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About simonr

  • Birthday 10/24/1965

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  • Scale I Build
    1/24 1/43

Profile Information

  • Full Name
    Simòn P. Rivera Torres

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MCM Ohana

MCM Ohana (6/6)

  1. Ok, does he still has the same email addres he had for years?
  2. Hello, after sent Robert a couple of emauls with out any responce from him, is he still in business?
  3. Todas we are exactly a year ahead to the final GSL, are you planning to be there?...I do!
  4. I'm almost sure this Hobby Design tires will be the ones that will fit...
  5. Oh OK, thanks for the fast reply. Could you think it could be Fujimi 19222?
  6. Hello AFX, could you tell us the Fujimi product number of those tires, because I googled them and there's a set that come with the wheels too and I don't know is that the one you mentioned. Thanks!
  7. Thanks for your comment. Check out the video I Just uploaded at the end of those pictures...
  8. When I was airbrushing the clear, I forgot to throw light coats of clear firt, as always, and you guys can se the result in the firts picture, a total mess. After I polished the whole model, I reworkes the roof of the model working with a new carbon paper decal and airbrushed clear again, but Just in this section this time. At the end I think everything turned out ver well.. Movie003.mp4
  9. An extra...Renaissance catalog: http://www.renaissance-models.com/nouveautes_fichiers/24e_accessoires_Photos.pdf
  10. Hello, awesome and unusual topic selected. I think that after all that great work you have done with this models, it deserves a better and correct set of wheels. Th first pick should be the Campagnolos that are pictured on the kit's box. The sencod one, and classic on Ferraris of this period are the Borranis. As you can see, I'm including here pictures of the real ones and links where you can get the in 1/24. https://www.mkakter.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=123711 www.geminimodelcars.com/listing/1140333867/borrani-turned-and-photoetched-wire If you go to www.renaissance-models.com, you can get both styles of wheels and the correct wood kit for the steering wheel. Good luck!
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