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Using Pledge Floor Care Tile & Vinyl Floor Finish with Future Shine


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I don't brush it on personally but I would continue to put thin mist coats on it. Here is my tutorial in case you have not seen it. You will see how I start and it is flat and gets shinier and shinier with each coat. I do realize my video is done using an airbrush but applying it is the same layer by layer. I generally ise 1 1/2 to two ounces of floor polish before getting a shine on it. Maybe this vid will help.

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Has anyone tried a drop of Simple Green to their airbrush cup of Future for the super wet look yet? How about placing a shoebox over car bodies to help slow drying time and help levelling?


I have added Simple Green to Future as mentioned on Swanny's Models website. It did a nice job! As with anything, practice on some scrap just to get a feel for how it handles...



Edited by hooknladderno1
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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who are interested, I was just able to pick up one of these Pledge bottles with the boots on them at my local Walmart. It was back in a corner with all the mops and floor cleaning supplies. This is my first time working with this or Future, and it seems to be doing what others here have said. I am using it to hold down some old decals that weren`t adhering. I was actually able to put it under the decal with a q-tip and burnish down the decal while not having any residue on the paint like you would get with white glue or clear enamel/lacquer. I am very happy about that. The decals were also very cloudy before (they are transparent over a dark color) and now the cloudiness seems to be completely gone.

Edited by Hawk312
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I just barely had my hood on a 70 Plymouth roadrunner crack on me. Everything was flawless. I polished it and waxed it and next morning it had fine cracks all over in it. Another person contacted me and had the same problem. We have determined that it has to be from cold. He was able to fix his by lightly sanding with 2000 grit sandpaper and then putting on 2 thin coats of floor polish. I already put mine in to removes the paint.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

-I wanna try the stuff on car tires for adding decals and sealing gel pen ink to them, BUT for the life of me, can not get the stuff locally....... NO WHERE local to me carries it and most only to seem to remember it it, nothing more......

I'd actually pay someone for a bottle of it and cost of shipping if it can still be purchased!

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