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When is a build complete in your eyes?

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There's always one more detail! When I'm coming into the home stretch on a model that I'm enjoying building, I always find an excuse to extend the build.

On my Dodge A100 van, I never intended to put an interior in the back. It was always going to be dark windows and a curtain behind the front seats. Once I got going it was.... hmmm, I could easily add the interior. So I spent a week or so doing that. I am happy I did it but you can hardly see it through the windows.

On my current build, the Volare, the old MPC kit didn't have a lot of detail under the hood. To get it done (it's 20 years old!) I was going to glue the hood shut... and now I've spent a few weeks adding all sorts of plumbing under the hood.

I never learn! But I wouldn't be happy if I didn't follow the voices in my head. And it's almost a let down when I am finished.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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If there are any. Mirrors are a glaring omission in many kits.

Yeah, mirrors were almost never included in the kits I grew up on in the '60s. The reissues of those kits still don't have 'em. That, and I built a lot of drag stuff in those days, and drag cars don't usually have them, so I'm quite used to looking at models without them.

If I mirror is an integral part of the body's styling, as on some late-model cars, or the kit includes them with fairly secure mounting, I'll put 'em on. Otherwise, I don't bother, as I know they'll just get broken off and lost, leaving some sort of evidence of their absence.

You know what would be cool? If someone would offer a whole "tree" of various '60s-style mirrors in white metal at reasonable price. If that ever happened, I could be interested.

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Yeah, mirrors were almost never included in the kits I grew up on in the '60s. The reissues of those kits still don't have 'em. That, and I built a lot of drag stuff in those days, and drag cars don't usually have them, so I'm quite used to looking at models without them.

If I mirror is an integral part of the body's styling, as on some late-model cars, or the kit includes them with fairly secure mounting, I'll put 'em on. Otherwise, I don't bother, as I know they'll just get broken off and lost, leaving some sort of evidence of their absence.

You know what would be cool? If someone would offer a whole "tree" of various '60s-style mirrors in white metal at reasonable price. If that ever happened, I could be interested.

That would be very cool. I'm surprised someone hasn't marketed something like that already.

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Mirrors... small parts that benefit from being pinned onto the model. I drill out the kit mounts just enough to fit a small length of straight pin inside. Then I drill the corresponding holes in the model. Sometimes the fit is good enough that they stay in place without glue. Otherwise, I just add the dab of glue on the inside of the body. It does take some effort, but it's worth it since I've never lost a mirror!

I'm fairly sure that Norm Veber makes some nice exterior car mirrors.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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Once it goes in my case it's pretty much done . whether it's actually 'completely finished ' is another story .

I've had incomplete builds in the case for over 10 years before they came back out and were completely finished.

Actually I think I have 2 or 3 unfinished cars in the case now that were started in the 90's

This is one I started before my oldest daughter was born ( she'll be 18 in April )

Edited by gtx6970
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