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Just got my first job as a real teacher. It's official. I've been subbing for most of the year as I finished up my classes.

I lucked out and get to teach as a paid intern instead of student teaching (working for free) for 4 months. 

New journey ahead!

Good luck on your new Journey ?

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Just got my first job as a real teacher. It's official. I've been subbing for most of the year as I finished up my classes.

I lucked out and get to teach as a paid intern instead of student teaching (working for free) for 4 months. 

New journey ahead!

I taught for most of about ten years. It takes someone very brave to enter education given the mess it's in now between insolent children and parents, the ineptocracy that's most school administrations and the stupidity of bubble sheets and mind/imagination-numbing regulations.

I really, really hope you enjoy it, Scott. Because for all the problems, it was still one of the best jobs I ever had.

Charlie Larkin

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Thanks for the well wishes. 7th grade was my last choice for a grade level. I'll be teaching special ed kids. There is room for a little more creativity there because of Individual Education Programs. Yep....It won't be easy. I'm OK with that. I taught 1st graders for the first month of my subbing career. That was hard.

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Not long ago I built a 72 Nova replica of one of my best friends neighbors. He is a vet and is having some health problems. As I heard what a nice guy he was I went ahead and built the  replica for him . Well, he received it today and my friend said he was speechless. Said he teared up and could not stop looking at it. It did turn out good ( for me ) and I am so happy he likes it. He could not believe that someone he doesn't even know would do this for him. I am happy I did it and so glad he liked it. It is on him mantel. That pleased me very much.

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Not long ago I built a 72 Nova replica of one of my best friends neighbors. He is a vet and is having some health problems. As I heard what a nice guy he was I went ahead and built the  replica for him . Well, he received it today and my friend said he was speechless. Said he teared up and could not stop looking at it. It did turn out good ( for me ) and I am so happy he likes it. He could not believe that someone he doesn't even know would do this for him. I am happy I did it and so glad he liked it. It is on him mantel. That pleased me very much.

That's a great story, Ray.

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for a kid named "Zrodlowski," he doesn't exactly fit the expected ethnic profile. Is he your biological son, or is he maybe your stepson? Or adopted?

Lucy, you got some splainin' to do...

Yep, biological. He's a rough-and-tumble-stand-up-to-be-knocked-down-kicking-in-the-head-knife-in-a-dark-room chip off the ol' blockhead like Dad; but, he has better manners and is extremely polite. Mom is Spanish on her father's side, Irish and West Indian on her mother's. That makes him 111% Polish. :D We're the only ones in the house who eat pierogi, kielbasa and other Polish health foods. Used her Nikon to get prom pics since I can't d/l from my Canon. She won't let me use hers to photograph my modeling. She says she doesn't want that "junk" cluttering up her camera. She doesn't get it. No appreciation for the finer things in life except for shoes, bags and this "clothes" stuff. Mom sucks, man. :D  :D :P

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