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1/25 Revell Ford Del Rio Ranch Wagon 2'n'1

Matt T.

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Yea, most modern A/C units operate in defroster mode to help defogger for windshield. A little different in the old days... And did it work well enough to cool the wagons cargo area? In other words would the polar bears and penguins in the back be comfortable?


Modern AC systems are designed to cycle periodically in heat / defrost mode to keep internal parts and seals lubricated also. Early-summer failures of old AC systems were common as a result of dry seals from inaction all winter.

It's doubtful the arctic animals would have been really comfortable in the back of an old Ford wagon. 1950s AC systems in general were not as efficient as today's systems are, and were usually bulky, heavy and huge aftermarket affairs. The only cold AC-equipped car I recall from my childhood was my father's boss's Caddy, which had a separate rear-seat AC system.

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...Scott happy to stop. You could've stopped too with horses**t earlier.

Ain't that the truth. As if commenting on the drama accomplishes ANYTHING other than contributing to it, especially after drumming up a bunch of drama on your own. Guilty as charged here - difference is, I make no pretense about being above it all.


I love that black Del Rio

I love that black Del Rio

You can say that again. B)

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Wow! I walked away from this thread maybe a week or two ago when the name calling started. Now it's gone all the way down the slippery slope.

When I've posted here, trying to describe the business climate and obstacles the model companies face in today's market, I get blown off the board as 'accepting mediocrity' and being a 'Revell suck up'. I was told directly by a hobby insider that when the tooling budget is spent, and the design will please 99% of their customers, they go to production. The guys who are very involved in the hobby, those who post on boards and attend shows, represent the 1% of modelers. The vast majority of kits are sold to casual modelers, through retail outlets, who don't have as critical an eye as we do.

And the final thought on the subject. As people here pontificate on how stupid the manufacturers are and how they should all be fired, nobody has given an ounce of thought to the fact that these manufacturers are advertisers in Model Cars Magazine. And when the ads go away, so does the magazine.... and this board.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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OMIGHERD can we please get a Moderator Clean-Up on Aisle 17-20?

Geebus guys...I've said before that people who don't belong to this forum, but read it in lurk mode think this place is the laughing stock of the hobby. I was roundly flame warred with "Who cares what they think?!?!?!" But really, this "gotta have the last word" crud is beyond the pale this time. For all the bickering over the Mustang that shall not be named, it was never a geopolitical religious debate with personal flaming.

I do find it deliciously ironic that those of us who were branded "trouble makers" and whatnot stayed out of the most recent Revell kit gaffes leaving the pointing out of said gaffes to people more intimately familiar with the subject matter, but I see it's still the same half dozen or so members of the Universal Revell Defense Brigade doing all the running off at the mouth and pot stirring. Comforting that the more things change, the more they stay the same I guess.

I can't even imagine what this must look like to someone who's never been to this forum before, or someone who visits infrequently. Do you guys not care about your reputations or is being right in your own fantasy-land more important?

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You could have fooled me. I suspect if you randomly choose one of the pages of this thread the possibility of finding any

Ranch wagon talk is about 3 in 10. Good moderation job!

Yup. Even though I've now demonstrated how people can put their money where their effin' MOUTH IS with a premise that wasn't even mine, you're still more likely to find geopolitics in this thread than you are any of this purported castigation of Revell executives and personnel.

People can hoist those rational pinatas and whip 'em all they like, and if that's the best they can do for staying on topic, we might as well go right back to the Gaza Strip...

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I have to back off on this forum a bit. Cathy was looking over our shoulder and decided that MBKs (Model Building Kids) didn't need to see the Religious spat. I will only be updating from the laptop by myself for a few days until it blows over. The discussion on manufacturing, management, accuracy are one thing, as they directly impact our hobby. The religious pot shots on this thread, and the name calling on the stock restored parts thread really crossed Cathie's line. She just blocked the whole site on the family computer. Luckily, I can access it from my laptop and maybe my shop computer. (I mostly post from the laptop, as the MBKs and I read the threads and look at the pictures together on the family computer, and then I post on the laptop while they surf for pop culture stuff)

This site is a bit of a laughing stock, but all sites are at one time or another. The internet is a volatile medium. I hope all of the industry guys haven't flown the coop for good, but if they have, I will probably follow. There are other boards, all with varying degrees of drama. When one erupts and drives people away, we tend to land at another site until a "situation" occurs on that site. Eventually, the crowd drifts back. I remember mass Exoduses occurring on the Hobby Heaven site and I remember everybody clearing out of the other magazine's site when you couldn't post about a certain brand of kit because of an advertising dispute. I remember BMC had some regular gnashing of teeth about how the site was run. The board that does NASCAR models has had its moments. Hopefully, this gets back under control and I can bring the kids back to this site. We all like the Under Glass displays and the work bench projects. Cass really likes the Willys project, and has been following every picture since the beginning, and Kirk likes Art Anderson's "T" project and all of Harry's large scale projects.

While I admire Cathie's devotion to reading everything that the kids read, it can be a bit of a pain in my neck once in a while. :unsure:

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I apologize for my part in it.

you could erase any posts which have not set well with you, and PM anyone who has quoted them asking for them to delete theirs. i've made some replies before that i didn't delete before being quoted, and the fellow have been understanding about my concerns.

even if we were all in the same room, there might be things said which are interpreted differently than we meant or folks would have taken exception. i think that's life.

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you could erase any posts which have not set well with you, and PM anyone who has quoted them asking for them to delete theirs. i've made some replies before that i didn't delete before being quoted, and the fellow have been understanding about my concerns.

even if we were all in the same room, there might be things said which are interpreted differently than we meant or folks would have taken exception. i think that's life.

Very true. Now if you have kids to protect, that's one thing. But anyone else engaging in the little "tisk tisk" drive-bys - if they can't quite muster the personal willpower to skip the chaff - can also go up to their consoles at the top right and enable the "Manage Ignore Prefs" function.

Not in my nature to ignore, personally, but I done heard tell you load up the appropriate users, and it can clean up a thread right nice for you.

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I am just curious about something, if "we" meaning this forum make up the 1% of the hobby, why would any company close up shop over 1% of the customer base that voice their concerns with said company's products, just seems really silly to me. But I dont know what I dont know.

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I am just curious about something, if "we" meaning this forum make up the 1% of the hobby, why would any company close up shop over 1% of the customer base that voice their concerns with said company's products, just seems really silly to me. But I dont know what I dont know.

I have to agree here.

I'd truly like to see some breakdown on percentages and what brings in the money. That is, after all, what doing business is all about.


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