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what's the point?


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I wouldn't get too hung up on comments. The number that counts is how many views. I pretty much only comment on builds that connect with me at some personal level. But I still enjoy looking at almost all of them. Sort of like models on a contest table, you can't expect every looker to flag you down to offer you their comments but they love seeing what you brought. Your modeling post is still being appreciated and since you're primarily building for yourself, what does it matter what other people say?

But if you seek feedback, you can stoke the discussion by requesting feedback on specific things. There are plenty of folks on here who would love to tell you everything they know.

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With that said here's what I'm talking about now that I'm at my computer.

With the large amount of American muscle builders and fans, it is very difficult for those of us who do not build popular cars to keep our builds from getting buried in the forums. When you have to compete with posts of 6 Camaro's at once, three other active Camaro's, 2 Vette's, 3 Mustangs, and a handful of other old cars those of us who build Japanese or even European cars get lost in the posting.

In my opinion, the issue at hand is the lack of organization within the "On the Workbench" forum. A simple grouping of American, Japanese, and European would be nice and allow my post, which clearly has a very small interest group from getting buried under the much more popular American muscle builds.

When a thread receives little input, it gets buried under the more popular threads. Often times, the posts to the other threads are something as simple as "this build rocks" or "great looking paint." Those are great to receive and I am not suggesting that they are not important but when you watch your thread disappear into the abyss of page 4, it is frustrating because let's face it, not many people read every post all the way back to page 4.

I'm here for constructive feedback from those of you who have been doing this for many, many years and can help input when the situation arises. I'm not here straight for "oh wow, you did such a great job!" because frankly, my wife could say the same BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH thing. What I look forward to is some useful tips and suggestions on how to do something better or if I got something wrong, a way to do it right. I got lots of input on my RX-7 build and when needed, I received help. However, that post too often times got buried under the weigh of the other threads.

Each build is amazing to me, from Tom B's 6 Camaro's and Andy Brooks' Fox body LS-1 to Michael Moskov's Liberty Walk 458 Italia. I love all cars and I truly enjoy the builds that are on this site.

My apologies for coming off whiny, frankly I just felt like ranting. Some of you guys can dial back the attacking, especially when it comes to calling me a middle schooler which truly shows your maturity level. Personal attacks aside, if you felt like I was attack the subject matter of most builds here, well, again my apologies. Just looking at the first page of the workbench, I see a Hemi Dart, a Hemi Cuda, another Hemi Dart, a 65 Chevelle, a 71 Plymouth, a 53 Vette, a 79 Camaro, a '13 Mustang, and a 70 Challenger. It is difficult to survive through the large number of posts and then new threads on here. If the community isn't commenting on a post, it disappears.

In fact, just to update my thread I had to search for it through the search function. I usually make progress weekly and by the time I make an update, often times it has already been far buried. So what am I to do then? Bump it once it falls to page 3? Make some random comment on it? Again, I feel the need to clarify:


Ultimately, it's discouraging to me when I don't build cars that 90% of the community likes and that won't change. So frankly, if the cars I build aren't popular here, and the community only replies to stuff they are interested in, I'm stuck like Chuck.

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I have to agree with Cameron on this point. The bump was totally unnecessary, and probably turned a few people off to reading your future updates.

Let your work stand on its own merits, stay humble, and you will see replies. Good work will never go unnoticed here. ;)

Got to agree with Cameron and Casey, and it does help to participate in other topics. No one is attacking you. You did start this tread and everyone is being honest..

Edited by slusher
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A) In my opinion, the issue at hand is the lack of organization within the "On the Workbench" forum. A simple grouping of American, Japanese, and European would be nice and allow my post, which clearly has a very small interest group from getting buried under the much more popular American muscle builds.

B: Ultimately, it's discouraging to me when I don't build cars that 90% of the community likes and that won't change. So frankly, if the cars I build aren't popular here, and the community only replies to stuff they are interested in, I'm stuck like Chuck.

Part A: While I would agree the forum could be better organized, it just isn't be. We all either have to accept that or find an alternative which better suits our preferences. Creating a special sub-category for every group you or anyone else wants to see would be madness. Where would it end?

At some point, you have to understand and accept that your opinions and preferences when it comes to model subjects are the minority, not the majority. Seriously, think about that for a minute. Lots of people are in the same situation as you. Look at member Ira Dahm's builds, and you'll see he's almost all alone in what he builds, yet he still keeps putting out creative models.

Part B: If popularity and attention are what you seek from posting your models on a public forum, you're not going to be happy, Justin. "Build for yourself and the rest will follow," as Mark Jones' sig line states.

Now, if you are truly interested in improving your work, all you need to do is ask and listen. There are so many people here who are willing to share what they've learned and what they know with others, so try starting your post or a new reply in one of your existing topic with something like "What can I do to make this engine more realistic" or "How should I _________?" If you show you are interested in other members' opinions and are willing to listen to their advice, regardless if you take that advice or not, it will go a long way toward getting feedback from other members.

