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Organization and a revelation

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So the last couple of days I've been working on a list of all my kits. Divide up the list into trade stock, WIP's, parts kits and kits to keep for the future. This will also be where I jot down ideas for builds as I get them.

Just for the tally, I have 60 kits. It's not a great amount compared to some, but it's a manageable number and it gives me plenty of options.

But much to my surprise, I have 13 WIP's. :o This is kind of depressing. I think I was happier not knowing. I'm going to have to get on the stick, and get some of these completed.

Anyone else keep track of the stash this way?

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I have a little over 100 kits on the shelves and about 20 works in progress, some of those having been started in the previous millennium. If I didn't have build notes for each of them I would be lost.

That's a great point. I have projects that have been stalled for a long time. When I pick them up, I sometimes forget where I am on them and more importantly, the assembly sequence for the more complicated projects. I usually have most of the parts together, but notes are a really good idea.

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Lists are only good as long as they're religiously updated. I started an Excel sheet a few years back, to catalog all of my books (I have a lot of books). Owing to a hardware SNAFU (no back up copies), the drive was inaccessible for many months, during which time I sold off many books, and also bought a lot of new ones. Throw in the confusion that followed a recent move, with books piled up all over the place, and I now have no idea where the list stands, as far as accuracy is concerned.

I generally have a good idea of what I have, kits wise, but now and again a surprise pops up, so organizing them better is a long term goal of mine.

As to works in progress, like a little kid, I'm easily distracted, so ten or twenty projects running concurrently is pretty standard for me, I'm sorry to say.

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Lists are only good as long as they're religiously updated.

I tried to create a list database a few years ago. I saw it as an opportunity to learn Microsoft Access at the same time. I did get maybe a quarter of my hoard into the database. Then I got distracted with moving and such, and never went back to finish it, and now it's hopelessly out of date.

One of the reasons I was doing this was that in my old house, stuff was all over the place, my model room was over flowing, I had stuff in the attic, in a loft in the garage, in the downstairs den and even in the crawl space under the house. So it was difficult to access to hunt for something.

Today, I have a mess of it up in the model room and most of it in a finished basement room. I have planned on buying enough rolling shelf units to put everything on shelves, sorted by car make, year and categories. Someday ha!

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I maintain an inventory of my stash in MS Word. When I open a box to start a kit, it stays on the bench until it's finished. I have NEVER started a kit and not finished it. Don't plan to ever do that either.

Having a list is very handy when attending events that have kits for sale. I can easily check my list and not get duplicates. I keep a copy in my truck too. Never know when a kit opportunity will come along.

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I too tried and organize my stash in a Excel sheet once but that was prior to me moving out of my parents house in 2007. Since then I have sold and bought a huge amount of kits. I counted my kits some months ago and ended up at 518, in the last month I have sold about 25 kitsand back in 2011 I sold of nearly 200 kits and I have sold kits at many other times aswell as buying kits all the time. I have my complete collection on shelfs here in my hobbyroom so I can see it all. I did however earlier in the week start a list of plannes projects and WIPs and I found out that I have 10 WIPs and so far 23 planned projects (including 3 complete scratchbuilds). On top of this is all the ideas I have with the kits I got.

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I do have an excel spreadsheet tracking my stash and I've so far been able to keep it updated (approx 150 or so kits). I've been rotating the inventory buying and selling on Bay as my interests have changed over the years, going from strictly NASCAR to now into classics from the 30s and 40s. So far I'm "only" $150 in the hole buying and selling :rolleyes: The NASCAR stuff doesn't sell well.

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I just created a spreadsheet for my kits (as few as they are, only 20 at this point...more on the way, probably), so I can sort them by year/make/model, etc.

Not really sure what all that actually gives me, other than a list of what I have, but it was fun at the time, I guess... :huh:

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my job pretty much consists of making, checking, and rechecking "lists". that's why i get paid to do it. it's "work", and doesn't mix with my hobby time. i have a closet full of kits, many finished, some wips, some bought just for parts. no idea how many; i don't care.

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When I retired some 17 months ago, I made a list of my started/not completed projects, some dating back to the late 1960's. The total was....ta-dah.....65 projects!

Since retiring I've built a number of models, but virtually all of them are new projects, some involving not-yet-released kits. So I haven't made any progress on the existing projects list. Still, I'm havin' fun...so....onward!

I would also like to restore my "Dominator" funny car from the 1968 Dodge Fever MPC Car Model contest (fourth nationwide).

So don't feel bad...just have fun! TIM

Edited by tim boyd
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I have an inventory of my kits that I keep religiously updated, mostly should I ever need it for insurance purposes. I haven't actually tried to tally up how many "active" projects I have on the go, but I'm fearful it would be more then some stashes! :o

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When I retired some 17 months ago, I made a list of my started/not completed projects, some dating back to the late 1960's. The total was....ta-dah.....65 projects!

Tim, every year I do my Model Car Christmas Amnesty program. Just like the president gives Thanksgiving Amnesty to a turkey, I do the same to some long unfinished model car. I pull one down from my unfinished project shelf, and actually finish it. I've been successful most years in completing that project.

If you joined me you could finish up those projects in, say 65 years! :lol:

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I did the list mostly as just add a way of keeping track of ideas. And knowing what else I have helps that because I always know what I have handy.

Me too, (as regards the "ideas" list anyway). It'd odd that from time to time, a cool idea (or at least one that I think is cool), will pop into my head, and it can be years before the idea resurfaces. To that end, I want to begin a small vignette/diorama this summer, that I've been contemplating for years now, perhaps taking it on the road early next year.

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When I got my computer back in the last century,I was going to put my kit inventory on it.When I realized that I'd have to inventory the stash(with far fewer kits than I have now) on paper and I'd have that paper copy,I didn't bother with a computerized list.

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My spreadsheet is a note book no updates for computers needed just a new pen or pencil. I just have stuff sorted by manufacture of the 1:1 for storage but the work in progress stays on the shelf in the model room. I mostly did this for trades on here and shopping at shows. Each box has a code ( F-1, BPO-1, C-1 ) with the last number changing with each box. I have the contents of each box wrote down then I know what box to look through for the kit.

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