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    Bob Taber

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MCM Ohana

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  1. Francis thanks for the update. You definitely have a full plate. Take care of your dad. You know we will all be here when you get back to the bench
  2. I wonder what they are doing to get the redirect. What else did they add to that computer?
  3. Hopefully you caught the last of the computer glitches that were out running around. They're known for committing all sorts of havoc.
  4. Besides the stupidity of the idiots doing the fraud the banks also are contributing to the problem. In this age of computers this never should have happened.
  5. What amazes me is one these idiots didn't think that they were going to have to pay back this money and two is that they did videos of committing a crime and then posting on social media.
  6. The old joke comes to mind I can't be out of money I still have checks left.
  7. Plus whatever they overdrew their account for..
  8. Proof that stupidity has no bounds. On tiktok some bright bulb discovered if you write a check to yourself and you have less than that in your account you can withdraw from that deposit. In their grand stupidity they thought they were getting free money. lol
  9. Back to the drawing board is what Boeing is going to have to do with Starliner.
  10. And the saga continues. Today is the day for Starliner to unlock. Will it crash into the ISS, burn up, or actually make it back to earth.
  11. Even with testing mixing paint brands always has the potential for issues. Companies produce paint systems. Mixing brands means that you have no niceties like recommended recoat times. You used three different brands of paint on your project which is always a recipe for disaster.
  12. Cool. Glad to see you back on this great project.
  13. Yup this is spot on. And between the lower volumes in kit sales and the limited appeal of certain subjects it limits what can be produced. In most cases any new kit has to have several versions to make the numbers work. Al5hough that limits new styrene kits 3d printing does allow a larger number of options for subject matter.
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