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I may be a masochist, but.....

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Confession time; I have a soft spot, possibly in my head, for the old crappy multi-piece Lindberg and Palmer kits of the 60's and 70's. In my defense, my love for them is tied in with memories of my grandma's five and dime store rather than the kits themselves. She always had those kits on the shelf and would give me one to keep me quiet. My uncle also would build them and give them to me. I don't have any of them anymore, but would buy and build some if I came across them. Does anyone have any of these that they have built or are they mostly curiosities now that are put on a shelf for the box art?

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My first two model car kits, as a kid, were 1/32 Palmers. The mustang convertible was so bad I eventually threw it away. I still have the 68 Firebird for the nostalgia reason you mention above.

On the other hand I haven't written off Palmer all together. If you don't look at them for what they are, but as something they aren't they can be pretty cool. Don't look at this sample as a 67 Camaro, but rather a cool concept car or phantom and I think this is a really attractive car that could be made special. Just hide or remove the Camaro identifiers.


Edited by Lunajammer
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Don't Forget the IMC / Testors Ford (GT 40's etc https://www.google.com/search?q=1947+ford+model+kits&espv=210&es_sm=122&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=cUfdUrXqBaGIyAHW6oGoBQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1600&bih=775#q=imc+ford+gt+model&tbm=isch&imgdii=_ ) kits. What ever happened to this kit ? mnYBrZoKZw0hXluJiBJZZiA.jpg Will it ever see the light of day again?

Edited by Greg Myers
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I have the Premier Studebakers found them at a toy show in Columbus about 1990. My first build circa 1965 was one of them. Multi piece bodies really crappy tooling but the nostalgia of looking at them is just too cool. Every once in a while I think I should build them but can't bring myself to do it.

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I, too, have fond memories of the old Palmer kits... :). I'm not saying they were great kits but they kept me busy and entertained for a while, something like cheesy old TV shows or movies. John's Bargain Store had a whole bunch of them; my Dad and I tried brush painting them with Testors then-new metallics... How many of us did not build at least one waaaayyy back when we were so much younger? They deserve a place in the modeler's museum- heck, even the Fonz's jacket is in the Smithsonian.

As for those old Revell kits, there's a lot of nostalgia there, too. I remember first seeing that '55 Chevy box on the Newberry's shelf like it was just yesterday. Yeah, due to the complexity of the kit, it was a challenge but I did build that one when it first came out, and the second issue of the '57, then the Hot Rod issue of the '55 and I have another of those on my shelf, patiently waiting to become a gasser.

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I have a few of the Palmer's myself.

I have built at least 7-10 of the Old Tool Revell 55-57 Chevy's too!

NEVER had a Problem with them!!!

In fact, about 10 years before Monogram came out with their 56 Nomad,

I started one based off the Revell 56 Sedan!!

It has the opening Doors, etc!!

Roof is from an AMT 55 Nomad, interior parts are from 57 Nomad!!

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with a few exceptions, the lindberg/pyro/lifelike kits usually yielded a fairly accurate representation of the real car they were labeled as. The 49 Ford, and 53 Chevy look like they were manufactured from the box art without adjusting for the artists "perspective" .

Their other more classic car kits build up well with proper care.

I have an old thread with a '34 Ford 3 window here which I can't seem to find so here's what was in it:


I have a Pyro '34 Vicky that's going to get similar treatment but with better wheels.

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