 'recyclable' list, my boss had never been able to get past the fact the I earned as much or more than he did.)

So I took an unexpectedly early retirement. The kids at the office called me a couple of times after that to ask how to do things or to solicit my help or more importantly my proven techniques and strategies or even more importantly, access to my contacts in the industry. The calls stopped after I patiently explained to each that the company erased my memory bank when they shredded my cardkey and ID.

Gotta love the value big business places on experience and expertise. They go on, excitedly reinventing the same wheels over and over as though they are all unique and brand-new phenomena! :wacko:

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Unfortunately Danno, government has slowy implemented the same budget balancing methods too. My beloved SLPD is still recovering from a "chief" who openly declared that all the old school, read experienced, officers were "tainted". Tainted? By what? To what end? He slowly manuvered experienced folks, higher paid folks BTW, out the door. He then magically exclaimed how he had saved the department from fiscal crisis. Really?

I was gone about a year before he was appointed chief, but I bet with my seniority I would have been "encouraged" to retire.

Where I'm at now could be the greatest state police job in the lower 48 except for the commanders. Pedantic and inexperienced, my command staff "manages" by crisis. Their response to a successful resolution to a supposed crisis is to wipe their brows, exhale and walk away. Trouble is these guys have no clue what a real crisis is.

They too "encourage" experienced folks to retire.

I despise bean counters and posers and hypocrites.


Edited by Agent G
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Double Irked!!!

Danno & Wayne, Perfect example of two who have the skills, dedication, work ethic and experience to help the new ones come into the fold without all the P.C. that go's with. With most of us who are retired or near retirement we have seen many changes, policies, procedures changes in our careers and we have adapted. Some for better some for worse. Some 15 years ago my employer (Fortune 500 Co) hired a Ivy league grad(Business Degree)who had ten years experience elsewhere. I don't think this man ever had a clue of what we did. He could count the beans but he couldn't plant them or make them grow! I don't think he could have sold Snow Cones on the equator in the middle of summer. He left for a better opportunity else where but our department was so screwed..... it took two years of hard work to recover. They brought someone in who had been in our industry, he rolled up his sleeves and helped undo the damage that had been done, hands on guy great man!

Tainted blows my mind! A true professional is going to adapt to the times and circumstances. Wayne I'm sure the weapon you were issued when you started in law enforcement was a far cry from what you had when you left. You adapted to change.

Each new work day I always have in my mind, is today the day. That's no way to start a day.

I wish you both the best! jwrass

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Same here, I was the 'go to guy', and had worn carpet leading to my office from all the young kids I taught. I worked all kinds of hours to get things done. Every year when they had a layoff I'd get the other guy's job on top of mine, and I figured out how to make it work. Sad fact is that it didn't keep me from layoffs at two major corporations. When my number came up, my boss said the sad fact was that there were people in the building reading newspapers right now. All my hard work didn't amount to anything.

So I'm back as a consultant at company number one. I'm amazed at the do nothing Forrest Gumps who survived the last 12 years and are still there. They all made their 25 years for full pension, and are pretty much set for when they retire. I don't even want to think how much they are making with the salary compounding all those years. And still if I get there at 8am I am often the first person in the building, and if I leave at 5pm, the lot is already empty! At least with my current gig if I'm asked to work an extra hour, I bill them!

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As soon as I wrote that something changed, for the better at that.

I was called into a meeting this morning and informed the powers that be were aware I was disallusioned and had submitted my application to the coroners office. The up shot was my evaluation, today's my anniversary date, was presented to the board with the recommendation that I receive the maximum pay raise possible at this time. The new chief has quietly made it known that he appreciates experienced folks and will no longer tolerate "suggested retirements" as a budget cutting method. Holy Moly I wasn't expecting that response.

James, Danno and I come from a generation where your work ethic was everything. We knew what we were in for when we signed on and adapted accordingly. Never, in 35 years, have I dreaded going to work one single day. Hell I didn't call in sick for over 14 years and only then it was for surgery.

I think what bothered me the most about the "tainted" statement was that I had worked with the guy for like ever in the South Patrol Detective Bureau. He sure as heck never hesitated to ask my advice on issues. Now all of a sudden guys like me are tainted? Times change and you change with them, no worries just keep on doing your best.


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Congrats, G! Good and virtue occasionally win out!!

NOW! While you have them where you want them, tell them you need a driver. Then make the guest room bed and I'll be right up!

Can you imagine the two of us unleashed on a sleepy, unsuspecting Vegas? :D

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My wife! Tonight I asked where my brand new package of turkey cold cuts was. She told me that it expired yesterday so she fed it to the dog. I pulled the pack out of the garbage to show her the date on cut to order cold cuts from Giant Supermarket is marked "Packed On:" date... aka the date I bought it, NOT the good until date. So she fed Ted about $8 worth of meat. I hope he's happy. I'll be buying lunch at work tomorrow.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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The last time I was in Walmart there was a guy riding the electric cart and his pants was all the way down and no underwear. I can't walk very good but an even better reason not to give up. So many strange people in Walmart..

A few months back at a local Target, it was not someone's pants being too low that got to me....it was that when he got to the checkout and stood up, he had, well, pooed himself, and of course left the cart for the store to "take care of". Oh, and he walked just fine through the register and out the door. Poor kid that had to clean the cart. Despite his efforts, I would not want to have to use the cart.

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I hear you, James!

I was in the same boat in the corporate world. The go-to guy; the guy who's been around every block, been everywhere, bought every tee shirt, wore out all those tee shirts, and made it back to buy more tee shirts! The guy who was tapped to train the new kids and the 'rising star' political middle-management dudes/duds with no tradecraft skills or real-world experience. The guy all the clients went to because the guy up the food chain couldn't answer their questions or meet their needs. Then, when the bean-counters came along looking for pennies to pinch and corners to cut, I ~ with my merit increases and seniority ~ was the highest salary and bonus package in the unit and got RIF'd. (Until he maneuvered me to the 'recyclable' list, my boss had never been able to get past the fact the I earned as much or more than he did.)

So I took an unexpectedly early retirement. The kids at the office called me a couple of times after that to ask how to do things or to solicit my help or more importantly my proven techniques and strategies or even more importantly, access to my contacts in the industry. The calls stopped after I patiently explained to each that the company erased my memory bank when they shredded my cardkey and ID.

Gotta love the value big business places on experience and expertise. They go on, excitedly reinventing the same wheels over and over as though they are all unique and brand-new phenomena! :wacko:

I am fortunate that I work for a great company that treats it's employees fair. One of the projects I am involved with at work, is to look at optional ways to continue inccorporating retiring employees in the workforce. Possibly paying them as seasonal, adhoc, or temp workers etc. This would help with adapting to a flexible workforce as well as the company acknowledging the importance/value of their employees knowledge and experience. It also contiues to show the companies commitment to it's employees long term by offering them work options in retirement if they so desire. In addition, my company has never laid anyone off or "downsized". I wished more companies were like that. I would have happier friends and family.

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