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Moebius 71 Ranger Pickup


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For $44 plus shipping... :wacko:

Well yeah you're paying to reimport something that was exported to Japan..

The point being that the kit is officially released, not a cry to go order one. That's as silly as buying a Japanese kit as U.S. mark-up pricing.

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Man I'm getting bored of people talking about wanting this model already. We all do. I'm waiting for someone to give us true review of this kit. Quit teasing me, sucking me back into this thread hoping someone finally has the kit in their hands, and is reviewing it. Let's be patient, and wait to talk about this kit when somebody has something to really talk about.


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Man I'm getting bored of people talking about wanting this model already. We all do. I'm waiting for someone to give us true review of this kit. Quit teasing me, sucking me back into this thread hoping someone finally has the kit in their hands, and is reviewing it. Let's be patient, and wait to talk about this kit when somebody has something to really talk about.



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Yea I know. I've been checking out both threads. But, that brings up a question. Why two treads on the same subject? Especially when they are both basically the same? At the same time, you might want ignore this and my last post here. People are excited. And who am I to try and ruin their fun?


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The update from Jack at Modelroundup says the Model King '69 F100 and Mobeius '71 F100 will be in next week for shipping, so the long wait is coming to an end!

Looking forward to having these kits, ideas are swirling around in my head for what I want to do!

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I was displaying at a truck model show this weekend and had my 1st look at one of these pickups, I had to do a double take as I was shocked top see one in the UK....all I can say is its a stunning kit, even down to the box and instructions, here are a few pics.




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I was displaying at a truck model show this weekend and had my 1st look at one of these pickups, I had to do a double take as I was shocked top see one in the UK....all I can say is its a stunning kit, even down to the box and instructions, here are a few pics.




Very cool! Nice to see the kit. Can't wait to see and hear more. Like others, I too plan on buying one.


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