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What's your build percentage?

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I see a kit I like, I buy it, I build it, then repeat. I don't think I have ever owned more than two unbuilt kits at any one time. I guess I'm different from most of you guys.


I find this fascinating!! I rarely buy from stores, I usually buy from people at model club, swap meets, model shows and such. therefore, I don't think I have EVER bought just 1 kit with the intentions of building that one. I end up buying 10 or 12, and then along comes a flee market, another 5, 10 more at a show. next thing you know, the stash is at 50+ and I haven't sat down to build nothing.

you also need a fudge factor..... the kits you buy strictly for kit bashing. I have at least 10 of the pro street super bee, never to be build but to be sacrificed for other kits. do these count. at least half my stash is slated to be kit bashed with other kits.

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you also need a fudge factor..... the kits you buy strictly for kit bashing. I have at least 10 of the pro street super bee, never to be build but to be sacrificed for other kits. do these count. at least half my stash is slated to be kit bashed with other kits.

I have a ton of kits that were bought for kit bashing as you said. I have a bunch of '41 Plymouths for the chassis and flathead six. These will go under / into 1950s Plymouths and possibly Dodges. I have at least 6 of the AMT '70 Chevy to use in restoring my '68s and '69s. All bought cheap at shows and club meetings. There are also kits that fall into the 'good to have' category. When I see these at shows for $5 or $10, I just grab them for the future with no immediate plan.

And those $5 kits are expendable. If someone on the board needs a part to finish a build or progress a project, I don't hesitate to crack the plastic on one of those to send them those parts. This summer I did a bit of organization and worked on my parts boxes. I bought more plastic tubs and when I realized I had a dozen Revell '50 Ford pickups, I took the unsealed ones and just dumped the contents into the tub labeled for that kit. Now I have a ton of parts to play with on a kit that I love to fiddle with.

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I've managed to complete 2 kits this year.I have approximately 1150 more unbuilt( some in varying degrees of being started) so my percentage is an embarrassing .001739 per cent.But I plan to live to be 400 so I can finish them all.So far,so good.

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.But I plan to live to be 400 so I can finish them all.So far,so good.

A man with a plan! :lol:

Actually, there is a scenario in which you could have more then 100% and it is a technicality. This year, I have acquired 1 model and built it. I also had a friend/customer come buy and give me a kit to build for him. Technically, I never owned or acquired the model, but I built 2 kits thus, 200% completion rate. ;)

What are you, a lawyer? :lol:

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I own somewhere in the 350-400 range of unbuilts and/or builtups.

Last year I actually finished maybe,,, a half dozen ?

this year is less than that. maybe 2 or 3 .

I will have a long ago started project move to the completed section of the case maybe early next week ( 1st one in nearly 6 months )

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OK somebody do the math for me please. I have 45 kits. I've completed 7 this year

Approximately 18%. That's not too bad, Chris.

As for me....embarrassingly poor. But better than my dad's!

Seriously, I need like 12-18 months of ZERO interruption and substantially better funding to build what I need to get to an acceptable ration for me. The only interruptions I could work with are eat, sleep, and lodge, and maybe a job if it was low hours/high pay (like THAT happens).

Charlie Larkin

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After reading all the responses I will not by another kit until I finish the 5 kits I own. I do have a 1/72 Czech biplane that is just too small for these old eyes so that will sit, If anyone wants that for the cost of shipping they can have it

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alright all this math is making my head hurt(never was any good at it) got about 350 kits and build around 25 per year. On average I would buy about 15 kits a year but got a few extra this year,

Brett your % would be 7.14 25 x 100 divided by 350. I think that's a pretty good rate!

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About 700 kits, about 60 WIPs, and actually completed 1/2 of one build so far this year. :huh:

Here's to hoping you finish a lot more in the future! That's 'cause you are one of my favourite builders. You capture the "look" that I dream about. Love seeing your stuff. Start getting busy! lol

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this seems to be rolling along nicely. I really had no idea how many kits I actually have. lots are in bags and drawers tucked away. well it ends up I have about 300 kits (didn't think I had that many) and completed 0.... boy, that's an easy one.

I think the number would go way up if we did # of kits by # of projects started.... :D

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Blair your % is 12.73 which is really good. 14 x 100 divided by 110=12.73 Glad you're back and healthy. That is most imortant.

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The percentages no longer affect me as they once did . Last year , I completed 14 builds , this year , 2 !

That being said , I completed over 30 bodies for the business this year and that number continues to climb . As long as I have something to set on the show tables each year , I am happy !

I have prepped bodies and kits ready for paint , painted bodies that are ready for detail and foil , entire kits ready to be built , builds in various stages of completion , the list just goes on .

Every day is something different , depending on what I feel like doing at that particular time . Be it painting , foiling , prepping , decaling , building , I thoroughly enjoy every aspect of this hobby . I do work on an aspect of the hobby every single day .

As others have stated , I have quite a few kits , how many , I have no idea . Quite a few are designated as parts kits and their parts have been removed from the trees and stored together in 2 gallon freezer bags .

Will I ever build all of them ? Who knows , who cares ! I just intend on giving the concept a run for it's money , the end result is a moot point . As long as I'm having fun with it , that's all that concerns me .

Now , if I could ever complete all of the builds that are stored in my pointed little head ...... Weeeeeell , that might take a couple hundred years ..... Lmao !

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A very good reason to eat right, get plenty of exercise and stay healthy. :D

Exactly ! And I do stick with all of the aforementioned reasons , religiously !

Now , based on percentages , how many if us talk to ourselves while building ? Hmmmmmm ?

Oh yeah ! That would be me ! At times , Kathie will open the shop door and holler , " Hey Sybil , Everone ok in there ? " Yes , the voices do answer her , several of them all at once ! She laughs , tells me that all of the bulbs in my chandelier aren't lit and departs for saner areas !

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