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Everything posted by Petetrucker07

  1. That happened to the entire 1st run shipment. There shouldn't be any problem getting the parts.
  2. Tim, I haven't commented in awhile, because I just can't say anything besides what's already been said. I'm speachless with craftsmanship that you've put into this. It is truly amazing what your doing in 1/25. I can't even begin to imagine if built 16th with the same level of detail. I think it would actually start, sit there and idle. My hat is off to you man, awesome stuff.
  3. Here's the 3rd Gymkhana video. He's in France. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4TshFWSsrn8
  4. I really enjoy watching Ken and BJ Baldwin's videos. I still think the Mustang on the streets and freeways of L.A. is the best of his so far. The guy has some serious driving skills.
  5. RTC Cleaning or Coopers Products on Facebook. I'll get you their number tomorrow.
  6. Much less work. The shine is better. With the Coopers Maintain, you rub it on with a Terry cloth, back and forth motion only, no swirl, let it blacken a little, let it dry, I mean dry. Go eat lunch, make some phone calls, then come back. Sprinkle some regular ol' cornstarch on a Terry cloth, wipe it off. If it's completely dry, it wipes off with little to no effort, almost like dust. You'll know if it's not dry, it'll continue to turn black and keeps polishing. This entire unit, everything aluminum and the body of the trailer was done with the Coopers Maintain. You can even see where I started repolishing the side of the trailer. It takes the swirls out from the high speed polisher.
  7. Here's the frame. I think this is the smoothest seam on a frame splice I've ever done. I'm very pleased with the results. Now, the cab is another story. The paint reacted with base coat for some reason, used the same on the frame. It ran immediately. So in the purple pond it went quickly. Hopefully it'll be ready for next weekend.
  8. MOTHERS!!!! Sorry man. I am NOT a fan of auto parts stores aluminum polishes. I use a stuff that is made locally, Coopers. I know the owners, Robert and Teresa, personally. I've used his stuff for 20 years. What you've done so far looks great. It kinda gets me wanting to pull out my 389 project and do something on it.
  9. That looks killer. I love the old and new touches to it. Well done man, can't wait to this done.
  10. Thanks for the support Gator. Here's what I decided for the motor. I painted it to match the body. The colors are Duplicolor Cherry Red, Testors Gunmetal, then cleared with Tamiya Pearl Clear. The pics make the gunmetal looks black and the pearl like it's not there. But in person it looks exactly how I wanted. I'm runnin out of daylight. I'm hoping to get the frame painted before I put things away for the day. I got the cab finish sanded and ready to start with the paint work. I'll post more pics once the frame is painted.
  11. Thanks Rich. A buddy of mine has the thing going on, for same reason. He spoke to a professional that gave him good news, so I'm hopeful my financial stuff is gonna be fine, just gettin to that point is the rough part now, the unknown. The family stuff is better now, but still not all that great. It'll be a rough road the next few weeks or so. I'm glad I have this hobby for the distraction.
  12. Thanks Gino. This is the wheelbase I'm going for. It's right at 200 inches. The stance will be slightly different, a little lower in the front and a hair higher in the back (maybe). I'm hopin to get the first color on today, Testors Graphite Dust on both the frame and body. I'm probably gonna work on the Vortox style air cleaners today too.
  13. Your grandson is in good hands. We're pulling for his speedy recovery, here out west. It's kind of amazing how tough little guys like him can be.
  14. Hey JT, what time did you update this. The date says Jan 31st. If it was technically Feb when you did it, then your still good. Hopefully you get this tonight.
  15. I managed to get the first round of sanding done. The putty is sanded, the cab has been massaged and the fenders have been altered. I removed the fender steps, 359 fender marker light, removed the side hood emblems and massaged the edges of the fenders to make it a "Po'Boy". I think the mods to the cab and hood area of the intake came out pretty good. Next I'll do a little more sanding and another coat of primer.
  16. Thanks Dennis. The little bit that I've done so far has been a nice distraction. Mark, thanks for the encouragement. Since I have the day off tomorrow, and I'm broke right now, I'm gonna get a little more done. Thank you Michael.i know I'll get through these rough times, it's just a matter of dealing with them for now.
  17. I really haven't been in the mood. Haven't really thought about doing anything, or had those " I want to build that" moments. I've had a few kinda big family and financial issues hit me lately. But, this isn't the place to go into any of it. Now that I dug and found the thread, I pulled this out hoping the distraction would help with everything else thats a hurricane thats in my mind. I started doing some putty work. I'm gonna start on the frame, shortening and making it a single drive axle. I'm not sure if I'll cut the 5th wheel plate off or cut the 5th wheel blocks off and make new ones. I'm leaning toward making new blocks. I'm also undecided if I want to paint the motor CAT yellow or go with red to match the body. I'm also tossing around the idea of updating the motor to have an air to air cooler. I'll post some once I have something better than a pic of putty.
  18. That belt looks great on there. Once you get it paint, it'll look spot on. I'm really lookin forward to seeing some color on the body, even if it's only flat bkack. That grey is sure gettin boring, LOL.
  19. I was just reading the story about the Californian. It's a big controversy. The crew said they could see the lights of the Titanic, sent ice warnings to her as well. It's said that they sent one last message about shutting down for the night, 10 minutes before the Titanic struck the berge. The captain of the Californian was interviewed after, with conflicting and different recounts of what happened. The crew said they saw several flares from the Titanic location, alerted the captain and did nothing. The official log from the Californian that night doesn't state anything about the flares. The scrap log mysteriously disappeared somehow from the wreckage field to Boston where it was headed.
  20. The Carpathia was still to far away, I believe 4 hours or so. I can't remember if the distress call went out immediately or shortly after the hit. But even if they were closer, they MIGHT have been able to save more people. But, Titanic was doomed even if the nearest ship was a few minutes away.
  21. You mixer drivers are tough S.O.B.s. I wouldn't know how to react to a truck with float steers, that tough walking beam and the booster axle. That's a cool gift right there. That's a good daughter you got there.
  22. That is cool old piece of iron. Looks like it needs A LOT of parts before a resto can even begin. I'd be up for it though. Too bad it's about 3000 miles away from me.
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