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First Completed Build in Over 50 Years - 1961 Falcon Ranchero


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After many starts and misses, I have finally finished a model. Each model I started presented it's own challenges, especially since I was jumping back into the hobby after about 55 years away. Those await me when I have enough ability and knowledge to fix them. I looked in my stash and pick the Falcon based on simplicity of design and ease of build. I'd suggest the same strategy for anyone that starting or restarting this hobby. Completing one builds your confidence.

As for the Falcon, I had one of these back in the 70s. Hauled a lot of dirt bikes in it. It was a 62 and originally it was a USAEC (U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, now U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission) truck. I bought it in an auction in Oak Ridge, TN. Replaced the transmission with a C4 and rebuilt the straight 6 engine. I think it was 144 cu. in.

The original color was grey so I decided to finish this one in Tamiya TS76 Mica Silver with a few coats of Future on top. The interior floor and door panels and seats were sprayed with a charcoal colored acrylic that I mixed. The inserts in the seats were painted with light grey acrylic. I'm not totally satisfied with the acrylics. Sprayed Future mixed with flat acrylic on the seat and door panels to knock the shine down. This model has a number of flaws, especially the BMF work. Hopefully the next one will be nicer.








Edited by Miatatom
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Thanks for the compliments guys. I just looked to see when I joined the forum and it was 5/29/12 so I've been at it for over 2 years trying to finish one. Only took a few weeks to do the Falcon. With over 70 models in my stash, I need to get busy or I'll never finish them. :lol:

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I also think it looks excellent Tom. And it appears you have availed yourself to newer techniques as well. Nothing like an old dog picking up some new tricks. The acrylics can be tricky to work with initially, but you will be rewarded once you've mastered them. Very few people threw down a flawless Laquer or Enamel paint job their first time out. There was a curve to those just like acrylics. I airbrush acrylics and get some great results, but I had to work with them for a while to get there.

The Armor and Aircraft guys have been using them for years now with incredible results. Look up Vallejo Air or just Vallejo on Youtube and see what can be achieved. The can be translated directly to automotive subjects.

Keep building.


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