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My truck vs. a deer


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I was heading to work at 5:00 this morning & had a deer run in front of me & I got him with the right front corner of my truck. The deer survived & ran off. My poor truck got the worst of it as you can see. And to think I decided to splurge & put new fenders on it just a couple months ago since my old ones were rusty & they weren't cheap, especially after having them painted. Unfortunately I don't have collision on my insurance so I get to foot the bill on this one. At least all the bolts & screws will come off easy since I had the fender off so recently.



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Looks like you escaped with minimal damage Mike, I have a buddy who owns a body shop and I have seen some major damage come into his shop caused by deer, even total losses, can't be too careful these days, my youngest son came home from work around 8 pm last night and had 4 deer to run out in front of him about 1 block from the house and I live in the city, they're everywhere, like Ray said at least you are OK hope you don't have to spend too much on the repairs, good luck!! :D

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That is pretty good, at least it was an easily sourced part too. When that happened to my '88 Shadow ES Turbo back in 2000, it broke the grill and bent the hood.........both of which were only on the '87 & '88 model year cars. I ended up giving the car away as it was '03 when I bought my Jeep after killing the motor a couple in '02 and never geting around to swapping in a JY motor.....then having my Lebaron finally die of old age.

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I am an RV technician of over 21 years. I had a customer bring in a big fifth wheel travel trailer with a huge hole in the front, fiberglass cap. They had hit a deer so hard, it flew up, over the truck and went right thru the front wall of the trailer!!!!! The lady had pics of the deer laying in the hallway just outside the front room of the trailer!

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I used to work in the Princeton, NJ area where they refused to allow hunts to thin the heard. Thus, there were deer everywhere and you'd see the night's carnage on your way to work every day. One night I left work as it was getting dark. As I drove through the country roads I did have one eye to the side of the road looking for deer. One jumped out in the road and I hit my brakes hard. Here I am sliding, with all four wheels locked and this deer is smack up alongside my door running to keep his footing with his face against the side window. A very hairy minute! Then he ran off into the woods unharmed and I checked my Geo Tracker which was also unharmed, save for deer spit on the window!

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This happened to me in a 60's vintage VW beetle. Crashed right into the drivers side door in the dead of night. It was unusable. (Both the door and the deer) I called the local Southeastern Ohio authorities to report it and they asked me if I wanted the meat. It was out of season. I was on the road and turned it down.


Edited by ScaleDale
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Hate to hear about the truck. Glad to see it's still driveable. More importantly, glad you are still here to tell about it. My wife hit a deer in the strangest way. She was going 45 miles and hour and somehow one of the antler tips just barely punctured the inside of the front driver side fenderwell. Without getting religious, well, you know. I just cant believe it didnt get its head jammed in the fender well and wreck her. Glad it didn't cause she was in a Trailblazer on a curvy road. Boy was that thing top heavy. Glad we got rid of it.

Edited by Skydime
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I feel your pain. Barely two weeks after I got my then new Ford Ranger, I had a deer run into the side of my truck. The left rear panel has a nice big dent in it, now. Actually took the paint off. I was steaming mad because I had just bought the truck and it was in perfect shape. Not a scratch, and not a dent in sight.

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The deer alwayd wins I'm not a hunter but I've killed 2 deer with 2 different trucks one I was speeding like a race car driver and slammed on the brakes it didn't help I smoked that deer it was a spike buck and the second time I was driving under the speed limit as I had my mid with me and a 8or 10 point buck jumped out of a ditch straight into the front of my truck niether me or my daughter was hurt truck was and deer was killed and it was lowrider truck :(

Edited by chevyfever2009
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Don't feel bad. Back in the late eighties, I stopped my Ford Ranger at a three way on a rural road in Florida. A buck crashed up out of the brush, smashed in the passenger side door and fender. Then he shook his head at me and went right back in the dang woods where he came out! Now imagine the time I had explaining this to the insurance agent. "You hit a deer?" "NO- the DEER, hit ME!!" It took nearly an hour to get that through his head! :rolleyes:

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Ha! Just reminded of an old story by Kevin's!

Back in the dark ages, I was coming home in the early evening in Manalapan, NJ. I had just turned off Route 33 onto the local road and was waiting at a traffic light. There was a big delivery truck behind me. A lady in a new Mercedes pulled up next to me (in the left turn lane), and when the light changed, she took off straight and cut me off to get ahead of me and the truck. Oh well. She didn't half a mile when a huge buck came crashing over a hedge and landed square on her hood! Karma in motion! Loads of damage including a broken windshield. Deer was dead on arrival. Both the truck and I pulled over and this lady was hysterical. The first words were spoke by the truck driver, "Hey lady, do you want the deer?" I figured that was my ticket out of there. I told them I'd go and find a payphone to call it in, so I left him with her since he was going to retrieve the meat!

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Just this July my buddies Mom and Step dad were out test riding the new bike. His son just spent all spring getting it cleaned up and running right. They were slowing down for some deer in the road ahead of them, when a deer runs into the side of them . They were just about stopped and she ended up with a broken arm and he got a bad sprain .We were three hours away camping when he got the call . He was sober and trying to tell us how they were hit by the deer and they did not hit the deer.

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