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Yeah, I just looked at your RX7, and it looks nice! I don't have the kind of paper to afford something like that, so it's cool to see someone doing such a nice model of one.

Basically, if your car is falling down into the thread abyss and it's annoying you, maybe you don't really feel the build spirit anymore, know what I mean?

If I feel like I really like a car, I'll keep working on it or updating it even if nobody's really watching. Some things, they kinda lost my interest, and I shelved them for a later date.

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As far as items falling into the abyss there are two site features that can help. One is the tag feature which will show all items with tags. And second the follow button which provides a list of threads you are following.

As far as getting people to comment it helps to indicate that you are looking for feedback.

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a few more thoughts...

Make your title interesting... people will be curious and open your post. You can also change the thread title as you progress (go to your first post, hit the use full editor button, and it will allow you to change the subject line). So instead of bumping your thread, add a progress post of what you did since your last post, then change the title like, "RX 7 Race Car Build - Engine Finished 2-26-15" will get people's interest, especially if you are working and updating the thread with progress on a regular basis. I love to watch someone build a model, so if you updated with progress regularly I'd be watching, no matter what the subject!

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From what I've seen, this is a fairly common dilemma. I, like many here, have a predilection for certain types of cars and trucks, and tend to view (and sometimes comment), on them, while basically ignoring the rest. I only have a certain amount of time I can dedicate to surfing this forum, so I tend to concentrate the use of that time on what's important to me.

Also, many, many views of a topic, with correspondingly few comments, is quite normal. One of your topics has almost 3,000 views. Somebody is paying attention to your efforts.

I'd also point out that this is a very active forum, with many updates throughout the site hourly it seems, so of course items that are slightly less active are going to get buried; that's just the nature of the beast, and happens to all of us. For whatever it’s worth, you may also consider starting your own blog, develop whatever following you may receive, and control the dominant features as you see fit.

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Everyone hopes others will like their builds but in the end the only thing that matters is if the build made one happy far as I am concerned....its great to get compliments and good hearted criticizem it helps us all learn how to build better and share easier ways of building or modifying a build. I learn something new almost every day.

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A little rant here but what is the point of me sharing my work when no one says a thing? If the car subject isnt a camaro, corvette, mustang, or some far off 50's car it gets 0 interest, or at least feedback. Hell, if what I'm doing looks like garbage, someone say so. I'm pretty sure I put my big boy pants on this morning. I do not understand why I put time into (and away from) my work when there is no interest. I thought this community enjoyed cars but clearly, if its from Japan, it doesnt fit in.

Anyway, I'll be a little more scarce around here as frankly, it isnt worth my time posting my work when it gets snowplowed out of the way by the Mustang/Corvette/Camaro crowd.

The fact is that muscle cars are very popular with the members here. That's just the way it is. Getting frustrated because your particular subjects aren't as popular here as Camaros-Mustangs-Chargers, etc, is a waste of your time. You can't change the makeup of the forum or what most people here are interested in.

I can see why you're frustrated. I build the kind of cars that almost nobody else here builds, but i post them anyway. I figure the people who are interested will enjoy them, and the people who aren't interested... well, they'll just ignore them. And that's fine.

You either have to accept this forum for what it is, or join a forum that caters more to your particular preferred subjects. I'd suggest you stick around and keep posting. The stuff you build might not be the most popular here, but I guarantee you that there are members here who are interested in the same subjects you're interested in.

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Also, many, many views of a topic, with correspondingly few comments, is quite normal. One of your topics has almost 3,000 views. Somebody is paying attention to your efforts.

This board has many more readers that never post, than those of us who are pretty regular posters. For many people the Internet is like TV or reading a magazine, instead of being interactive.

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Ultimately, it's discouraging to me when I don't build cars that 90% of the community likes and that won't change. So frankly, if the cars I build aren't popular here, and the community only replies to stuff they are interested in, I'm stuck like Chuck.

I think you answered your own question/rant with that statement right there!

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I build lotsa different genres and styles. Some of my work gets a lot of feedback, some of it gets very little. Big deal.

Yes, a lot of people here like muscle cars. I don't do them very often. I'm not about to complain because a '69 Camaro gets more hits than one of my obscure old dry-lakes cars from before WW II. And I'm not going to change my own taste in cars to get more participation from the peanut gallery.

People come here to look at and comment on what they like. Or not comment at all. That's just fine with me too.

Harry's work...even his obscure (to most of the builders here probably) brass-era cars... usually gets a lot of interest for a simple reason: it's very high quality, and most of us can learn a lot from watching his threads. There's a lesson in there somewhere.

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I like posts where I learn things or see a different perspective, Im not going to comment on the same step that is taken in every kit and as someone posted earlier, state that you are looking for feedback as some dont want it and some can be WAY to sensitive. If you are looking for someone to stroke your ego and add meaning to your life, Im not your guy.

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